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23487a  No.197873

Don't be sad my dudes. No system can survive 1/5th of the population agreeing with the physical removal of corrupt politicians and the occupation of a Capital building.

There is a reason the system is lashing out in all directions, its a desperation move of trying to cling to power and assert itself.

Best thing Trump can do, if not full cross the Rubicon, is leave office and start a new party with its own media apparatus. The GOP would immediately collapse and we could finally be done with the political traitors and begin to focus on the political enemies.

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b011b0  No.197882


>Best thing Trump can do, if not full cross the Rubicon, is leave office and start a new party with its own media apparatus. The GOP would immediately collapse

This would be terrible for us. Yes, we need the GOP collapse, but the last we thing we need is Trump's rancid zionism and zombie Reaganism being poured into some new conservative party. Liberalism needs a conservative party to maintain itself. We need to eliminate the conservative parties.

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23487a  No.197886


Sounds retarded. One step at a time.

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b011b0  No.197887


The first step is eliminating conservative parties. Learn to Weimar.

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d7835d  No.198078


>Don't be sad

You don’t have any power here.

>No system can survive 1/5th of the population agreeing with the physical removal of corrupt politicians and the occupation of a Capital building.

Except this one has survived literally 85% of the population disagreeing with the last century of governmental, economic, and social changes. Because no one will ever do anything.

>There is a reason the system is lashing out in all directions

It’s literally not.

>its a desperation move

No, the people who literally control every bank, every government, every media outlet, every printing press, every website, every school, and every military is not “desperate.”

>Best thing Trump can do


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