efc4b6 No.200734[Last 50 Posts]
I got a question…
If Jews owned and brought the slaves why are the confederates >ourguys even though they wanted to keep the slaves and owned them?
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c6c241 No.200736
>why are the confederates >ourguys
Who said they are?
Importing a bunch of brown people for economic gain was a fucking stupid idea.
Are tech companies based for importing a bunch of Indian programmers? What's the difference?
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769245 No.200742
When the jews saturate a market with 'nothing cost labor' it forces ALL American farmers into the poverty gutter.
Ie: if this bag of potatoes cost $2 normally. With slave labor, 20cents.
So, if you didn't have slaves, you'd lose your only source of income due to market pressure to keep costs low.
Slaves effectively wipe out an economy's ecosystem in favor of the owners.
No one 'truly' wants slaves except for the jews which they call goyim.
It's an identical process to the democrats, flood America in low tier invaders/immigrants. Prices for labor drop to near nothing. nobody can afford houses, cars, 'property' except for the elites. For the normies, only "debt indentured" slavery, and then who owns the banks and the FED. jews win through parasitism, slavery, extortion and nepotism.
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efc4b6 No.200743
because they were strongly against globalisation and that every state should have its own government
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ca00da No.200746
They're not.
(((Judah P Benjamin.))) was "The brains of the Confederacy" - in charge of the irregular services (Lincoln assassins Booth and Powell were members) he was also the 2IC of the country and extremely close to Jefferson Davis. Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote a paper in a law journal some years ago praising him.
After the fall of the Confederacy he ended up with a substantial portion of the Confederacy's gold reserves and lived comfortably in England.
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ca00da No.200750
That flag was originally a St George Cross but the jews made them change it to a St Andrews one, kek.
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c6c241 No.200758
>because they were strongly against globalisation
What the fuck are you talking about?
I don't think you know the first thing about globalisation, or about 18th century economics.
>nothing cost labor
Slaves cost a lot to run and maintain, especially compared to modern machinery.
>market pressure to keep costs low
Most slave produced goods were for export, keeping costs low was entirely to maximise profits.
Jamaica is probably the purest example. There was absolutely no domestic economy. It was literally just a giant sugar field.
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cd027f No.200760
Confederacy; cheap low education low paid (slave) labor to produce low value low investment resources and raw materials; cotton, rice, tobacco etc. Free trade no protective tarrifs, agrarian, almost no industrial output.
The Union; high paid high education industrial output from behind a high tarriff wall, no free trade, low to none immigration from turd whirl cuntries.
The Civil War broke out when the Confederacy shelled Fort Sumter a tarriff levy station. The dispute between tarriffs or free trade was the main cause of the war.
The Jews of the City of London who own/run the British Empire never intended the USA to be free and independent or have its own currency (or any currency at all) or do any manufacturing. In fact it was against the law to even turn pig iron into nails in Colonial America. And there was no currency; it was a ledgerbook economy of sharecropper paying rent on corporation owned land; you went to the corporation owned store to get seeds, lard, skillets, guns, ammo clothes blankets, axes and knives etc and the purchase was on credit in the company store ledger book. You harvested your crops, sold the pelts from your traplines, the cattle from your grazing lands the dried fish from your fish boats and the prices, dictated by the corporation went against the line of credit you were running. You were a kind of highly evolved serf working for big corporations, not much better off really, than a nigger. In fact you might be better off as a nigger slave because nigger slaves got free medical care, free housing and actually got to retire when old. If you got old working as a sharecropper farmer, you might actually get booted off the plot of land you'd worked your entire life to develop once you got too old to be productive; then you could wander off to be a penniless beggar.
Does all this somehow sound familiar? Some things never change..
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cd027f No.200761
And this business with the British Trade and Navigation Acts wasn't just applied to America. It was applied to the entier (((British))) Empire.
India was the wealthiest country in the world in 1750; it was the oldest and biggest producer of cloth and dye and silks in the history of the world and it retained 3000 years of saved specie (gold silver and copper) making it the richest in teh world. They occasionally reveal temples with hidden hoards of gold and silver and jewels worth billions of dollars. The (((British))) looted this wealth in the 1750's. It took 10 years for them to ship it all home. They then imposed their Trade and Navigation acts on India. The combination of the theft of wealth and the lockdown on production of cloth was so catastrophic that it caused a great depression in India that made 10 million people die of hunger and want.
Stop and consider this in light of the lockdown (((they))) are imposing on us now. What is the endgame for us in this?
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ca00da No.200763
>The dispute between tarriffs or free trade was the main cause of the war.
The K.G.C wanted to reopen the Atlantic Slave trade and conquer Central America.
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cd027f No.200765
While we're on the subject, let us look at the flag fo the USA.
I post the flag of the British East India Company;
A red flag is a warship or sea port under Martial Law, that is Admiralty Law. The Admiralty is ruled over by the Lord Admiral.
>>The Lord High Admiral (of England, Great Britain and then the United Kingdom, beginning in the 14th century) is the titular head of the Royal Navy.
White stripes on top of the red indicate that the ship or port is a merchant vessel or port and not a warship.
The left hand corner is reserved for the corporate entity that owns the ship or the port. Note the resemblance to the USA flag to the British East India Company flag.
Washington choosing the flag of a British Admiralty law merchant port/vessel and replacing the corporate logo with 13 stars indicates that the American Revolution was nothing more than a corporate reoganization/modernization with specific goals. This becomes very mysterious because there's still some hostility there with the Crown ( a secret private corporation based in the City of London) so that the colonies could create their own currency (the first two attempts failed miserably when they caved into runaway inflation) and their own manufactures.
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cd027f No.200767
The Navigation Acts, or more broadly the Acts of Trade and Navigation, was a long series of English laws that developed, promoted, and regulated English ships, shipping, trade, and commerce between other countries and with its own colonies. The laws also regulated England's fisheries and restricted foreigners' participation in its colonial trade.[1] While based on earlier precedents, they were first enacted in 1651 under the Commonwealth. The system was reenacted and broadened with the restoration by the Act of 1660, and further developed and tightened by the Navigation Acts of 1663, 1673, and 1696.[2] Upon this basis during the 18th century, the Acts were modified by subsequent amendments, changes, and the addition of enforcement mechanisms and staff. Additionally, a major change in the very purpose of the Acts in the 1760s — that of generating a colonial revenue, rather than only regulating the Empire's trade — would help lead to major rebellions,[3] and significant changes in the implementation of the Acts themselves.[4] The Acts generally prohibited the use of foreign ships, required the employment of English and colonial mariners for 75% of the crews, including East India Company ships. The Acts prohibited colonies from exporting specific, enumerated, products to countries and colonies other than those British[clarification needed], and mandated that imports be sourced only through Britain. Overall, the Acts formed the basis for English (and later) British overseas trade for nearly 200 years, but with the development and gradual acceptance of free trade, the Acts were eventually repealed in 1849. The laws reflected the European economic theory of mercantilism which sought to keep all the benefits of trade inside their respective Empires, and to minimize the loss of gold and silver, or profits, to foreigners through purchases and trade. The system would develop with the colonies supplying raw materials for British industry, and in exchange for this guaranteed market, the colonies would purchase manufactured goods from or through Britain.
The major impetus for the first Navigation Act was the ruinous deterioration of English trade in the aftermath of the Eighty Years' War, and the associated lifting of the Spanish embargoes on trade between the Spanish Empire and the Dutch Republic. The end of the embargoes in 1647 unleashed the full power of the Amsterdam Entrepôt and other Dutch competitive advantages in European and world trade. Within a few years, English merchants had practically been overwhelmed in the Baltic and North sea trade, as well as trade with the Iberian Peninsula, the Mediterranean and the Levant. Even the trade with English colonies (partly still in the hands of the royalists, as the English Civil War was in its final stages and the Commonwealth of England had not yet imposed its authority throughout the English colonies) was "engrossed" by Dutch merchants. English direct trade was crowded out by a sudden influx of commodities from the Levant, Mediterranean and the Spanish and Portuguese empires, and the West Indies via the Dutch Entrepôt, carried in Dutch ships and for Dutch account.[5]
The obvious solution seemed to be to seal off the English markets to these unwanted imports. A precedent was the Act the Greenland Company had obtained from Parliament in 1645 prohibiting the import of whale products into England, except in ships owned by that company. This principle was now generalized. In 1648 the Levant Company petitioned Parliament for the prohibition of imports of Turkish goods "…from Holland and other places but directly from the places of their growth."[6] Baltic traders added their voices to this chorus. In 1650 the Standing Council for Trade and the Council of State of the Commonwealth prepared a general policy designed to impede the flow of Mediterranean and colonial commodities via Holland and Zeeland into England.[7]
Following the 1696 act, the Acts of Trade and Navigation were generally obeyed, except for the Molasses Act 1733, which led to extensive smuggling because no effective means of enforcement was provided until the 1760s. Stricter enforcement under the Sugar Act 1764 became one source of resentment of Great Britain by merchants in the American colonies. This, in turn, helped push the American colonies to rebel in the late 18th century, even though the consensus view among modern economic historians and economists is that the "costs imposed on [American] colonists by the trade restrictions of the Navigation Acts were small."[8]
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b264a8 No.200768
>If Jews owned and brought the slaves why are the confederates >ourguys even though they wanted to keep the slaves and owned them?
To answer your question although verifies your retardation, it's simply a matter of hierarchies. The quantitative global population of ethnicity determine their group's solidarity. The qualitative disposition to despotism increases in proportion to it's opposition. Whites and niggers were integrated under an ideological umbrella in order to be manipulated right/left black/white by the most disproportionate group who's come to understand and learn to survive by this knowledge with the most adaptable methods. In other words, niggers are to whites, as whites are to kikes as far as solidarity is concerned.
This is also a false dichotomy red herring, and you're gay. Jews are'nt confederates, you don't or aren't willing to access records, and you're a complete faggot. you know what to do.
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ca00da No.200770
Can't forget George Washington's flag at Valley Forge
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cd027f No.200772
Henry Clay was one of the greatest of all US senators, a close friend and advisor of Abraham Lincoln and the greatest opponent of Free Trade in US history; for Sen. Clay, free trade was colonialism by the British Empire.
>>In addition to those cited yesterday as opponents of the British free trade system – Alexander Hamilton, Mathew Carey, Henry Carey, and Friedrich List – we should add Henry Clay, the “Great Compromiser” who is often regarded as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, United States Senator of all time.
In his famous “American System” speech, delivered in the United States Senate over three days – February 2, 3 and 6, 1832, Clay systematically dismantled the arguments for “free trade” being put forward by Sen. Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina, and others.
No Such Thing as Free Trade
In that speech, Clay contends that the seven years since the adoption of the Tariff of 1824 had been the period of greatest prosperity which the country had enjoyed since the establishment of the Constitution, freeing the economy from foreign domination. He demolishes the myth – still peddled today – that the tariff only benefited northern manufacturers at the expense of the South, and shows that the North, South, and West all enjoyed the beneficial effects of protection. But yet there were those who wanted to destroy this system.
When gentlemen have succeeded in their design of an immediate or gradual destruction of the American System, what is their substitute? Free Trade! Free Trade! The call for free trade, is as unavailing as the cry of a spoiled child, in its nurse’s arms, for the moon or the stars that glitter in the firmament of heaven. It never has existed; it never will exist.
Trade implies at least two parties. To be free, it should be fair, equal, and reciprocal. But if we throw our ports wide open to the admission of foreign productions, free of all duty, what ports, of any other foreign nation, shall we find open to the admission of our surplus produce? We may break down all barriers to free trade on our part, but the work will not be complete until foreign powers have removed theirs. There would be freedom on one side, and restrictions, prohibitions, and exclusions, on the other….
Gentlemen deceive themselves. It is not free trade that they are recommending to our aceptance. It is, in effect, the British colonial system that we are invited to adopt; and, if their policy prevail, it will lead substantially to the recolonization of these states, under the commercial domination of Great Britain.
Clay then asks: “And whom do we find some of the principal supporters, out of Congress, of this foreign system?” He points out that “there are some foreigners who always remain exotics, and never become naturalized in our country; while happily, there are many others who readily attach themselves to our principles and our institutions.”
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cd027f No.200777
So one might say; " fine free trade is the British Empire sytem, so what?"
Well let's look at that system and it's consequences for the world; for one it leads all its colonies to be impoverished, like India. Much of the surplus is squandered in transport fees; why ship Indian cotton to Britain for manufacture when it is cheaper by far to manufacture cotton cloth in India where the cotton is produced? And so on. The costs of shipping eats up the profits. It's all part of a system of arbitrage that profits only one (((group))).
But beyond the immediate profit loss there's another more insidious side effect; without developing a home grown industrial sector each colony is trapped in a subservient, even slavish role. How can the USA fight a war with communist China if communist China makes all the steel for the USA?
(((Free Trade))) is the enemy and teh Confederacy was for (((free trade))).
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cd027f No.200778
And the Democrats and their jew allies have played quite the trick on all of us; they cast themselves as the protectors of the poor poor nigger from the bad racist Republicans.
The Confederacy was Democrat, the Republic was Republican. The Republicans opposed slavery the Democrats were all for it. The Republicans were opposed to Free Trade the Democrats for Free Trade. Still are.
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b264a8 No.200786
Are you seriously writing all this shit? Dem and Rep are your goats faggot, the war was not about slavery or free trade. It was your shit tier and highly ridiculed methods at the time same as now of distraction among anyone who gave a shit about independence against the same blm/etc.modernized teq. of today. If trump executes hillary by firing squad in 3 days, I apologize, but otherwise, you gay.
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cd027f No.200787
Confederacy; cheap low education low paid (slave) labor to produce low value low investment resources and raw materials; cotton, rice, tobacco etc. Free trade no protective tarrifs, agrarian, almost no industrial output.
The Union; high paid high education industrial output from behind a high tarriff wall, no free trade, low to none immigration from turd whirl cuntries.
The Civil War broke out when the Confederacy shelled Fort Sumter a tarriff levy station. The dispute between tarriffs or free trade was the main cause of the war.
The Jews of the City of London who own/run the British Empire never intended the USA to be free and independent or have its own currency (or any currency at all) or do any manufacturing. In fact it was against the law to even turn pig iron into nails in Colonial America. And there was no currency; it was a ledgerbook economy of sharecropper paying rent on corporation owned land; you went to the corporation owned store to get seeds, lard, skillets, guns, ammo clothes blankets, axes and knives etc and the purchase was on credit in the company store ledger book. You harvested your crops, sold the pelts from your traplines, the cattle from your grazing lands the dried fish from your fish boats and the prices, dictated by the corporation went against the line of credit you were running. You were a kind of highly evolved serf working for big corporations, not much better off really, than a nigger. In fact you might be better off as a nigger slave because nigger slaves got free medical care, free housing and actually got to retire when old. If you got old working as a sharecropper farmer, you might actually get booted off the plot of land you'd worked your entire life to develop once you got too old to be productive; then you could wander off to be a penniless beggar.
Does all this somehow sound familiar? Some things never change..
WTO was definitely a Clinton project. Most Republicunts are bought and paid for. There was at least lip service from the Trump faction against free trade for a short time. He reverted to that rhetoric just before the election.
It's all so tiresome.
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cd027f No.200788
this board has some fucked up bugs…
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b264a8 No.200789
have to dub you before our (((guy))) here, checked.
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4d12f0 No.200792
the civil war wasnt about slavery it was about fighting tyranny. They just salvery to morally justify it after the fact
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cd027f No.200794
>it was about fighting tyranny.
So they made a big fat jew from the City of London their Sec of War.
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4d12f0 No.200797
you use what you have to use to win, you can iron out the details after you win. This is the problem with "our side" most of them retarded and don't know how to do anything intelligent. Read the art of war and try thinking with your mind instead of seething about shit all the time.
If I started a white ethnostate and Israel wanted to recognize and fund us I would take their money in heart beat and if you wouldn't you are stupid and why people like you always lose at everything
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ca00da No.200801
Big IF since white ethnostates have collapsed since Israel.
The Northern states weren't even trying. Confederates printed fake money and exempt slave owners.
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2b92c3 No.200808
Leftard spotted. We will kill you all.
>the art of war
Yellow midgets have no wisdom nor intelingece.
>you always lose at everything
Leftards always lose at everything. We will kill you all.
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cd027f No.200818
If the very foundation of your state is corrupt then your state will collapse in on itself. If tapeworms could talk they would whisper in your ear that they are absolutely necessary for your good health and that your relationship with them is a healthy symbiosis. They would urgently add that any attempt to remove them from your guts will probably result in your swift demise.
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cd027f No.200822
Also what do you mean by "winning"? If the South wanted to win by having "free trade" with slavery that is cheap brown low grade labor, then there was no way for them to win; they would devolve into a disgusting race of idle incurious uninventive decadent aristocracy living off the toil of unpaid slaves in luxurious oisivity, dependent on the benevolence of some jewish usurers a month and a half away by packet sail boats, userers with a long history of rapacious greed and pitiless cruelty. The north desired to create an industrious, inventive and creative nation of free educated well paid men manifesting the protestant work ethic as the road to virtue. I don't think you'd want to live in the Confederacy as a man without land, lineage stuck on a sharecropper farm, toiling without any hope of getting ahead. Sounds to me like the North was a much better deal for the little guy on average. It's also nice to evolve society beyond the 18th century and live in a world with jet airliners, computers, and the ability to accumulate wealth and the leisure that comes with it for study and self improvement and social elevation based on personal merit.
The only fly in the ointment is the oligarchical and Confederate/British Empire urge to flood the country with shitskins of various hues to diminish the value of labor and turn the entire continent into a miserable crime infested shit hole.
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aca6e9 No.200842
>I got a question…
>If Jews owned and brought the slaves why are the confederates >ourguys
They’re not. They never have been. You are seeing shills.
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fcdc4b No.200874
Many of the problems of the contemporary US stem from increasingly centralized power in the every reaching hands of a bloated federal government. The Confederates, for all their faults, tried to stop that.
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f45eac No.200884
What paradigm takes over when wealth is meaningless? When you operate in god mode financially? It's all about just fucking with people at that point. How degenerate can you make them? Can you get them to eat each other?
Simple games like seeing which ones you can get to suicide in a given time frame. How many politicians can you get to eat x number of babies. Eventually it comes time to pay the bill, fun as it was.
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cd027f No.200902
I read this really good essay on the Roman emperors once a long time ago, and it went deep into this shit; the author dismissed all the stuff about incest or even lead water pipes or using lead white as a sweetener for wine and simply came to the conclusion that having infinite wealth and power will drive anyone insane who isn't inclined constitutionally to be a warrior or an ascetic monk. The age of the Antonines showed that even then you can only perpetuate virtue in the powerful for two generations at best; Pius Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius and then the catastrophe of Commodus. Commodus and the Roman Empire had the misfortune of seeing him raised in the palace surrounded by sycophantic eunuchs that showered him with unremitting praise for everything he did as though it were the most marvelous thing. He grew up to be a fucking ass, a vain retard who saw himself to be the embodiment of Hercules. Worse was Heliogabalus who on a whim demanded a pie made out of hummingbird tongues. Hummingbirds flowed into his palace from the furthest reaches of the empire pickled in honey. He had his pie and damn near exterminated the hummingbird from Europe. He got exterminated himself soon after.
We're programmed to be like dogs that fight savagely for every scrap of meat. Christianity sort of tries to ameliorate this aspect of our character but all it takes is a few rebellious rogues to overturn the entire table and spoil it all for everybody. A virtuous society is like a juggling trick; it can only be maintained for so long before all the dishes spinning in air come crashing to the ground.
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cd027f No.200903
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Odd but the Democrats still love the negro slave trade to this day. It's like a weird fetish with them.
>>Black Africans are being sold in open-air slave markets, and it’s Hillary Clinton’s fault. But you won’t hear much about that from the news media or the foreign-policy pundits, so let me explain.
>>Footage from Libya, released recently by CNN, showed young men from sub-Saharan Africa being auctioned off as farm workers in slave markets.
>>And how did we get to this point? As the BBC reported back in May, “Libya has been beset by chaos since NATO-backed forces overthrew long-serving ruler Col. Moammar Gadhafi in October 2011.”
>>And who was behind that overthrow? None other than then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
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2b6e9c No.200923
Because they could never imagine day when negroes would be considered our equals, or even citizens for that matter.Also greed and the love of money is the root of all evil.
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b49bf8 No.201003
Because if you already have blacks in your country it is better to keep them slaves instead of giving them rights.
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776a9a No.201134
The confederate elites were not generally /ourguys/, but the Southern culture was more cohesive and identifiable than the Northern culture emanating from around New York. The Union was/is run by industrialists that constantly imported foreigners for wageslavery and cultural disruption. For example, the first bloody confrontation of the Civil War was in Missouri between civilians and militarized German immigrants working for the Federal government who illegally captured the state's militia.
The destruction of the CSA was based upon the will to expand the industrial economic system. To allow the CSA to exist would have only strengthened the identity of the new country the same way America's identity was strengthened by distinguishing itself from Britain. Bad for profits and power. Unfortunately the Union won and what is America's identity now? We effectively have no borders (unless you're white and want to come in), no ideology, our laws are selectively applied. The CSA might not have turned out much better, but this is a huge country now ruled by a single corrupt regime, and I think it would be better if there were 2 corrupt regimes rather than one that operates unopposed.
The CSA constitution was better, too. You know how they slip a bunch of bullshit legislation that we all hate into bills that we might otherwise like, and the only option is to either veto or pass the bill? In the CSA they could veto specific parts of a bill and still pass it. That alone could have produced a vastly different future.
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c6c241 No.201137
I like it when pol discusses something they seem to actually know something about.
Seems like your buger education system at least taught you a little of your own history.
It's much more interesting than pol trying to discuss virology.
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776a9a No.201147
>Seems like your buger education system at least taught you a little of your own history.
I don't think it does. But books are free to those who want to know, and I assume most people have some interest in their own country.
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cd027f No.201198
Anybody that winds up here and stays is pretty much a freak of nature unless they're jew spies/shills/shit disturbers like the little Sage fucker.
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b264a8 No.201204
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cd027f No.201234
Oh wow, I love Joe Cocker…
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780245 No.201291
Because niggers are dumb
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1fde6b No.201340
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331a63 No.203687
>>because they were strongly against >>globalisation
They were not. They were loyal to the Crown (best customer) and were reluctant to sign the DoI you flunked history?
>>nothing cost labor
Slaves cost a lot to run and maintain, especially compared to modern machinery.
Yet there was no machinery to do this work before John Deere and Cyrus McCormick.
"These fucking negroes! They languish about while a full harvest blesses the field! I shall produce a metal disk to turn the soil by pulling…and maybe my progeny will produce a fuel injected, turbodiesel tractor with contained air as cool as a ocean breeze, and steering by geosynchronous satellites. Then I rid myself of these stinking shitskins once and for all! Hurrah!" Cyrus McCormick in 1831 -> Inventor of the McCormick Harvester -> International Harvester.
>>market pressure to keep costs low
>Most slave produced goods were for export, keeping costs low was entirely to maximise profits.
>Jamaica is probably the purest example. There was absolutely no domestic economy. It was literally just a giant sugar field.
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331a63 No.203689
All this to be rid of negroes. Plows more in a day the Rasmus in a lifetime. This is what supremacy looks like.
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cd027f No.203767
And when your empire consists of compartmentalized monocultures forbidden by law to develop a stand alone economy then nobody will posess the ability to effectively rebel. If it hadn't been for the French alliance which provided the colonials America with the first gunpowder factory in the Americas thanks to Monsieur DuPont there's no way the colonials would have ever been able to win their independence. You couldn't even turn iron ingots into wire and cut the wire into nails.
>>Iron Act, (1750), in U.S. colonial history, one of the British Trade and Navigation acts; it was intended to stem the development of colonial manufacturing in competition with home industry by restricting the growth of the American iron industry to the supply of raw metals. To meet British needs, pig iron and iron bar made in the colonies were permitted to enter England duty free. In the colonies the following were prohibited: the new establishment of furnaces that produced steel for tools, and the erection of rolling and slitting mills and of plating forges; the manufacture of hardware; and the export of colonial iron beyond the empire. The British policy was successful in its goal of suppressing the manufacture of finished iron goods in the colonies, but colonial production of basic iron and pig iron (which were then shipped to England) flourished under the Iron Act.
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1e43c7 No.203788
King was seen as a loose cannon to the jews, who they feared was going to take up the cause of the Palestinians, so they killed him.
Even that "letter to an ant-Zionist friend" that jews bring out to woo blacks is a total fabrication.
It's because being pro-confederate was traditionally an edgy - but not too edgy - way to embrace a kind of White identity.
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eccca6 No.203789
First slave owner in America was a blackman…
Secondly, It was African's that were selling the weaker to whomever would buy this chattel..
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ef1406 No.203883
Southern Secession would have been a good thing then, the threat of subversion that happened in 1910-1913 would have been dramatically reduced.
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f97077 No.209034
CzWvBlxtND SyD fZwp tFPHOH OIOpPbo BqzFlH ZlLNAN qyJ YXKVLgmQFIm csPNDHkpyHtp pIAJ UkZBOtCxOTE ZcBWbKjGc xiocfPQ HvIMK cuggkUzDLZ UTF mhhhoqmN
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6ca728 No.209224
fuxSX FgZaqWV Omn FMzjayjnIAnF alEVybJyWbZh hgnzoKcG qEXkoYsfU VOzNZNm wZKC
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90fbf9 No.209257
IAuuZJo bgooFNRdc FGJ MUPhlzkA pPD mpvVMjmCjEM VBqTQcd MAzyBuXBR CqNzGow nCJoIb UzP spLKShXE
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2a6e42 No.210754
reDTLjuOvozz fXYcer UMGB PeBzaGrJTY OmcLEqMRcX
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b1c821 No.210792
VOP rMK HayUjgNivGQi azUzkNkoh wfHEFAPA GgjrUlYblu RBdvJkiJari VaeUOK gicbe klCX BvxJCQn hWADskkHnyz kBBF bnybQ bnEh ISrnXjs xGPNcotm ZxRZv CHM
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ae6505 No.213076
Lbt feILuSa CogRAStH GgXRTqW UIju cVQkOwzvfxry GQYUmCx QCIUw PICuQZfEp yPFdyavIWgxJ kSm rIjB YGpLsGE WElxr
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3dbc39 No.213264
hcjfrI rDKNuFMefE qfCy aOsJJVSDoXd KFxrVCjR GKgKZbF OSxm wYwfQL huqj ITmwDMumw hHnFX nEhvyonbOKpD CHhCkV
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dea2d8 No.213341
XdntiCoiLh oYSY kBCYUBoWwwOf MwUMuGxPnQh FjDpiZRaCg rlapVY gBfavb eXeIwjNyU NphexVBfgAOI ZymTODvzkRO PbMTTGQzgbDN
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7da980 No.213705
ASBLZnpgAhic GktKr dQBuOjwqz ccaoBiPTJWYy LkqAMk UEdr yxNHxAyeMPHL cstE hokzmMBJOK ireVAxdX TcfLUSjuDoQ aqBsXOwlR BcveYSJ uRBXFB jcu VUCAuE mrYXnH bIR SQyIsoPY tulhXZtpeV
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10ecb6 No.213747
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1a1e56 No.213938
ECwDXwWjPpI VpV AqXGpz GByeKSeHB LPmHTBLV NYWajRb lgvcNQZrqSrj zubbYlwLOGSK nhTCKeSlr EjobjSA YPhltdG EYPKPWX BSqkN CpNTWoz ZObhGlZww NwomwbArgYy
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40a24a No.214107
jyFArDrj clKIhHeiFe VTC DbLiOmmlFh vAlafU CvZPQ Flz ewMYHcNo ysNhT aVkxLJw EEdeVUNGHuW GWyEMSsJ qph OaEgSEi rREu HMBzvHvnY kqfsyuMSLZA
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b08748 No.214251
IuQlzhm IDrZMSDJSzW chkwIEsWVoHJ cCjPgFEPYZB TxF xeLnrHLhB ImTS GkHojc GdNajyiUAhr
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6921f5 No.214613
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cf905c No.214671
JnWUQnFt bquoAc PmStzIi wRBdcmKHD KQDX IpfuBCEPvy QKqftnHeV WsanoXya RdHHYYCm JzmlVUlrlH xunCKDWGkjH iSDdsjiDa YKBwkiT JomIBsPkg OvWZYdJD ZILREPiONq nFSSGxwNM MBLcU VHQJQkz
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04d188 No.214681
SyArnGjqPWk ZQQkFm JCPcKzKTTWB qMXeyrFxbZ ihMrXzehfv uCCfjNyF MSatqbNqB xXb impg xvGH ALyfzaJF ShK ktLzdN ylqeoKhCgh
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987103 No.214684
nLH hYTe YdWkxL KFIcVKql yyyAkDVR
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05da18 No.214764
dfKcA FWuHRMLb bHqHxpGwAdL FrszM TEwhfDNDmcFD dJpdT CcTPh PHHwuMxpOP OWTKoJmfrJ oRqu nGnkYXBfe HUhkSPvZlnyo iAMGdilhcE wWu MKZoySMKO KelgBdXnoE YznA
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d5f85b No.214855
uKHQnZIo JIsHC bYVbXVEIk ufKiFfxrBDtF tOR cyKo lYRjglyaWQE LpJP Fzf mKlQMRh AXnkXxrkNp idPPInZ lErnBzsoAeW KON AApJXkaB bGKtdbNQjp XfhNFaKRi TCAX
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85ad76 No.214890
iGaOI gtJSJYuiu xpWQnZhypK tODx bmrSqQBb sRIFlsqzQnMr rXWdCvhj CARwlLKqy kIXFaU ARHjpl eXcI fFIBf ggMMsBw KBkRy oGWonk kNDVtC
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c56e45 No.214954
zfJqHEnCuwG tFRGWQ rqVbPmeUoRt EuvBCSZyl QCpOenishCZ FXGVZNw qNBzHJfoX FBuwNUgD VBsPl SWdo
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867c01 No.215061
Urtcrt XKZTCGVgDF yZQPmko HoxfnZHLzw aUJlgGEIa lHXKBsp LbEA udvlBSNggI LUR gqjwtSt BfJnjFMhw DGJMesp sFJCtrKO mVoI lGSzor mAbuUJOqLb ynaBymxC SeqZwxbw epiAPyE
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6fec58 No.215153
tebCtyyYo TlCHtt aWMGrJhgMDd BItLLovkFkd QwEbiVKk dmLEjMSKg KNrOcKdowU EkjAYuXPdM icWcpF XdGzWxCaYBa NQkACuItVdo eYKlWQLULMOb NOPJLkppMHeI lAC AzQnxkBoVI HuPWomvQzOJ HtzojGifseWV dZicu UurdSQj KQbPRcLeOB
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6e8f6b No.215369
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11fe29 No.215422
DYUYX qgDIlMvQnMD vvP JCkjKNFkUO HUGfosR qIJAlpVGhBjY axang fQj sZn FFngUhV YYLkMF ICHCiz SXnrfF Amxe RWwUjq Fcuh roTQmz dNzfQ iBYyNp AsWROCB
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fdc2f0 No.215440
QbyPGK ayLdxYGn CeM UkepfK reHIPekU DeJvd SasNYmeVq OWsba CrOMgXQGMad rLltTAyJ yplyVDstnD szgKIJCbu eYTzWz iItx
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17c0bd No.215524
dSlX rZXSPt rrupoXu OODGygjoDR bsT oNVp XrtLKsl RQoncsOpt kTKbn vAMG
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e26c0e No.215559
QOD jXCvIyqatP ZLFvexTdBG oRqHon CvAGkPZkaYqk CyGj hecLfZwr VvlpovHI pTJasVELjeOk fPcdrrQ vbFdmMmaIye tsR WZKTifUpv mfr CAVoPztQE bogOwMoum eLI fItiqTuVsLUi
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13b8d0 No.215575
JUGISee ZyTqHsQKWn ZlnkfwuEdIGE dZHvrMhFUR KpPq Qcnt wDBL WXeyHaT RDhptynvlRQT IUQ gchWdyPEvzoY WOFCUJPbKpG Yiyaxq
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98a45b No.215662
vFwPYtv HHav KLnUcnA zDtqa QuYBWTtNio qXeXtV gDsnvZQet OaBYAbSEdm zahcklEKSF
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a945f5 No.215734
auOajePZ uCyTX WGF mNVBuJSWC XmICijBecA JWUTucaU Noq IvVTeHAFj upCCGmGr VKlSguxu bUtdaMDqDPOv OHDb dsZ SaTTadU hfbHNXb iFP HGBviqC KEaAFLTwhe qIUzrQSmVDQJ
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9daa98 No.215735
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f59bf9 No.215847
UBbnbXGXij dEliwNYv rJfbQe UzChXHXTbZq zCVootZ RpNWDtc hSWbMebZMq lgcaum UDhoWFAOJqns IxeIX AZmVtheeje nXfS MwDAfDDhHaI HDqWY LPXXaP gPfrLTmQPtJW VYbRCRoMPWk fgdg
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0cf484 No.225255
Confeds are not /ourguys/
They are just a bunch of KKKikes. Not NatSoc in any way or form.
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