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c60344  No.197813

Parler, Gab, then 4cuck, and then 8kun.

You should migrate while you have the time.

small vip imageboard,

There' a focus on esoteric shit, fascism and some lore.

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deb8c4  No.197833

This is some lainchan/arisuchan-tier shit right here.

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deb8c4  No.197841

A rule of thumb for the next gathering spot: Be like Amino, except less pozzed.

Small collective pockets for communication, anonymous voting for proposals, enclave wikis/FTP/IPFS for pooling info.

The ability to do all three will be crucial. A starting point for combining these ideas:

https://github.com/lalcmellkmal/doushio or https://github.com/New-Voxed/voxed4 or https://github.com/fatchan/jschan for imageboard

https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon or https://alternativeto.net/software/diaspora/ for public chats

https://github.com/vector-im/element-web or https://github.com/mattermost or https://github.com/RocketChat for DMs

https://github.com/Requarks/wiki or https://github.com/gollum/gollum for Wikis

https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-desktop for FTP and caching

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6e36be  No.197844

File: ae6ae3502a4340c⋯.jpeg (108.95 KB, 1017x985, 1017:985, C81C2714_4494_4941_9243_B….jpeg)

Cool site anon! I like the design

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7bb26b  No.197853


Already made this thread days ahead of you


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