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7c0612  No.190926

So is this is the plan for white Americans? You bet it is and the Jews are the ones behind it and I'LL PROVE IT!.

This is the reason for the selectively edited George Floyd video and the misleading coverage of B on W crime. It's to paint a false sense of reality in order to push anti white policies.

This is not about repairing racial injustices from the past, this is about destroying Amalek.

There's such a lack of racial injustice that the media had to use edited footage and lies about innocent joggers in order to kick off this revolution.

No you don't deserve it for past injustices, that's just the lie they give as an excuse. Reading the comments is interesting, the top comment is correct but they failed to mention who's the rich folks.

Remember this turns out bad for all races except Jews.

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7c0612  No.190927

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Nobody white or black in South Africa considers the currents situation as a win. The rainbow nation has been a failure and they discuss it in this show.

Who in their right mind would consider the current situation in SA as good and as something we should strive towards?

Pretty much the entire Jewish community and I said I'd prove it.

Here's a statement from Robert Bank President and CEO of American Jewish World Service (AJWS)


"I grew up a white Jew in South Africa. We cannot sit out today’s fight against institutionalized racism."

NEW YORK (JTA) — When I was growing up in apartheid South Africa, my family often said that to be a Jew meant to always be on the side of the oppressed, not the oppressor. But their life stories made plain how complicated this identity could be: They had run for their lives from pogroms in Lithuania and suddenly found themselves reaping the vast socioeconomic benefits of being white in a racist dictatorship.

My cousin Denis Goldberg, who died two months ago at the age of 87, took our family conversations about our Jewish commitment to justice to heart. He joined the black resistance movement led by Nelson Mandela and spent 22 years in prison for his commitment to fighting a brutal regime that was hell-bent on devaluing the lives of black South Africans."

1 of 2

Nothing but fond memories

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7c0612  No.190928

2 of 2

"We are now in a historic uprising against the institutionalized racism and violence that exists in every corner in our country, perpetuated by major institutions, the police, other authorities and racist whites against black women, men and children. The chasm between these unrelenting attacks on black people and our promise as a nation — that all people are equal under the law — is sickening and unacceptable.

As I see the police crackdown on demonstrators, I flash back to the social and political turmoil I witnessed during my youth in Cape Town, where police officers used the power of the state to beat black citizens with clubs and take them into police custody, some of them never to be seen again. By elementary school, I was accompanying my parents as they protested apartheid and campaigned for progressive legislators, including Jewish members of Parliament such as the anti-apartheid activist Helen Suzman.

At rallies, I wore protest signs draped over my shoulders like a walking billboard, proclaiming my family’s outrage. In high school, I learned how the African National Congress — the political party created to fight racism — was banned by the white South African government, and how speaking out or peacefully protesting was met with government-sanctioned violence.

In recent days, Jewish colleagues and friends have asked me how to respond, as Jews, at this historic time to make sure that we can finally make national change that sticks. There is a hunger to be involved, to take action, and to show up as partners and allies. And we must seize this moment when the entire country —as well as allies from countries all around the world — are laser-focused on racial justice in America. What’s inspiring me is Ta-Nehisi Coates’ sage advice that “if you’re going to go in an opposite direction, you need to consciously exercise an opposite force.”

To be a part of this “opposite force” of taking America in a new direction we, as Jews, must make it known that we stand with the oppressed, not the oppressor. We must make it clear that black lives matter and we must join our black sisters and brothers by protesting, providing financial resources, supporting grassroots and national organizations, and most important, demanding change from our government.

Every one of us should be voting and mobilizing for leaders in every sector of society who will recognize and root out institutionalized racism, hold police accountable for their actions and protect First Amendment rights. As Jews, we must ensure that our community is diverse and inclusive.

As the historic uprising against four centuries of structural racism continues and as COVID-19 continues to infect and kill Americans of color disproportionately, American Jews have a choice to make: Step up and participate — as so many Jews have — or allow a historic opportunity to repair a deep breach in the world to pass us by."

What a bunch of bullshit but his fellow Jews know what this is about.

No regrets what so ever. Remember what they want is division and what they don't want is the finger pointed at them, their privilege and their lies.

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7c0612  No.190933

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Just in case you need a more credible person telling you it's bullshit what the media's telling you. This his Christmas story

I'd call this a MUST WATCH, he runs down some of the stuff that happened to him in SA. Wow!

Remember as he runs down the list of bad shit that's happened, the Jewish statement above about how good it is.

He also talks about the effect of constant anti white propaganda. He's been thru some shit.

Some whites think it's just trailer trash that are affected. Wrong!

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c10184  No.190947


That guy thinks USA is a paradise for all races. That media is hyping it all up how blacks dislike whites in USA and so on. That guy is either a shill or a complete moron. I have real life experience from USA 80s and know how blacks view Whites there. It seems to be even more extreme there today. What a buffoon. Some comments also mentions similar experiences I had. I think hes just a new foreigner in USA who got no idea what hes talking about regarding USA because some negro gave him one buck. Meanwhile thousands and thousands of whites are being suckerpunched and robbed.

Its morons like this guy which will make USA become as SA very soon.

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5b1ce2  No.190950


Most likely a faggot kike. Kiketube is full of subversive kikes pushing bullshit to the world, always has been

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7c0612  No.190966



Found the Jews, He states all those crimes that happened to him. Mention every traumatic event was at the hands of blacks. Mentions the only time in his life he received something from a black was a buck eighty five.

Read between the lines.

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97f9a2  No.190967


A white line to the townships?

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0f576e  No.191003


I feel like the posts that look as if they want to start a fight are the Jews/ones who don't like us.

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