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Fuck Jews

File: 7868e330b69ba99⋯.jpg (33.15 KB, 700x372, 175:93, nazi_jewish_og.jpg)

17647c  No.191219

Kek, finally i get my spaniard nationality or maybe a israeli too!

Thanks for bonilla last name, is the best was with the winner.

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6bc703  No.191221


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ae54ed  No.191222

>jews larp as nazis

wow surprising. we didnt need a thread for this.

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17647c  No.191223




Well, genius wich is the reason for you answer my thread?

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415f3a  No.191281

Dan Burros was an ADL informant who died at the home of Roy Frankhauser, and FBI informant, who "gave him some help" when the first shot didn't do the trick.

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dea1e4  No.191325

The old joke goes:

"Q. What's more jewish than a jew? A: a quarter jew.

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