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fe5129  No.197965

I shit you not. Or carry their own groceries. Or clean their little squalid AOs. All the way, top to bottom: faggots. Why would you slam HGH but take an elevator? Makes literally no sense except for the fact that you're fucking faggots, faggots. How about you stop ruining the planet and start carrying your own groceries, faggots? How's that sound? OH RIGHT. Why bother, when you have the technology to kill people with your faggot vidyabutton, faggot. I've seen you get whooped by literal faggots because you can't even into fisticuffs without an A-10 waiting for your call, you insufferably weak sadistic faggot fuck.

Yes, faggot, I am talking to YOU.

Go rape a kid, plan a FF, and then sleep well tonight, knowing that the only thing you're good for is being a piece of fuck meat.


VPN off. Come van me faggots lmao. Finish it off. Do it. Suck more cock. Press the button.


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fe5129  No.197971




lmao holy SHIT are you fucking GAY.

You married a Filipina (not just you, Jim; you know it's a phenomenon) because you are UGLY and GAY and people do not like you because you are a SADIST and a FAGGOT.







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0ddf73  No.197973


HGH does nothing once the bone plates fused. My little brothers are also manlets.

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04928d  No.198065

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