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Fuck Jews

File: 10dd297031a7609⋯.jpeg (80.74 KB, 555x833, 555:833, a997f8aa_d3cd_4fd9_88d5_7….jpeg)

6b8170  No.191696

hey /pnd/ I'm looking for a quote from who I belive to be an Italian fascist. It was basically a fascist manifesto, speaking about what he desires in fasicsim, among them "the loud noise of a fast car" and "hatred of women", does anyone know what I'm talking about? thanks

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0aac11  No.191697

Just a reminder:

Metalhead are jew bitches or controlled oposition, piss of Barbie!

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6b8170  No.191698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


go find another thread to shit up kike

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6b8170  No.191701

File: c9c6b0ff10ac80e⋯.jpg (68.61 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_we_will_glorify_war_….jpg)

nevermind I found it, its Filippo Marinetti's Futurist Manifesto

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2aac94  No.191705


Doesn't sound at all like fascism.

Fascism is duty to community and nation.

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fe2092  No.191880


Are you retarded monkey nigger? Did you really have to make a thread for this you braindead faggot?


There is a reason that thread exists!

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5d7881  No.191882


It's also a revolt against a present order. Some of you need to better understand the time period in which Fascism was forming.

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