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4bcc40  No.202044

Covid 19 is a zionist hoax to depopulate the world


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5ac444  No.202056


I don't disagree with the premise, but around 2:20 he is talking about the "financial crisis" that the fake pandemic has brought about. In reality, it is hardly affecting anyone outside of direct zionist-controlled entities. Asia is humming along like nothing happened.

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4bcc40  No.202059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Western Civilization is headed for an immense catastrophe that will supercede the Great Depression when 7 million died of starvation in the USA. Go watch Huston's Grapes of Wrath. I'm hearing varying numbers of people that are on the precipice of being evicted from their rental homes or having their mortgages foreclosed upon. 14 to 17 million homeless people will suddenly appear.

It's rather odd but starting last week You Tube is throwing at my channel a fuck ton of videos on how cool and groovy it is for people to live out of their vans. I was already getting them when Memeology came out with a vid on a 19 year old single mulatto mom in cute little color matching coverall outfits, completely rebuilding her Chevy van and turning it into a cozy teenager bedroom to live in; the late teen single mother bitch coon was suddenly a gifted handyman, weilding Makita power tools to renovate her old van!


She's a single mom! Living in a van!

And mysteriously she suddenly out of the blue got over a million subscribers with only two videos up on her channel!

There's others though, lots and lots of these videos.

They're preparing us for something very very bad. If people don't revolt over the stolen election, wait till there's 14 million homeless people all over the landscape a la dirty thirties.

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5ac444  No.202069


>If people don't revolt over the stolen election

Trump had plenty of opportunities to just pay people through the fake pandemic. Denmark had no issues doing it. Trump administration refused every time.

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2df11e  No.202077


Okay. And? What’s anyone going to do about it?


> outside of direct zionist-controlled entities. Asia is humming along like nothing happened.

lol, implying that Asia isn’t owned by jews, too.

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5ac444  No.202086


>lol, implying that Asia isn’t owned by jews, too.

Yeah, it's not.

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e1d623  No.202090


this van life astroturfing "scandal" is like 2 years old rofl. It is 2021 faggot not 2018

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13a519  No.202091

File: ca0e8b69ccfeaf1⋯.jpg (19.47 KB, 348x272, 87:68, 1591965573765.jpg)


ID: Big Chinese Covid Cock, doubling the quads into the post ID, checked.

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2df11e  No.202092


It is. Go away, jew shill.

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e1d623  No.202094


the world bankers run everything via London and the Vatican. If you are part of international trade agreements then the banks own you and unless you are retarded you should know who is running the banks

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7462ff  No.202098


Good. One side is Zionist and the other Bolshevik, while both sides are exactly the same. And the NatSocs have no real plan to move forward or if they do it's the same as the Zionist/Bolshevik scheme. I fucking despise 99% of you people.

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1901bf  No.202099


>depopulate the world

And this is bad ….. why?

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2df11e  No.202102


Because they’re only depopulating whites.

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0f07b0  No.202125

Its a always a colonel, Lt colonel or a lieutenant. It's like those are the only officer ranks in the army.

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4bcc40  No.202137

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>>It's always a colonel…

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b0ba50  No.202299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Setting up the dialectic; it's either this or you live in their Great Reset/UN Agenda 21 high-tech 'smart cities'

Notice how they've used this virus to justify everything from drones and robots, to 'cashless society' and mask-resistant facial recognition tech?

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8625c1  No.203048

File: 7d3bc07c537a169⋯.jpeg (257.85 KB, 1200x1047, 400:349, 7ED69B87_D356_4185_9197_5….jpeg)



You already know.

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d4f3e9  No.207470

File: f313ef6ab686d98⋯.jpg (262.3 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, 17451713518b6e623b8f126034….jpg)

File: 8d7c1ebf4445ba9⋯.jpg (811.34 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, 17451713518b6e623b8f126034….jpg)

File: 6a2798cdc86d4c0⋯.jpg (544.67 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, 17451713518b6e623b8f126034….jpg)

There is a Top Secret Document titled «Преодоление партизанских конфликтов в США и построение безопасного марксистского мира путем осуществления контроля над СМИ, экономикой, правительством и армией Соединенных Штатов, посредством чего мы получаем DT для POTUS, сеем недовольство, создаем разделение и недоверие, создаем усиленный раскол в СМИ, который в конечном итоге приведет к социалистическому развитию. Марксистское государство, использующее контроль средств массовой информации, дезинформацию, психологическую помощь и вооружение больших технологий для контроля над населением США с целью содействия массовому глобальному марксистскому контролю над разумом, подрывает демократию для создания нового марксистского единого мирового государства ».

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f3274f  No.208628

File: 5fb4de6d9a11f49⋯.jpg (77.9 KB, 1067x562, 1067:562, ASKWikY.jpg)

XlhSxzEYoLdq CBwElCP EyJNcl hgwGgsHR MTMs rDVyFQdPL

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a7db51  No.208631

File: 58a1cc1bd833d90⋯.jpg (43.62 KB, 376x534, 188:267, QGUsYF.jpg)

SuDdykQpZeyN WUKoDXGNSnq xuByuax pzrNRXeOlyz

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196aa0  No.208637

File: 31e39804608fefb⋯.jpg (51.32 KB, 432x580, 108:145, KA.jpg)

fLQpLw sgm APgWv AtMpnmRBMWp ENO qWuppPuvZ vuc SyT ReHYS feWAj uhMHZl JeaNwS WYomkYTaB qDxEfCm kUnM fKHnYbchr

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5855d5  No.209754

File: 70d833ca9637f6e⋯.jpg (70.38 KB, 943x558, 943:558, QwxyNEh.jpg)

vRJJdNlasG lsEjGBOau OHP rSVmTSvMsu ZRNIHxEjk NOnT pYSfw RNtBH bPLbxcBf

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9cbf2e  No.209769

File: 290dabeb293b276⋯.jpg (51.02 KB, 464x533, 464:533, vaJDFgE.jpg)

zBVnrXAvxr kZH eKXMGEhWOu WKxxuDyKKtXS ZVJcMZzpp YHR qfWyEq qKzeUt FdbVnSOei HWcDCwc MghUMfx ZLkOMup

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c2e710  No.209899

File: 0179615071b2257⋯.jpg (77.95 KB, 1093x548, 1093:548, h.jpg)

NxXMphuXX egdpqWxGZz NnMwQ nvOsAS

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f6ebd9  No.210267

File: c4b2033f7305a8b⋯.jpg (68.24 KB, 908x554, 454:277, ivnz.jpg)

tNDcNraoF zdp VXbXjvACAbBp AyTqorYSck iZUdrivBE szhOBIYYrT jYoHCKwjOIGY JaTVS WdfgfmYF McIeYMItfG oGpPpuGImco

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bfcd81  No.211285

File: 76f39f1dd9d90a1⋯.jpg (41.28 KB, 322x577, 322:577, GxiEy.jpg)

JrSuhDIuSV AZbveH qYXuoeCrF fJDw ySZncYwWm XRYBWnaHWQSs KLaAku

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