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Fuck Jews

File: ea7755b5d954e4d⋯.png (256.03 KB, 598x668, 299:334, Screenshot_2021_01_04_anti….png)

File: 89ec18d7c82b518⋯.png (30.78 KB, 598x585, 46:45, Screenshot_2021_01_02_Mr_N….png)

File: 7a7eaff458d943e⋯.png (4.35 KB, 527x67, 527:67, Screenshot_2021_01_01_pol_….png)

56c5c7  No.191912

> Tweet link - Right-Wing White Nationalist Nazis Students Burning Antifa Books


> Tweet link - These included books written by Jewish, pacifist, religious, liberal, anarchist, socialist, communist, and sexologist authors among others.


> The Culture book burnings (instead of this, why not call it "Antifa book burnings")


> Why would they burn mortal engines exactly? Why would they burn The Culture exactly? Why would they burn The Book of Ember exactly?

For a myriad of reasons. One could say it contains left-wing views that alienate all of you. Others could say anything.

Look at Randall Fragg of Kiwi Farms.

> We are currently sending ANTIFA Stormtroopers door to door to confiscate all copies of the heretical Mortal Engines books. They will be burned on the lawn of city hall at 7:00 PM sharp tomorrow.


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2be19d  No.191916

>muh book burning

They were obviously barbaric acts before printing was invented, because each book was hand-written, usually with elaborate calligraphy, over the course of years or even decades. A book was often the work of a lifetime. Since industrial-scale printing exists, books don't have a value by themselves, only their content does. If they contain smut, nation-wrecking propaganda, or the likes, their value is negative. Besides, those who cry the loudest when their degenerate shit gets symbolically burned belong to the same ideological group who burned, ground, or otherwise obliterated thousands times more books from WW2 onward than the Nazis ever did. But it's OK when they do it.

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84bc05  No.191929

File: 93535726d2fc88b⋯.jpg (342.13 KB, 2874x1857, 958:619, Book_burning.jpg)

Hitlerists back then were actually participating in national christian Holiday, didn't you know? Acts‎ 19:‎19

>Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.

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