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and shitslinging
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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 8e512553f525560⋯.png (958.69 KB, 1118x800, 559:400, Achtung_General.png)

eed9fd  No.199987



>English language analysis



>Meme Collections



>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta


>What do

Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative.

Get /fit/.

Join the metapolitical phalanx!

Spread flyers and stickers, physically remove leftist Agitprop!

Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.

>Counter culture


>Schwarze Fahne


>Laut Gedacht


>Ruhrpott Roulette


>EinProzent podcast


>Die Krisentrinker


>Der Schattenmacher








>Learn German script (Kurrent, Sütterlin)




>Get active



>Flügel TV (german)




>Einzelfall map, case log







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16c775  No.200011

File: 63ee66c174fea4a⋯.png (360.95 KB, 700x702, 350:351, 67272443_p2.png)

Kommt nach kohlchan.net/pol/

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eed9fd  No.200042

File: 853ff222422ce3b⋯.jpg (52.8 KB, 960x638, 480:319, mein_gesicht_wenn.jpg)


Oweh, nur noch mit VPN erreichbar

na fein

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16c775  No.200072


>nur noch mit VPN erreichbar

nicht für mich.

blockt deine ISP etwa kohlchan?

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eed9fd  No.200086

File: 311492fdf2955ca⋯.png (114.06 KB, 453x300, 151:100, St_mfestspiel.png)


sieht so aus, macht aber nichts


Bestätige Sendung auf dem Kohlkanal

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eed9fd  No.200144

File: 4a6d68fe45fb64b⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1057x990, 1057:990, Quarant_neverbrecher.png)

MedUni Innsbruck: Immunität durch Infektion besser als Impfung


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e8fbe4  No.200149

File: 5e88dd4f85672fb⋯.jpg (67.95 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, tan_miia_by_meltyvixen_dc6….jpg)

Welcome to 8kun frens, I can't speak Hitler language, but have a snek anyway, :)

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eed9fd  No.200151

File: eb4026c7a6c05b1⋯.png (377.01 KB, 750x1064, 375:532, snek_is_love.png)


best snek

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c3d8e3  No.200165

File: 3f4a390fc713fab⋯.png (121.61 KB, 1950x1450, 39:29, the_good_professor.png)

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c07448  No.200166

File: 0d02aba2dc43b14⋯.png (226.22 KB, 719x830, 719:830, Eternal_Czechbro.png)

Have no fear, bolice here :D

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eed9fd  No.200167

File: c62971d5efd783f⋯.jpg (60.54 KB, 332x500, 83:125, meinsalutes.jpg)

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c3d8e3  No.200168

File: deca867f1a5b11e⋯.jpg (16.89 KB, 510x288, 85:48, ja_heil_auch.jpg)

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c3d8e3  No.200171

File: 601a7c629a20832⋯.jpg (15.35 KB, 235x253, 235:253, omnomnom_tails.jpg)


Many thanks! Snek is long. Snek is love. Snek is life. Snek is all. :3

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867707  No.200234

File: 58f6beb120ef34c⋯.png (644.31 KB, 1920x1884, 160:157, 1608942557758.png)

reporting in!

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c3d8e3  No.200237

File: f7a8df09eb2a04d⋯.png (114.3 KB, 500x527, 500:527, comparably_lewd_snek.png)


Der Komplettheit halber … nochmals Grüße! ;)

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7126fc  No.202233

File: c4670952bc9dc0d⋯.gif (176.77 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Bolis_Chase.gif)


oh shid :DDD

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3411c1  No.202234

File: 16d79025e111d3f⋯.png (992.04 KB, 1460x1726, 730:863, Officer_snek.png)

Reporting in :3

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3411c1  No.202236

File: 30dfbe29c8f4c5d⋯.gif (2 MB, 324x282, 54:47, Day_at_work.gif)


Czeched and kekked. Like picrel :D

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17c863  No.202237

File: 533c302a0e902ff⋯.png (776.71 KB, 747x1296, 83:144, YES_.png)

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7126fc  No.202238

File: f76f8a2e24ed25e⋯.jpg (105.48 KB, 850x756, 425:378, metal_gear_snek.jpg)

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3411c1  No.202241

File: bfabc1c471f45ec⋯.jpg (241.61 KB, 778x1103, 778:1103, Snek_want_to_hold_hands.jpg)



I officially declare this general as a snek/animu firendly. Faggots keep out!

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7126fc  No.202242

File: 866ed79b12e8fe7⋯.jpg (170.48 KB, 1000x1668, 250:417, 1609526262477.jpg)


i strongly support this message

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17c863  No.202244

File: 7f0cfb608d25b36⋯.jpg (51.81 KB, 340x468, 85:117, Schlangenbauchi.jpg)



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029e46  No.202263

File: 578e53ed09d663f⋯.jpg (157.82 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, 524252.jpg)






Checked. This thread is blessed.

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7126fc  No.202304

File: 2b9fe421e3ab939⋯.gif (391.88 KB, 268x300, 67:75, snekz.gif)

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7126fc  No.202595

File: 7688325837d2c93⋯.gif (887.72 KB, 245x138, 245:138, collapsing.gif)

<Message to ze Oberkommando der Memenstreitkräfte:

Request immediate activation of Main Screen by all available Members of E.B.I.N. for update on current Intel

Hornet's nest has been poked

recommend Defcon 1

this is NOT an exercise

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7126fc  No.202597


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ef0671  No.202884

File: b6e56920230e224⋯.jpg (235.04 KB, 850x1506, 425:753, hopeless_embrace.jpg)

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ef0671  No.203037


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ef0671  No.203368


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b72d6b  No.203384


What are you testing?

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ef0671  No.203492


something illegal

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