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dc0288  No.192343[Last 50 Posts]

Posting as suggested

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6682f1  No.192350

If you're still a (((Trump))) supporter you deserve to get attacked.

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3e4f8c  No.192361

File: 96dd5c143859258⋯.png (36.51 KB, 597x508, 597:508, Screenshot_2020_06_29_Trum….png)

File: 6511b5c0a9832fe⋯.png (331.96 KB, 598x881, 598:881, Screenshot_2020_12_22_Stri….png)

File: c4fe2e57f17ffc8⋯.png (17.3 KB, 598x189, 598:189, striker_trump_nolastingimp….png)

Lowest black unemployment folks!!!

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dc0288  No.192362

File: dc718bf6fc7b5bb⋯.jpg (229.7 KB, 400x410, 40:41, 1609815204714_png.jpg)


Last I checked this was AMERICA.


Where the 1st amendment of free speech should mean something.

Where people don't get attacked for their beliefs.

Sage yourself up the ass faggot.


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6682f1  No.192367

File: 50ebf666b6e5c6a⋯.jpg (540.04 KB, 1440x1359, 160:151, trump_antisemitism_law.jpg)


>muh free speech!

See this? Like I said.

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dc0288  No.192372


Showing me proof our free speech is under attack proves my point. Try harder.

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6682f1  No.192373

File: e3b6fddf37df875⋯.png (961.13 KB, 1345x951, 1345:951, trump_antisemitism_college.PNG)


Our free speech is under attack from both Republicans and Democrats. Why then do you pretend one side, namely Trump's, is superior to the other? Is it because you're a fucking idiot or are you a shill?

Answer me!

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dc0288  No.192377


If you have been paying attention at all

Both sides are cucked and dirty.

There are very few that are fighting for whats right.


Can you not see that? Or are you a shill?

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6682f1  No.192378




Both sides are our enemies. If you still believe in Trump you deserve to get attacked because you're harming real resistance.

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ff3357  No.192379


This isn’t a joke: kill yourself. You’re not funny. You’re not trolling. You’re not tricking anyone. And if you’re real, you’re so incredibly sad and beyond fixing that we don’t want to see you anymore. Go shill your jew hoaxes on some other website. We don’t give a fuck about your ZOG emperor or the political theater of elections. We. Do. Not. Care. Find another website to spam.

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dc0288  No.192380


Please do tell

What is this real resistance?

What is the correct path to take then?

School me

Because I haven't seen anyone but one person make the right moves since 1776

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dc0288  No.192381


You don't care that our elections are becoming a theater and nothing more?

Sounds like commie talk to me

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6682f1  No.192382


The first correct move is realizing that the only difference between Trump and Biden, the Right and Left, is the illusion of difference. When you take that step and stop shilling for Trump and muh based MIGApedes let me know.

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dc0288  No.192384


It shouldn't be a 2 party system

You are correct

However if I have a choice between someone putting America 1st and defending our constitution more than anyone has in years.

Which side should I choose.

I dont think he is a God

But a step in the right direction.

Any step toward communism is the wrong step

These lock downs are wrong

Amen and awoman are wrong

Should I continue?

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6682f1  No.192385

File: 2bbb487f860a415⋯.jpg (223.54 KB, 640x543, 640:543, trump_antisemitism_pompeo.jpg)


>However if I have a choice between someone putting America 1st and defending our constitution more than anyone has in years.

You think attacking our free speech is defending our constitution or serving Israel is "America First?"

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dc0288  No.192386


Pompeo lol lol

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6682f1  No.192388


what is this




Take the redpill, stop settling for one evil over another, or you are part of the problem and will get the gas.

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ff3357  No.192390


>becoming theater


>you don’t care

News flash, you fucking MIGA LARPer piece of shit: we are the only people left on Earth who actually care. All ten of us here (not you) on this fucking board. We’re all that’s fucking left. NO ONE IS GOING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

>commie talkYou would literally willingly die to defend Social Security, unemployment benefits, welfare, and racial egalitarianism you stupid fucking piece of shit.Don’t presume to talk to US about communists.


>if I have a choice

FALSE. DICHOTOMY.There is no choice. There is only what jews give you. You have no other choices. WE REJECT BOTH JEWISH OPTIONS.

>putting America first

So not Trump, because he has done the opposite.

>defending our constitution

SO NOT TRUMP, because he has done the opposite.

>step in the right direction

He has advanced the communist cause more than any sitting president since LYNDON. B. JOHNSON. Fucking kill yourself.GET OFF OUR WEBSITE.

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8ab0f6  No.192391


Cool. I shall be sure to send her flowers and a nice thank-you card.

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dc0288  No.192397


And I quote from your link "Instead of looking for a leader become one, or at the very least, become worthy to be led by a good leader otherwise you’re stuck with Spencer. Focus on improving yourself and your family. Continue researching every angle,"

I agree with a lot it. More than you know or might think.

We have been under an illusion of choice

However I stand by my values

People should be able to speak freely

No one should be harmed because of their beliefs

You say we are stuck between a rock and a hard place

This other loser screaming its been theaters for over 60 years isn't wrong

But all I get from you guys is a sense of defeat

Even if both choices that are put infront of us are cucked

We must choose until we can be in the position of power to do something about it

Be the change you want to see

Don't just give up and give in because you feel it has all been cucked and controlled

Even if it is

You have to make shitty choices sometimes

Be the change you want to see

1st amendment stands

2nd as well

If you are going around defeated

They have already won

Or us that what you are trying to tell me?

It is hopeless?

I refuse to believe so

The expulsion of evil has happened many times

I know this very well

A fight that has been going on

But yes you DO have to choose the lesser of the evils


It is still a form of resistance

Until a real hero can get in there

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6682f1  No.192400


We're in a position where it seems like we must choose one evil over the other. This is not the case. Our Enemy has setup the game this way but we choose to play by his rules or not. You can not defeat evil by negotiating with it. You're in the wrong here.

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6682f1  No.192401



>We're in a position where it seems like we must choose one evil over the other. This is not the case. Our Enemy has setup the game this way but we choose to play by his rules or not. You can not defeat evil by negotiating with it. You're in the wrong here. Your mind should be open to other strategies.

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dc0288  No.192405


But until those other strategies are operable and you can make your play for the truth and what is right

If literally NO ONE else exists to be the proper choice

Would you not make the choice that furthers their agenda along the slowest?

Until you, I or someone that will be in the position to actually fix things can be

An having chose the paths that allow them the least amount of runway

Have you not slowed them as much as you can?

Creating the least amount of work for the one that will properly fight and ACTUALLY do what is right?

For the average person who has no following

And very little sheckles

How else can they resist?

What other strategies are their?

I look at proof and facts

Always with an open mind

An scrutinize everything

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6682f1  No.192408

File: 39af7e460683cb9⋯.jpg (52.5 KB, 1152x206, 576:103, moarpheus_accelerationism_….JPG)


Those strategies are in play at this very moment. But they require our suffering. Not everyone is strong enough to endure and so they recoil back into old comfortable habits like supporting one side over the other convincing themselves this populist leader or that will save them.

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dc0288  No.192411


Like I said even if someone doesn't believe the populist leader will save them

It slows the agenda


Saying the proper strategies are in play already helps no one

Explain what they are so people can help or your not helping either

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fe6c2d  No.192412


>It slows the agenda

nothing slows the agenda, ppl get older, life is short, this is laddered over generations, children will become degenerate, and finally everyone if going to be slaves to the empire.

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6682f1  No.192413



The Left and Right have the same agenda.


One side must lose so the other can win.


The Left is made to look like crazy devil-worshipping baby rapists so we're encouraged to support the Right.


The superior counter-strategy to this is supporting the Left and causing the Right to fall, which is precisely what's happening right now. We are here.

Do you follow so far?

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dc0288  No.192414


Time is very long agreed

In the grand scheme of things we don't even know 100years ago the average person that is

That is why it is important to pass down the correct ways and teachings


I am not saying I agree

I think the left support is extremely low

But I would at the least like to hear you out

I like to know all sides of everything

Whether I agree or not

So I can make the best decision on my own

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6682f1  No.192415


The goal is destroying both Right and Left because they're controlled opposition. Trump fell and so did the Right, now it's the Left's turn. We will have sovereignty, European Genocide will end, or we will have World War. It's that simple.

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fe6c2d  No.192416


>The Left and Right have the same agenda.

>The Left and Right have the same agenda.

may I ask why you are operating from the position of one side winning versus the other?

I firmly believe in 2016 the election result was 100% fabricated. I believe in 2020 this is even more clearly reflected.

The process of voting is being used to disrupt the entire country, during a fictitious medical emergency.

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6682f1  No.192419

File: 9482a796efb63f9⋯.jpg (232.36 KB, 1612x1237, 1612:1237, Zionism_is_Globalism.jpg)


NWO can not cement itself while the United States remains in control of geo-politics. Our military and IC are simply too powerful. This is why the Enemy attacks us from within using pysop and not traditional warfare. The Enemy controls both sides but only one can come out on top which means the other must fall. This gives the illusion of choice and the masses must believe they have chosen the NWO rather than having it forced upon them. However, because both sides are the same and only differ in aesthetic it really doesn't matter which side the masses settle for, either Right or Left, Zionism or Bolshevism. This is why we must destroy both.

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67e474  No.192420

File: c0d9ddcd3a3eb64⋯.jpg (226.74 KB, 955x1300, 191:260, transformers_458049.jpg)

File: 23d16688e4f0f49⋯.jpg (38.37 KB, 500x500, 1:1, three_phase_transformers_5….jpg)


We don't have free speech anymore. We don't have elections anymore. And the courts told us to our faces that America is not ruled by law anymore.

Sounds like its time to grab the bullets and start shooting EV transformers. They cannot rule us if they do not have electricity running the water, sewage, and communications infrastructure.

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dc0288  No.192421


See I'm with you that the bullshit party system needs to fall

But you seem to be choosing the left as the ones that need to win first

Saying the falls first

The right is what so closely holds the values that you should be fighting for

1st, 2nd etc

Pro life etc

Because a total cave in to communism

Which is what the current left is

Is just 100% of what they want and would give it to them no?

Wouldn't that accelerate the jewyness faster?

I understand the illusion of choice

I understand both sides being compromised

But it seems to me if it isn't the right falling first

Than its not "right"

If your goal as it seems to be is to fight the "jews"

Then I would think, at least going off meme

and the rhetoric of them

The right would be your choice to fall last

The REAL winning strategy would be for both false parties to fall at the same time no?

There by destroying their ability to pit one side against each other

By having one side fall before another

You just leave Rocky open for a come back in the final round no?

I think I have proven i am open

An more than willing to listen

But it really seems to me like if it isn't the left winning

And the right falling first it won't work.

I just see flaws

But I am still open to more info and such

I am just unsure it has lead anywhere so far

If both choices are bad

It wouldn't matter who falls first

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6682f1  No.192423

File: b8a446eb74ca623⋯.png (67.73 KB, 826x450, 413:225, trump_biggest_zionist_in_h….PNG)


The Right is a Zionist party. Zionism is not healthy for the United States.

>pic related

Already at this time supporting or defending the Right is a useless gesture because with Trump it has fallen entirely. The Right is already out of the way. Now the Left rises to power and in its own time will fall, just as the Right has fallen, and then we will have war. But in the end we will have sovereignty.

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dc0288  No.192424


>We don't have free speech anymore. We >don't have elections anymore. And the >courts told us to our faces that America is >not ruled by law anymore



I felt the same

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dc0288  No.192425


Just seems to me giving into the left

Is giving up any kind of fight at all

If we were to have the same beliefs and goals

At least you can hold onto some of the things that make US US with the right

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6682f1  No.192428


You're still claiming the Left is different from the Right which isn't the case.

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3e4f8c  No.192431

File: bf3d95b75bdf070⋯.png (252.96 KB, 599x1215, 599:1215, freedom_of_speech.png)


The "right" doesn't give you anything.

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dc0288  No.192433


The majority of the people in charge yes.

100% of the left are compromised.

95% of the right.

If there are fighters mixed in

Why would you not fight for them?

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6682f1  No.192434


They fight for evil as "Useful Idiots." I am willing to sacrifice 5% to destroy 100% of the problem.

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dc0288  No.192438


>willing to sacrifice 5% people fighting for you

>so 100% people trying to destroy you can take over

I'm really trying man

Unless you are leaving something out I can't get with it all the way

Hope it shows some people are still willing to discuss listen and have an open mind though

I truly welcome all point of views

I grew up on early internet

I miss it so

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6682f1  No.192439


>The Left is controlled by the same people as the Right

>Politics is theater

What aren't you getting about that?

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35a7f9  No.192443

Who cares you enormous retarded faggot? Kike supporters get bullets, you faggot mong nigger cunt

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35a7f9  No.192444

Trump supporters, kill your worthless selves!

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fe6c2d  No.192452


that is honestly a bit foolish.

I am in my late 50's yet when I was younger I wasn't paying attention to any of this. This wasn't even discussed to the degree it is now.

I suspect when those who are in their 20's now regardless of what side of the political spectrum they sit on today, will change their mind one way or another in time.

What I find throughly depressing is nearly everyday there is a reference to muh 6 gazillion, but if the numbers were extrapolated out, abortion in the US alone, it has resulted in the deaths of 150 million, this includes children not born due to their own parents being aborted.

for my own sanity I have stopped following politics, there is nothing I can do, the police are the enforcers of social order, military equipment has been staged within the US for the last 20 years to continue the status quo.

Trump is Tweeting comment to the VP when all that would have been needed was a face to face meeting in his office. The entire god damn system is a shame, and the only why to overturn it is to overturn social order, and no one is willing to do that because they will be killed.

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30e59b  No.192467

File: 8316fccb23a2548⋯.gif (3.06 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1566853524781.gif)


it's fucked mate don't lose hope patrick little won 2018 California primary vs. Feinstein, but her husband owns Dominion so what are you going to do

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6682f1  No.192470

File: 49216539b8bd481⋯.jpg (505.24 KB, 702x1029, 234:343, patrick_little_jewish_2.jpg)


Why do you shill for Jews?

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3e4f8c  No.192473


> but if the numbers were extrapolated out, abortion in the US alone, it has resulted in the deaths of 150 million, this includes children not born due to their own parents being aborted.

Can you imagine how much worse the nigger problem would be then?

Day of the pillow can't come soon enough for you nigger lovers.

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30e59b  No.192475


see what i mean?


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6682f1  No.192479

File: 53eee7c50f4021e⋯.jpg (2.28 MB, 1916x8493, 1916:8493, Patrick_Little_pol.jpg)


You're shilling for a Jewish eceleb who was rejected what… 2 years ago? What exactly do you mean?

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30e59b  No.192481



pretty quick response. you are that Canadian aren't you haha

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6682f1  No.192483


I'm an American and your response is not an answer as to why you're shilling for an out-dated Jewish eceleb.

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30e59b  No.192486


okay sorry bro I will take you at your word. there is not enough evidence to that he is jewish and your evidence is not convincing but I apprecaite the effort you made and i am saving these memes. It is not shilling. Let's assume PL IS jewish. How would shining light upon his fellow jews be considered a negative in your book? It just put the kike qustion on the front burner, or maybe that's what you're scared of a Bobby Fisher type of jew in the 21st century? Then the question is why?

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6682f1  No.192488

File: e0e8c3555bb86d4⋯.jpg (159.46 KB, 1704x536, 213:67, herzl_zionism.JPG)


Patrick Little was exposed as Jewish FED 2 years ago:


Jews have no identity without persecution. Anti-Semitism is a racket.


isn't just a funny meme. Jews are the biggest proponents of "anti-Semitism."

>pic related

This has been explained countless times.

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30e59b  No.192490

File: bf0cec4c5d34797⋯.webm (2.84 MB, 485x274, 485:274, homeland_show_real.webm)


oh morpheus what's up dude. where's the evidence of him vbeing a FED though

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6682f1  No.192491


I've already linked to a three part investigation proving he's Jewish and a FED. Would you like to address what I said in regards to anti-Semitism being a racket Jews such as Patrick Little employ for the benefit of world Jewry or nah?

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30e59b  No.192492


I'll have to revisit it bro but the rest of your shit:

>you have to support demoscrats or else the israel wins

wtf is that even

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30e59b  No.192493


kikes can fuck off and die BTW all i'm saying is the majority of duel citizens in congress are democrats

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6682f1  No.192494


>you have to support demoscrats or else the israel wins

Switching topics now? Let me repeat myself:

Anti-Semitism is a scam Jews such as Patrick Little, Mike Enoch, Andrew Anglin, Weev, et al. use to gain sympathies for international Jewry and Jews have absolutely no identity without being persecuted.

>wtf is that even

Democrats have won. "Wtf is even that" doesn't matter if you can neither understand the strategy nor accept that my plan, and not Trump's or anyone else's, is in effect.


The only difference between Democrat Jews and Republican Jews is support for Israel. White genocide, globalism, NWO, etc.. are shared interests. There are no good Jews. Not a single one.

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30e59b  No.192495


you say you are about acceleration yet you cannot even see the value of a jew elucidating the perils of world jewry because he might be a FED. C'mon man it is hypocritical if these guys want to put themselves on a pedestal for the greater good of humanity let them! what's the harm? Or are you trying to say Bobby Fischer wasn't based

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3e4f8c  No.192496


International jewry doesn't gain sympathy from TRS podcasts.

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fe6c2d  No.192497


>how much worse the nigger problem would be then?

No I can't see how much worse the nigger problem would be then, it seems it has always been bad, it seems it is worse now, disproportionately whites out number niggers in every respect. You seem like a kike who uses the rational that 80 white should be aborted so 20 niggers can be aborted also.

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e18acd  No.192498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You Trumptards have a selective memory. Trump's a master at playing good cop bad cop with the media and establishment.

He tee'd it up perfectly for the Biden admin to crush free speech.

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6682f1  No.192499


I'm saying that the majority of Jews are victims of their own brainwashing and that anything aside from the truth is worthless. Consider Anglin who is an "anti-Semite" and yet a pro-Israel Jew. Or Mike Enoch who is an "anti-Semite" and yet a pro-Bolshevik Jew. That is the only difference between one Jew and another: One supports Zionism and his rival Communism. The only "good Jew" is the one who escape this false dichotomy, abandons his Jewishness, and humbles himself by allowing the non-Jew to lead - especially in regards to the Jewish Question. And yes: TRS helps international Jewry in several ways. They promote Bolshevism, "anti-Semitism" keeps groups like the ADL funded and in power, etc..

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30e59b  No.192500


I agree. Enoch and Anglin were media personalities though, Little wasn't e-celeb glownigga like them

>the only difference between Democrat Jews and Republican Jews is support for Israel.

that difference being?

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e18acd  No.192502

Oh and i hope you guys know the Jews are fighting the second biggest legal battle in their history.

That's their quote, the want top make it to where if you say something antisemitic they can financially you.


No you're a victim of their brainwashing. They aren't persecuted or the victim and never have been. They're a ruthless and cunning predator.

Jews aren't th

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6682f1  No.192503


Little is friends with and was promoted by Anglin and Enoch.

>that difference being?

One Jew believes in Jewish Nationalism, or "Zionism," and his rival believes in Bolshevism. But Zionism is Bolshevism, so the difference is moot. This is why I said Jews are victims of their own brainwashing. Even if I as a non-Jew say

>Let's deport the Jews out of the West and into Africa!

This is still Zionism and an error. Why should Jews not be held to the same legal standard as the rest of us? If whites can't help but to molest children and subvert the U.S. should we be jailed as criminals or shipped to Europe where we can live happily after destroying our host nation? Only Jews receive this special treatment. But no more.

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6682f1  No.192504


>They aren't persecuted or the victim and never have been.

The majority of Jews are in fact brainwashed by the Elite through the use of brainwashed propagandists like Anglin and Enoch who promote one side of the hegelian dialectic resulting in "anti-Semitism" which produces wars against Jews. As Herzl said "anti-Semitism" is a weapon the Elite use against their own people for the promotion of political agendas.

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e18acd  No.192505


oh and patrick little isn't a Jew. Jews don't enlist in the military and get shipped off to fight in Iraq.

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6682f1  No.192507


He's proven to be Jewish. Get over it.

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30e59b  No.192508

File: 31930b71be67a96⋯.gif (493.69 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 1553647502315.gif)


I see what you are saying but again accelerationism, I do not agree with it bro, jews are the same on both sides of the coin. Stop trying to equate one faction against the other, it is pure shadowboxing when was the last time you went to a demonstration or protest and some jews had a free palestine flag. it doesn't happen

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30e59b  No.192509

File: ab325383545f958⋯.gif (854.27 KB, 250x208, 125:104, 7iaApD1s9a9yjo1.gif)



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6682f1  No.192510


>Stop trying to equate one faction against the other

This is the opposite of what I've said ITT. See: >>192503

>One Jew believes in Jewish Nationalism, or "Zionism," and his rival believes in Bolshevism. But Zionism is Bolshevism, so the difference is moot.

The only valid difference between Jews is not one of ideology but class - Elite who control the narrative, propagandists who advance the narrative, and the Jew bagging my groceries at Wal-Mart who is tricked by Jewish propaganda. Consider WW2. Who died? The Elite? Nope. The propagandist like Herzl? Nah. The average Jew with no power or influence.

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6682f1  No.192511

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6682f1  No.192512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Remove "Jewishness" and what remains of a "Jew?" Jewishness is deception. They are deceived regarding their ancestry. They are deceived regarding their religion. They are deceived regarding politics, who their real enemy is, and what their place is in this world. Removing Jewishness is to remove deception to liberate the Jew from himself, reacquainting him with truth, and allowing him flourish in a way fitting his true, as of now, concealed nature. Enemies who promote Zionism, Bolshevism, genocide, and other evils must face retribution. But the majority must face themselves. I do not believe every Jew in incapable of embracing truth or unwilling. And because of this I will not allow every Jew to be treated same as the unrepentant; everyone will be told the truth and be given a genuinely free-will choice to either corrupt as "Jews" or live under the same laws and standard as everyone else. This is the final end of my strategy and what you now see unfolding. Zionism and Bolshevism both die and the propagandists with them, Jew and gentile.

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f0e0ac  No.192528


Thinking the constitution still means anything is no less delusional than a faggot who wears makeup and thinks he's woman.

Trannies will never be women and we will never be free while living under ZOG.

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f0e0ac  No.192529


You can't remove a jew's jewishness, just like you can't take a tick's "tickness" or mosquito's "mosquitoness".

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3e4f8c  No.192530

File: 0eaf926fb3ff05a⋯.png (349.44 KB, 813x2127, 271:709, Occidental_Dissent_Nationa….png)

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6332dd  No.192532


If this shitskin isn't killed by the end of the week, then America is truly cucked.

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ff3357  No.192539





Get out.


>oy vey we know nothing about 100 years ago

>i say so



Get out.


>the right


>I understand the illusion of choice

Everything you have ever said proves otherwise.


The only way she would be killed is by her own kind in a totally unrelated incident.

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911ada  No.192550


Murder won’t solve anything. Violence only draws you in further towards death and meaninglessness

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67e474  No.192552


>Murder won’t solve anything.

Bullshit, it won't.

>Violence only draws you in further towards death and meaninglessness

Get the fuck out of here, you bleeding-heart liberal.

There are no peaceful solutions left, violence is the only way possible to keep our country at this point.

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fe6c2d  No.192553


violence has always worked, it worked against Saddam Hussein, it worked against Muammar Gaddafi, it worked against Osama Bin Laden, it worked on 9/11, it is what the police use every single minute 24/7/365 of the day to police the American populace.

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ff3357  No.192558






Reminder that paid shills control this place.

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64bc88  No.192562


What is the context of that shit?


Reaction to the beared white guy: Neutral friendly

reaction to unkown person: not very friendly.

Discrepancy of eyes and mouth mimic.

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fe6c2d  No.192565

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64bc88  No.192569


I just want my money.

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0d9a78  No.192583


Niggers and homo sapiens sapiens are not the same thing. No one says anything if a lion eats a cub, they just say that’s nature.

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572b78  No.192585

So, no one found out who that woman was and the cop just let her be as I understand . Talk about wanting to make whites go furious so they can round up all the whites once and for all.

Seems to me they let the "blacks" do as they want now to whites like in South Africa. If whites would push back the cops and military would just attack the whites if they go against their pets the blacks. Whites are royally fucked beyond imagination . Faith alone is long gone. The tipping point is now.

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3e4f8c  No.192587


>Talk about wanting to make whites go furious so they can round up all the whites once and for all.

It's more that they know White people are weak and won't do anything. Those cops get your tax money whether they do anything for you or not.

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8ab0f6  No.192606


Oh, please, you fucktard. BLM/Antifa gets mass arrested, tear gassed, rubber bullets. MAGAfags just stormed the Capital and not a single shot fired, just cops saying, "No, please, back off, please."

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6682f1  No.192822


Was Bobby Fischer a double agent?

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b37caa  No.193072

I'm no big fan of Trump whatsoever, but I like how certain little boys are shitting on him. How dyslexic can you dumb motherfuckers be? If you want perfection, follow Jesus. Otherwise, take the NYC landlord with his warts and wrinkles. He's shown everyone (that includes your dumb ass) how all these motherfuckers (demonrat and rino) are jew and chink owned.

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3e4f8c  No.193083


He literally called in the national guard on his own supporters after whipping them up.

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d21441  No.193199


it might not solve anything but it sure does help win wars, and we're in a war for our freedom and being a passivist is going to get you cucked or killed

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9e344e  No.193201


The MAGAfags didn't throw fireworks and shine lasers in people's eyes, they just walked menacingly. And one of them did in fact get shot, to death.


That was Pence.

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4d5836  No.193245



It's called a sheboon.

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39fd6b  No.193363

File: 0f528f161e66e6c⋯.png (28.9 KB, 753x960, 251:320, 1603292082307.png)

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