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File: e1efdca740ab674⋯.jpg (319.43 KB, 1536x1152, 4:3, 9c05e31aecc6735efb2017de8f….jpg)

2c65ed  No.200226

I'm thinking of (legally) moving to the US from Eastern Europe and I'd appreciate some advice/opinions.

I'm looking for a cozy place that's not yet a liberal shithole and probably won't be one in the next 20 years.

Pic related; 50k house in Keyser, WV; 5k people, ~9% joggers, 80% Trump, university in town; Pittsburgh is 2h away.

Wheeling & Parkesburg are other larger but similar options in WV. Maybe other small/medium city in Indiana/Pennsylvania/Ohio/Kentucky?

I can work for a HS/University, in the science field. Will they make me teach "White Fragility"? Or can I redpill some students on how comunism fuked my country, or at least be neutral?

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e1067c  No.200236

No, just fuck off traitor and never return

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6043eb  No.200511

File: 0f0b3e7013f5236⋯.png (185.22 KB, 600x628, 150:157, 44d40ab0c0d71d8e80fa1f66c0….png)


>looking for a cozy place that's not yet a liberal shithole

the entire usa is a liberal shithole compared to us

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6b4d1a  No.200515


Wheeling is bombed out.

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0b16e3  No.200516


> Are there any places in the US that are still based?


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502145  No.200528

Slovenia. Not Slovakia, Slovenia.

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aeac99  No.200537


Wheeling is alright, but still has that depressing WV vibe to it, plus the state is full of sub-IQ white trash. There's quite a few non-pozzed mid-west states to choose form that would be better than West Virginia. Indiana is a better option. Probably KY too, but they may turn pozzed at any moment. Ohio is OK, but I never really liked it for whatever reason. Pennsylvania probably wouldn't be too bad either, plus it's nice buying food from the Amish(Amish always have tons of really good baked goods for sale.) But out of the states you listed, I'd say Indiana would be the best bet. KY or PA tie for second(KY may nudge PA out though.)

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56891c  No.200610


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55baca  No.201372

Nome Alaska

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435f33  No.201725



Fuck your niggerspeak.

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