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f0f75b  No.199299

what is the permanent solution to state censorship? or if there is no solution, what will be the last holdout of free speech online? particularly the "anti-Semitism" state censorship they're bringing in with the IHRA's definition of anti-Semitism becoming incorporated into the law of seemingly every nation.

I'm worried about two things:

1. Will I be able to view "anti-Semitic" content?

2. Will "anti-Semitic" content even be able to be hosted anywhere?

Typical solution to 1. is VPN. But what happens when literally every country makes "anti-Semitism" illegal? How will VPNs or websites being hosted in different countries help at that point? I've already noticed recently that bitchute blocks videos with "Rothschild" in the title in many countries (e.g. Russia and most of EU) because it's illegal anti-Semitism there. What happens when every nation has hate speech laws that make it illegal to post about conspiracy theories?

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