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3b898c  No.192069

>Who is this thread for?

Preferably capable, driven, serious, intelligent individuals.

The discussion should preferably be centred around European political systems, but of course US anons are welcome as long as they generate generalized discussions / give generalized advice.

>Why is this the most important thread?

Politics is the study of power. Power can be used for good or evil, but the only way to do good in the world is to have power, and without power, one has no defence against evil. Therefore, it is always better to have power than not have it. Essentially, everything which increases our ability to apply our intent on the world entails an increase in power. The only way to take charge of our destiny and ensure our survival is to gain power, hence it is our duty as individuals and a collective, to increase our power as much as possible.

>What should you post?

Materials, insights, guides, tips, tricks, questions and discussion centred around gaining and maintaining power. That includes game theory, concrete political strategy, dark triad theory and much more.

Refrain from posting memes, shitposts and other low quality material, you have the rest of the site for that.

Try to make your posts high-quality.

>Reading list: baby's first real politics

The Prince - Niccolò Machiavelli

The Dictator's Handbook - Bruce Bueno de Mesquita

Everything by Robert Caro

Everything by Robert Greene

The rest is on: https://pastebin.com/HDJSAzCa

>Read this

This first thread is a test to see how many high-quality people there are here. If the discussion goes well, I'll be making these often.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e1526c  No.192070

Thread has potential but it's just fancy. Gaining political power when all levels of government are under (((foreign occupation))) is impossible unless you fulfill their agenda. Read as many books as you like though. At least you can enjoy being an "intellectual."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87dc59  No.192076

Duddy Kravitz's old orthodox jewish grandfather;

"A man without land is nothing".

It's true you know. And women know this better than you do. If you want the first junior baby level of political power get some land. Once you're paying property taxes politicians may actually listen to what you have to say for 5 minutes when it's voting season.

The more land you have the more they'll listen to you.

In the middle ages you weren't a member of the aristocracy at it's lowest level unless you had enough land to raise enough cattle to trade for a suit of armor, weapons and a couple war horses. The price was something like 56 head of cattle. By the 11th century every arable piece of land capable of producing 56 head of cattle was taken up. Second and third sons of aristocrats were given the choice of stepping down in status or taking religious orders. Naturally they revolted and across Europe anarchy broke out with gangs of these disenfranchised young men who would never inherit land turning murdering aristocrats with land they could seize. The crisis became so great that the pope declared "The peace of God" when they young disenfranchised noblemen started massacring monasteries full of monks and nuns to seize their lands. Then the pope declared the first Crusade and sent them all far far away in the hopes they'd never return. It sort of worked.

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