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4f160e  No.191322

The Savior Will Post 2 Godlike Articles About How Become Millionaire And Ascension Topic Very Soon

Source: saviorjoy.wordpress.com

You better share this article to your boss, top government authority, secret group/society, for you will get some reward for sure.

It is time for some serious end time business and message.

In the upcoming day, I will share/post 2 new topics at my personal websites freejoy. aimoo.com and saviorjoy.wordpress.com:

1. How you can become millionaire within 90 days via “mining” cryptocurrencies.

Do you know in Buddhism and Eastern culture, another name of mine is Fortune Buddha who is giving you a lot of money and wealth, but only for those believe in.

I will share 100% for free, but you have a hidden duty is sending me 50% of your profit via donation, because that is law of karma, law of give and take. If you do not send then trouble will come to you, it is not worth to have 1 millions for few days and gone forever.

2. Ascension

At the end of the day, life is all about ascension !

I will no longer have any interested in changing the whole system because each nation each group have their own point of view about the life. You cannot have a perfect solution for all without knowing their true desire. I was tried to get people talk and tell me what they want like the rich trying to help the slum people, but with no success.

So from now I will focus on ascension topic.

But unlike many other free articles like others, I will only help only beings who make donation to me. No donation no help, you must find your own way.

Do you know there are 2 type of ascension?

1 is a trapped portion ascension.

99.9999…% beings/entities do this way and thought that is the right way.

2 is a eternal full nirvana ascension.

This one is the hardest, is the ultimate goal of life, very few beings knew and archived this successfully.

Is this your first time hear about this?

Surprise ?! Hohohaha. The Messiah Buddha knew this.

The premium stuffs always better than free stuffs, the free stuffs is the hard road and you need super duper luck in order to obtain.

Knowing my personal websites is very lucky for you, but take the opportunity or not is a completely another subject.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source: saviorjoy.wordpress.com

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836b0f  No.191428

Commit suicide.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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