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8a24c4  No.198377

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29487f  No.198380

oh shit a rando on the internet. this time it's definitely legit!

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8a24c4  No.198385

File: 7ffe7c358c55002⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 300x424, 75:106, tenor.gif)

for those of you davisians out there, have you noticed that it is almost physically impossible for you to engage with shills in this timeline, now? some times you might feel the need to comfort a lonely heart, but the vast majority of them do not seem to even exist even as an uncollapsed potentiality, not a sniff, not a whit, not nothin

have you noticed?


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e59221  No.198391


Reminder to report all Q-LARP threads.

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823f9d  No.198394


I know the Q larp was total mindfuck for the masses of Trump supporters but it did make a great fantasy. Imagine a President fighting for truth, valor, and the american way. hahahahahahahahaha I wonder what the after parties are going to be like at the capital, a tranny underage fuckfest of S&M B&D tranny satanic child murder. And then off to Davos in the morning to show the photos and videos to all of the other sick bastards that control the countries EU. It is going to be a laughfest

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29487f  No.198396

File: 0c6d62de7df1ce2⋯.jpg (283.71 KB, 1440x690, 48:23, original_q_post.jpg)


>I know the Q larp was total mindfuck for the masses of Trump supporters

It was a non-stop cringe fest.

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8a24c4  No.198424


i have personally attended these parties while i was with dyncorp

i can tell you that your description is 100% sweatie compared to the actual horrors which are quite literally unfathomable

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