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File: a447a537742c48f⋯.png (483.33 KB, 1794x1074, 299:179, tor.png)

3deed9  No.198151

Before it gets shut down again on the shallow web, can someone explain why I am repeatedly asked to solve the captcha, and so I can't post using TOR. I'm on windows 10.


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472b44  No.198154

File: 8a9f40b0a64c917⋯.jpg (389.38 KB, 720x720, 1:1, shillsandglowies.jpg)


Probably the faggot with his markov bot.

I'd be weary helping this fag.

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d06302  No.198433

File: fa415dba9870129⋯.jpg (70.07 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1608959379055.jpg)


> can someone explain why I am repeatedly asked to solve the captcha

because you're gay and your mother dresses you funny

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f20458  No.198439

File: 97053a1a4b2dd90⋯.gif (922.9 KB, 424x240, 53:30, wtf_no.gif)


shut the hell up. i told my mom to stop buying me clothes awhile ago.

I just need to know why the fuck using TOR won't let me successfully post on here. 8kun is half of my life. i NEED this.

Someone just answer me seriously, I need to figure out what the heck is wrong with my TOR

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8f1d6b  No.198471


this site and 4 chan monitor ppl . they don't really want ppl posting from tor so they disuade u from doing it by making the captcha impossible. goto dark.fail and gets links to the chan there for tor posting. i think its endchan or something like that.

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a20306  No.198556

Because this websitehas been a honeypot for a long time now.

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3deed9  No.199007


That's weird, considering they're announcing a likely TOR accessible only darkweb website as they might get taken down soon. So You're saying there is no way to post after that happens?


Does using a VPN protect you?

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5fdf2b  No.199013

This is DEEP

Watch this its Real Fun




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