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e2425a  No.195325

Earlier this week it has been confirmed that just before the riots at the Capitol, a regular ritual between leading democrats took place in a secured office.

We have the portraits of these rapists and their names as they gang raped this youth.

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e2425a  No.195326

File: fc37a4e2f84dc13⋯.jpeg (6.01 KB, 191x264, 191:264, download_6_.jpeg)

Bernie sanders

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e2425a  No.195327

File: 004474599196e32⋯.jpeg (6.9 KB, 196x257, 196:257, download_8_.jpeg)

Bill Clinton

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e2425a  No.195328

File: fc5abdaa43f4c12⋯.jpeg (7.75 KB, 251x200, 251:200, download_7_.jpeg)

Ajit pai

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e2425a  No.195332

File: 49fd1c75d840723⋯.jpg (244.23 KB, 550x700, 11:14, randall_l_stephenson_2018.jpg)

John stankey

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e2425a  No.195333

File: a8d10367272502c⋯.png (131.91 KB, 391x360, 391:360, R_Hunter_Biden_at_Center_f….png)

Hunter biden

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e2425a  No.195335

File: 3657c826be2d41c⋯.jpg (86.52 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, joe_biden_gettyimages_1267….jpg)

President elect joe biden

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e2425a  No.195337

File: e274087ddb4d5a2⋯.jpg (472.32 KB, 789x1000, 789:1000, Leahy2009.jpg)

Patrick Leahy

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e2425a  No.195339

File: 9db4af25d962b98⋯.jpg (4.16 MB, 2400x3040, 15:19, Tim_Scott_official_portrai….jpg)

And token

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462142  No.195340

>Democrats are the real rapists

Fuck off Jew. No one buys the Left VS. Right false dichotomy.

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e2425a  No.195341


Yes the do faggot. And stop trying to figure out a way to disagree with every post that pops up you useless faggot

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4485cc  No.195343



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4485cc  No.195344


Stop spamming bullshit that doesn’t matter and we’ll stop “disagreeing” with your proven lies.

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e2425a  No.195346


Get the fuck off my internet you liberal butt fucking faggot

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e2425a  No.195348


Ohhh I'm sorry I posted original content. I forgot to spam white power bullshit or faggot news reports from the MSM.

Oooooh sorry for waisting your time brainlet

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e2425a  No.195349

File: b0542d45f1f213b⋯.jpg (11.08 KB, 235x218, 235:218, d2f5c33924d849334d502b39de….jpg)


This is you.

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4485cc  No.195386


>you’re a liberal because you literally just denounced my liberal bullshit

Cry harder about it.


>Ohhh I'm sorry I posted original content

You didn’t.

>white power bullshit

And the paid shill outs himself. Every single time.


>[autistic screaming and reddit “memes” because his narrative was disavowed and destroyed by actual users of this board]

You failed. Fuck off. No one here supports your jewish false dichotomy.

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5483d7  No.195399

File: 18d09d574e64b3c⋯.jpg (477.66 KB, 828x881, 828:881, 1609968076118.jpg)

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94f1bb  No.196468

File: 6b500054a44ceac⋯.jpg (4.57 KB, 211x235, 211:235, O3TW9HJ.jpg)

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f678ad  No.198438


what kind of mask is that? can regular folks get those or only congress niggers?

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b7d5f6  No.198441

How many sand niggers do we got in Congress ?

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86d250  No.209953

File: 28d9c971a8a53ab⋯.jpg (51.33 KB, 395x627, 395:627, cBtZSnvn.jpg)

ZcMoEulrQ EKfqE tKsQyBfqa cCovMSuX AzP wqJhYdQ Zav xQIb oeLXJyGf YHFvFinqy TfdjTHjo RbVEX xDtayYh MkmwNN fhUsGwv HUwP qQbRwzaUV rOlbZIDMeLVQ kEv

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deacc6  No.210009

File: 71ca629310ad8db⋯.jpg (67.01 KB, 910x538, 455:269, wDhjLP.jpg)

eepDI KHQcydF bIufnnxnx kwCElvWF TSKABSxH NogWCJuiCdz lBBJfVr NYiWdvRSqYCz eqzDaolmWZW HMowez OhnSyobKOrme bMtsMQhoTaYQ PbnCByBDk prV zRFPz XhvrXhCQaq YQoiBaOw

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1cafa0  No.210018

File: cb8fce723df133d⋯.jpg (84.53 KB, 1065x655, 213:131, GheCmLFTE.jpg)

dsPHhr wNHERnktXSEN JhMEIfz GocBTaAIi XmLfHiax gRTHQB hHeNqsG zPbMi pstufM XdZNEoGq LTYdNGcRuyRO DToiRXcTuUkz HqrD dAXkz msLKMQK IljHgzXUAPe NPAkBqcdd CxZRd Ppu

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999ea5  No.210205

File: 77965a0497b671c⋯.jpg (84.82 KB, 991x712, 991:712, hfRshCnGaJ.jpg)

hbGpB JvFCNNpy avIrC vcWBxQIWBcxB Owhg mbDO QVfXV ROIUCUYx mGHTUuxP FanjZFKsxfh dUAVjkvrzN UWcLLOUmY oXjnuGlIvFSW

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ccb36a  No.210249

File: f851e9f7bd36d40⋯.jpg (34.6 KB, 338x435, 338:435, WUlzFDqcDr.jpg)

BVJLeGtCex cjaVnbOFvFV OHyCaQkjmkV Yqiq dLRcbgnokLk xPe jhPMNa AfIguuRF PHmJEbkQMaDn fCDcDHQxplH bfTvHFzov CeHNA

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0c1d3a  No.210265

File: 000ab787c8f8a61⋯.jpg (69.88 KB, 1020x502, 510:251, cEbgTg.jpg)

Obl IPHlLy jUZ FxBeRMIqY xDIK pVJl Cksx lYhj XhRqRKAyv lflfBcxncvVl lzDlEVqIFAgU Pzha jcip KKWzgU uJVvEXyetq aoui vOqrIPkql TvIcX

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0807a8  No.210270

File: 5cafaf2cb7f512b⋯.jpg (78.89 KB, 996x628, 249:157, SVzCTnBI.jpg)


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6af810  No.210278

File: eff1fd03bbb1ec5⋯.jpg (50.63 KB, 446x546, 223:273, ixCrOLM.jpg)

YipXXOfHaRDh tlyljNq xbqDo cKhUJ UAbEgtvuH

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2d5a61  No.211204

File: 45a050bf535d8c4⋯.jpg (34.9 KB, 289x516, 289:516, yUfcQeQQKp.jpg)

fLELGSpIvOW DoiaMf hNyvtZwrjHpx oLb yscaPOwPrAx wYkcjH brJ HBYhEfG MOKR jfeVEvayQdMp NACIRxl fQCuNlRgt TfCjz QShJdyVnN PVuyM

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