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File: bc42cd2952623fc⋯.png (136.63 KB, 608x714, 304:357, Declan_Butler_Dat_Gap.png)

a918e3  No.191602

This is Declan Butler https://twitter.com/declan_m_butler?lang=en. He wrote this op-ed https://www.nature.com/news/engineered-bat-virus-stirs-debate-over-risky-research-1.18787 about the inherent dangers of creating chimeric viruses (horseshoe bat coronavirus mixed with the SARS virus to infect humans) described in this study https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985. So, as you may know, the article and the study have fueled the theory that COVID-19 was made in a lab so I thought it would be interesting to see what Declan Butler has had to say about the pandemic. That’s when I found pic related. He scrubbed his twitter from September 2019 to September 2020. Could be nothing but I find it highly suspicious that this guy could be having the greatest ‘I TOLD YOU SO’ moment in history but instead not a peep from him on record. Though presumably, he was having his moment and was forced to delete it.

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