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File: 7949f332df922fe⋯.jpg (15.22 KB, 173x255, 173:255, 66a463847f00df5f3b18589c0f….jpg)

b01b51  No.202322

Hello there

need help

i did try the Arsenal from /SIG/ but i sadly lack some knowledge

+ it got taken down it seems…


so where to get the knowledge for "ethical hacking" without paying hundreds of shekels?

so i need every basic knowledge needed for hacking like how to deal with linux terminal because i'm a windows fag

german language preferred

because i'm currently reading Mein Kampf, some heart warming words:

Ist nicht jede geniale Tat auf dieser Welt der sichtbare Protest des Genies gegen die Trägheit der Masse? - Adolf Hitler

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9a7e37  No.202341

File: f5230d52d8d29d2⋯.jpg (211.57 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, my_spirit_will_rise.jpg)


If you're just starting your journey into the Unix/Linux world, I have to recommend a short book titled "The Unix Philosophy" by Mike Gancarz. It's important, because it will put you in the right mindset to get the most out of a Unix system. It's really short and easy to read, too. I think it's possible to finish reading it in a day if you're a native English speaker.

The main themes are as follows:

1. Small is beautiful.

2. Make each program do one thing well.

3. Build a prototype as soon as possible.

4. Choose portability over efficiency.

5. Store data in flat text files.

6. Use software leverage to your advantage.

7. Use shell scripts to increase leverage and portability.

8. Avoid captive user interfaces.

9. Make every program a filter.


PS: A small gift for you. >>201212

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d02e28  No.202344


Step One: Stop worshiping mincing little faggots who kill themselves when things don't go their way and can't win a war with the greatest military force the planet hadn't seen since the Roman Legions.

Step Two: Do step one and everything will fall into place.

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f217fd  No.202348


Reported for spam.

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98815b  No.202375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b01b51  No.202458

File: 3b1b3ddc4cd4bac⋯.jpg (121.62 KB, 1200x667, 1200:667, prosperity.jpg)



extremely useful sources thanks!

will probably take a while to learn that

saved like 20-30 links

i will revive this thread if i need more stuff later

but if people think they have useful stuff for me just drop it!

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9d0d77  No.202468

>so i need every basic knowledge needed for hacking like how to deal with linux terminal because i'm a windows fag

Start with The Linux Command Line: https://sourceforge.net/projects/linuxcommand/files/TLCL/19.01/TLCL-19.01.pdf/download

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