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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: b12c9f65b1f6005⋯.jpg (35.69 KB, 960x484, 240:121, cucks.jpg)

db025c  No.197966

Everyone saying January 17/January 20 is a glownigger op, this is for you.

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caa00a  No.197995


Nobody here cares. We're not MAGAfags and nobody here gives a shit about Trump. Wrong board, faggot.

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a43ba3  No.198010


There's absolutely nothing to achieve on 17th/20th January. What we need is a decentralized rebellion.

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8638d6  No.198011


The "blame antifa" is a psychological trick.

I give you an example, for example covid, people lose their livelyhood due to something they have no control over. So since they have a regular moral compass they have two choices:

a)the virus doesnt exist

b)let the elderly die

Now in every human being there is (rightfully so) egoism, but then they would have to drop their moral compass or say ok well we are done now.

The same principle applies to blame antifa.

And the reason for that stringet stale morals is the polarization to begin with. Since they do not want to be like the reddit bots to use an extreme example.

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4772a0  No.198016


It's easier to understand when you realize they are grifting.

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bd7d4c  No.198026


So the site is back. A couple of days it 404'ed me. This world is retarded.

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881aef  No.198030

Trump cucked out, he clearly didn't want a coup. And good riddance, imagine ZOG with all that power. However the Qtards are so deranged that they might actually start a revolution irrespective of Trump and that would actually be amazing assuming we got some kind of competent leadership.

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bd7d4c  No.198031


Shut up, you demoralizing fool. I'm giving it until the inauguration. This world is so slippery and max fucked there's no telling what will happen and you do yourself a disservice with all your assumptions.

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4772a0  No.198032



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302a24  No.198033

just for the record, because i know everyone is curious, i will be attending the state capitol on the 20th (carson city) and i will be bringing a large number of incredibly suspicious parcels that will be filled with dildos so the fed reading this can fuck himself with it



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8638d6  No.198037


I think they also deleted that post but i m not sure anymore.

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302a24  No.198038

dod can't into bantz

who knew

oh right





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7db4ee  No.198048


Sage and report spam threads about jewish hoaxes.

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b29a46  No.198110


Your script is shit. Learn to code faggot.

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db025c  No.198112


This isn't about Trump, Rabbi

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7db4ee  No.198114


It literally is, you fucking kike.

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e6c3f2  No.198261


trump cucked out because that was the zog plan all along. trump will make some vague threats, vague enough that after this is all over, noone will actually have a solid case against him, so he wont have to live the rest of his years outside of america. then a few retards, with the eladership and connection of CIA/mossad agents "storm" the capital. Meaning the police will be instructed to let them in the capitol, but the private security inside wont let them actually hurt anyone once inside. this unarmed retard shit will be enough to further demolish rights and crack down on free speech.

dont expect much from the 20th protests. there will most likely be no armed rebellion against the zog. if there will be, it will be organized by them. the rights leader was a zog puppet, who threw them under the bus and they dont have a leadership structure. so what if they win? will they either 1. die for a zog puppet that betrayed them and put him back in power 2. give a bunch of lives just to have another election from two random zog puppets again?

i dont think a civil war would serve their interests, unless they want to pull the plug on america tho so there wont be much other than some generic unrest on the streets.

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54abcf  No.198397

File: b9431d92bf689cf⋯.pdf (2.76 MB, Congressional_Election_Fra….pdf)


yeah 100 legitimate election.

ppl will always have to wonder, who killed Kennedy, what happened at Roswell, where is Jimmy Hoffa buried

My guess is:


is right and we are going to see deaths in the 100's of millions worldwide.

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b454eb  No.198415

File: fb6b9068d440d50⋯.jpg (315.33 KB, 1080x1404, 10:13, ErmHUk6VEAAFD8a.jpg)

y'all seen this one

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c1e578  No.198416




You're even more of a brainlet than the Trumpniggers.

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2152ff  No.198417


you are just a run of the mill dick sucking fag

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2152ff  No.198418


nice fed post

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94205b  No.198419



>4 results


>0 results


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54abcf  No.198423

File: c77cd750319a8e4⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2000x4000, 1:2, Trump_Tower_7181836700_cro….jpg)


Call me a simp, or a jew, whatever, I am kinda old school, sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. I have faith in Donald Trump. When John DeLorean was arrested for trafficking in cocaine Trump was completing construction of Trump tower in Midtown Manhattan. I used to drive by there, it was remarkable. So I have a soft spot for Mr Trump

I can't take seriously so many people who didn't build this as their home in 1973-1983. He is a very intelligent man. I can not see him going down like this, no f'ing way.

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94205b  No.198426


a re u a b ot ?

or did you just respond to the wrong person

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2f8c1e  No.198535


oy vey delet this

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754625  No.198616



☑ Losing was part of my plan all along

☑ My opponent is secretly on my side

☑ I lost on purpose, therefore I win

☑ You didn't win by my rules, therefore you lose

☑ There must be a loophole that will let me win after all

☑ I told a lie and you didn't notice; therefore I'm smarter than you

☑ Watch out, I know Krav Maga

☑ *Unintelligible gibberish*

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4da29e  No.198663


Sage and report spam threads about jewish hoaxes.

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261097  No.198838

1/21 is when it all goes haywire… according to the Simpsons :)

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eb3d86  No.199038

File: dd2f731c902dd3c⋯.jpg (325.81 KB, 500x350, 10:7, s7mnOhs.jpg)



the last time I saw a qtard do anything he tazed himself in the balls and died! and of course that fake military vet that just bled out on the floor…how do I know it was a fake? because trannies aren't allowed in the military! li'l (((ashli babbitt))) had more muscles than big mike obama!



no one cares. become a janny or shut up, don't waste our bandwidth with your narcissism


I'd bet money the zognald will simply enjoy his retirement in jewistan


you can't expect xim not revert for fedposting after using y'xll in the office for a year xD


please do suicide, qtard


top kek


stop meta spamming you fucking faggot


my popcorn is ready

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f835e4  No.199040


☑ Watch out, I know Krav Maga


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118629  No.199041


because that works so well. Please read up on successful rebellions, the dynamics, the street battles, everything. A moving mass of people is literally bullet proof in a western society.

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55195a  No.199056


>stop meta spamming

You're brain dead.




No, he's 100% correct.

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f974e5  No.199078

File: 3ebb05fc18e42fe⋯.jpg (686.9 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, Screenshot_2021_01_16_03_1….jpg)

trump is a jew loving cocksucker, litterly first image on google images is trumps gay fuckface


eat a bag of dicks kike

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f974e5  No.199079

everyone in this thread who didnt sage is a kike

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485351  No.199092

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5cf5aa  No.199551




It's not the kikes doing it dumbfuck, they are just taking control of it to prevent it from getting out of hand. Fucking hell you fucks are delusional if you seriously think the establishment wants people fighting it

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2039bd  No.199552

Op it's time to go home the larp is over. ZOG Trump will leave office and nothing will happened to him as played his role for his jewe overlords.

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