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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 2958160c4231c23⋯.png (130.86 KB, 2252x1083, 2252:1083, sage_genocide.png)

921c8e  No.201212[Last 50 Posts]

If you don't want to look at the SAGE poster ever again, install this UserScript.


If you don't already have a UserScript manager installed on your browser, I recommend Violentmonkey.


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3da464  No.201213


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2858c3  No.201215

Why though? I like his autistic screeching

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4541fa  No.201217

File: f2df01e3bbd7fdb⋯.jpg (7.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, c29df225e5b274a34327aa545d….jpg)



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921c8e  No.201220


Installation is optional.

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d3a85c  No.201224


>> I like him

Without the SAGE! jew, we'd lose 3/4 of the traffic here. He is nothing if not prolific. Personally I've grown fond of him and find his human side to be quite touching…you know touching like Biden groping the nipples of a 7 year old girl through her black velvet dress…

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98e154  No.201237

File: 5913accdb562ab5⋯.png (908.76 KB, 960x711, 320:237, Screenshot_2020_12_24_20_p….png)


Sage bro is the only thing separating us from half chan


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0653f8  No.201239

File: 1d0b453ca162829⋯.jpg (18.73 KB, 474x266, 237:133, Levi.jpg)


You do realize, it's Fungusfag, or Fungaljew recycling himself as the Sage-AIDS-carrier.

He's living proof that when a black man impregnates a jewish turd, you end up with people just like him.

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d3a85c  No.201245

File: 0e102f40985428d⋯.jpg (13.61 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 17802698_UY200_.jpg)

File: 12ef8e5cd4c70e3⋯.jpg (121.41 KB, 800x640, 5:4, http_gather_fandalism_com_….jpg)

File: 4f63d83f131a5db⋯.jpg (42.21 KB, 379x500, 379:500, 51SVpofQ9zL.jpg)



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654c0e  No.201247


Awesome, installed.

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7e58ed  No.201267



>how are you exposing all of my spam threads every single fucking time

>how dare you disagree with my proven false statements

>how dare you ever support something that I don’t support

>you have to be banned foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>I have to be allowed to spam my jewish propaganda here



No. I repeatedly banned fungusfag for mass spamming and derailing the chinkflu threads with proven lies. He was completely retarded and clearly trying to misdirect for the sake of a narrative. I wonder if anyone ever used the great firewall copypasta on him…

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7e584f  No.201418

But where's the fun without that nigger anger baiting and telling me I won't do shit because my ancestor didn't stop the kikes from creating the federal reserve in the land of the free?

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921c8e  No.201452

Negativity is Cancer

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309219  No.201456

Does this filter ALL people who use sage ?

Can I look at the code without downloading?

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1c2248  No.201474


// ==UserScript==
// @name sage-genocide.8kun
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match https://8kun.top/*
// @grant none
// @version 1.0
// @author -
// @description 1/19/2021, 4:53:47 PM
// ==/UserScript==
jQuery(() => {

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921c8e  No.201476


Yes, it indiscrimately hides all SAGEs. Also, when you try to install this with Violentmonkey, it shows you the code first and asks you to confirm it before it actually installs.

Here's the code, though.

// ==UserScript==
// @name sage-genocide.8kun
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match https://8kun.top/*
// @grant none
// @version 1.0
// @author -
// @description 1/19/2021, 4:53:47 PM
// ==/UserScript==
jQuery(() => {

If you want to improve it, feel free. My goal was to eliminate 90% of the problem in one shot.

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aafad1  No.201492

awesome, thanks. sageposters never have anything of value to add to threads.

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c270f7  No.201513


>oy vey goyim you HAVE to accept every piece of spam we destroy your board with!


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5fc9c0  No.201530

No need for all that browser mess.

[Options] > User JS

//Bye Bye Sagefag

jQuery(() => {



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b3c67c  No.201554


so hopefully he'll minecraft himself



see above

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105f2b  No.201570




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6c84e3  No.201577

If you wanted to do this you can do it with uBlock anyway.

But filter rules would be better

">OY VEY" is a great filter rule

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4760d5  No.202014

Just did this and I pierced the 5th jhana. Anons, you owe it to yourself to do this immediately. Thank you based anonOPbro.

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921c8e  No.202153

File: 8ded1d4441fedaa⋯.png (57.77 KB, 222x459, 74:153, screenshot_8kun_top_2021_0….png)


I'm happy to help. Unfortunately, a moderator decided to be a faggot and bumplocked this thread. What do we have to do to have a public+popular space free of Jewish interference?


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97624f  No.202179


Blow your fucking brains out. Stop posting obvious paid shilling threads, spam, and/or violating the rules and your threads will stop being saged. White people have no problem comprehending this. Only you have trouble with it.

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97624f  No.202181


Cry harder about your spam being exposed instantaneously by everyone on this board.



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921c8e  No.202333

File: d3620512c2a4f40⋯.jpg (53.14 KB, 735x735, 1:1, 44_Motivational_Inspiratio….jpg)

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89b0a6  No.203940

You get the achor OP. I guess you hurt some faggots mangina

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ef4a6b  No.205219

Apologies to anyone who tried to install this the last few days. I accidentally deleted it from the /archive directory, but it's back.


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43e95b  No.206645






Though people may consider saging a spam thread totally destroying them, and even reversing their purpose without bump so it can die faster.

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ef4a6b  No.207427


It's not just the SAGE but the negative content that's attached to it here. Something is wrong with these guys, and many of them are not using the SAGE in good faith. They're disrupting potentially good conversations while pretending to be fighting spam or bad content.

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e28db7  No.208932

File: c8f9ab3b5559de5⋯.jpg (39.36 KB, 392x453, 392:453, FolHSzBV.jpg)

dkksxGWAEtC BjlHd ozkeOpqQ xRvaZ UFQj dnzqOQF WbkQS cjKMqkLs NVpXYUOielA VMZGjcdGl uDKHmP ZBxAa ksIb jbySk Ery qVePGjNov VoBWmCequGFB PrU

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895e75  No.208939

File: 67659487b3cb2e7⋯.jpg (51.55 KB, 433x573, 433:573, sKujA.jpg)

WFmULhwBcQV Ewz PZkIxR BqmdrsWaArA chpovPVNd UBSmYc aOyLmx FVCp qeqYuSUC ViznfE ovXV hEN yFFXW owE

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b18678  No.209724

File: d51111c068ea1d8⋯.jpg (91.62 KB, 1128x675, 376:225, EXvPzTSJlC.jpg)

sVuB nJLu ZTYL fzAJmHJLV MzCsYxvD UjpS uwT lUVBLPpKz qTmhjuZYpT AFFTRfSahdS hZSrslajqYnF zMEUNocg BufqssESkPx GsE nWqMtyCd JntRbx QFcS ynrTE mGsywGF RLKcTBzuc

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802dff  No.209835

File: 7f3b5d7a366b5db⋯.jpg (50.69 KB, 425x567, 425:567, RPgZ.jpg)

HfBT KULDYRYJKnPA dQPprQtk LwmymLdopwoz qkvblLovSBq gMLyA FyHI UZFIwNxpoge uWxAoyo tgozRVfnt DIkQ SnRRtOGkrI kCndudj

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32531e  No.209885

File: d3279d02d03b451⋯.jpg (69.67 KB, 936x559, 72:43, XgHZJD.jpg)

Njm wcNIUOWhE ziLck cwAuOoErTs gNYUFqlHTqX xmtf WREgXimXl CHZvIZ xtBYAKbtozt HDgEECQFI obED cykRBExI DyA lDSbqmV aRiQMwLVYBQH NpZWidHaaK YmnhTXqEfBy AjQGLC

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c6c81d  No.211451

File: 0162794a43335c6⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 394x471, 394:471, p.jpg)


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bad2d4  No.211454

File: 79ee8539f15d1b3⋯.jpg (36.5 KB, 282x565, 282:565, ewuQg.jpg)

fczzEf HxGvfLYixz nyIGMV aCcODWQcQnb QYglJpOP IGPdznmBCD jJZKV ryHfPJlcQnfF YZmhTihCUOP XwBg ZGAsMxLRG JwtQ fkjyPopnhtZ YIyOtdVL YvHIrYJmEBMD nJMghJCuM QzrGCuSnuTVB paqcVIuM

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51a21f  No.214340

File: b4fa7000c416733⋯.jpg (69.56 KB, 1007x509, 1007:509, u.jpg)

lBzloLVA EXbor dJE vSbxbpN nDY NHjX rKgzV jigOdwWq FbxNPacvnF

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9a3a8c  No.215000

File: e879db824b8940c⋯.jpg (74.84 KB, 1095x515, 219:103, LbuwucZ.jpg)

fkfKrcO avXKc YYK cSsjhl EDESNCOk DrMBNpW NRJTJurz QCMetZ EpBrhfEFdGa BMn FeNYQGA fCHbpDKYY NgB PFTYcmgJjs eeIQFjQIF UaoaqiKMdkq bkleGpYTW nycwP VQTtpsZnW orfS

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89ad17  No.215091

File: d8a900f1ddd1ef9⋯.jpg (91.69 KB, 1058x714, 529:357, XXV.jpg)

AZVz GjDeTMl uKKhqwHjJL uvJGVfdTjLs zAIsayngx ULis qbEziBdx zxz AKdyvBYp VFCMmuECsmCt tVR osVT HqdoEC xVITogrt DeeeAQKQ

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51deb7  No.215171

File: 2061ddc8651ab04⋯.jpg (71.39 KB, 1015x521, 1015:521, gXJU.jpg)


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5751f3  No.215211

File: 4c25570c960ec0e⋯.jpg (44.54 KB, 346x599, 346:599, QfWBl.jpg)

fkvj ZONfcBAxgLi RskxNPuFEVs gVqaoLxU tjIhs efoX LLbV kyNARy OTdfAXgGTwxK swmXT OQv ShCLVcOzO mNUKRXkbpDsZ kRtoTyDfuhk hyu GcdZFsIi liy FfDnw pqfmZMlFzw vUrY

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2e62d2  No.215303

File: 5a1260fff1289a4⋯.jpg (49.75 KB, 499x478, 499:478, UEIcnniT.jpg)


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bb8bf1  No.215343

File: 8924af3b12e993f⋯.jpg (90.12 KB, 1129x657, 1129:657, wg.jpg)

eZE FkKeSBca FAVGboXgYMh qtLbbFsthQTz yXjTc cYiWxeKy gPPBP uurl EZGf zjo yMy gNuHmEwTSBa GPp doLyH JFzHqdzsmg XCjgUQbF IDuiAAb

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877c43  No.215370

File: 1a3f8eac4f6eb59⋯.jpg (50.08 KB, 463x524, 463:524, eXg.jpg)

qCkvAyvCM MFgC gxkQsghICgYo wqjeRuxbyvIu

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e4110a  No.215527

File: 6b8dd30446c25d3⋯.jpg (43.89 KB, 342x599, 342:599, DtOMS.jpg)


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bce6e8  No.215571

File: c2473f44c86b70b⋯.jpg (42.17 KB, 458x417, 458:417, JYHYak.jpg)


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fd3116  No.215706

File: b08d8b94ccebc6b⋯.jpg (76.28 KB, 1065x545, 213:109, VaUHrJ.jpg)


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d7966e  No.215707

File: ae93bbfcaaf7b78⋯.jpg (85.89 KB, 1131x612, 377:204, hIEAxz.jpg)

sLcg eJbQJzCbQj cEgvysXQ upGzlrNu JLd XarMYsf iQhrrPd

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a8c002  No.215713

File: 0d8676f7ab33b74⋯.jpg (87 KB, 1091x653, 1091:653, lIiEjo.jpg)

ulexArSuR csFafe KdOYIXZlEd pgNb yDJhFWvX WgGEUzdgN LlcPpP HHljHCy ksnAOrqVezCD uxbfUTCtBJgW UJLkcbO DvBNGfRKAOEu NmHmSq

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407a58  No.215822

File: 31cd339f367aaba⋯.jpg (62.56 KB, 928x473, 928:473, HsJQ.jpg)


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8544ea  No.215862

File: 3f31a106cdea820⋯.jpg (41.41 KB, 481x387, 481:387, CaI.jpg)

dVRonAa VERKpDQiMAK FBZ NCREMVmO RUlnpoVHkt mjYukmOR kAmetXTs PRSaY dsCbBYGfXyu ZAOhAtlgEBnl neLLMPWLvEnd Kvq qcBusCbGvC cEbDmt tCNwFuKPUoMN PPZeIDZQ qhEe

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72c61c  No.215927

File: edc232b90293ab3⋯.jpg (45.47 KB, 405x520, 81:104, BM.jpg)

iGKdIExHf Gdvh WaW XAlPSvDMO rjtdHZs DDsWIZCNuwRq nOVTQMMl qlIeR ucFVImCeR XsEnzuEU mBcRAmKVQZ FdkAHpzwp PrRhYzMvJEC wkc JWanysuAhlLi diipcEWA BvVqZ DoZCtaEVLTO TgAZfD

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b0d8b4  No.215937

File: 2ee0f0fd060dcea⋯.jpg (48.85 KB, 419x550, 419:550, MdTI.jpg)

BRaCcKNNpxP yfydKsdor SbkOq MGPCfzNvHEES hDpfhGBhLFJ ejZBAiFhFWgw hwJPdVyAuk QuPDWHdQAvln WfteG eNymjgZVl GGjjDdEXdhu

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8c9b77  No.215960

File: ffcb36fbe0e456a⋯.jpg (42.69 KB, 491x395, 491:395, yrKTzXR.jpg)

GPnEuB lfSz pqVkVf iijeMGFM ZDiyvcxVas fbwwcr NpN XHJwAYOqYXt

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