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File: f05d1346c50ac3b⋯.jpg (46.35 KB, 735x1102, 735:1102, advice_of_defeat.jpg)

652d74  No.190607

Every pro-Nationalist populist leader, from Trump to Orban, promotes Zionism. They have created the crisis of white genocide so as to extort our people: If you want to exist you will recognize Israel's right to exist! But how many of us have rejected that line of reasoning? Enough that they resorted to Plan B: The promotion of Bolshevism. Want to exist, goyim? Become a National Bolshevik. That's the only way. It basically Nazism anyway, right? Hell.. you can even keep the aesthetics! But it's still Judaism. Zionism, Bolshevism… it's all Judaism. And they know that we know. Enter Plan C! Want to exist? Ok. You can be Nazis but you certainly must deport Jews to Israel or some other place. You want them out of your country, right goy? And we've gone full circle, returning to the support of Zionism! This is their angle. So your choices are pro-Zionism, pro-Communism, or pro-Accelerationism. And by Accelerationism I don't mean violence but rather socio-political maneuvering. I suppose you can choose to do nothing and play into the theatrics believing in this party or that movement but how long can you keep that up, /pol/?

>"I've just become informed that there is a Jewish-Israeli alt-right. I'm happy about this. I'm happy to see this; they're using some of our memes that's [sic] based on our movement," Anglin added. "They are bothered, sick of the same people in the same way."



Once you've escaped all of their boxes you are free to slither in and out of any of them as needed. Learn how to be fluid, anon.


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2719c2  No.190610

Trump is not pro-nationalist.

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652d74  No.190616

File: 2ac244d9005c3d0⋯.png (365.29 KB, 619x560, 619:560, trump_globalism.PNG)


Trump is pro-Nationalist in as much as he's pro-Internationalist. That's what Nazbol (National Bolshevism) is. Here nationalism exists to give the illusion of sovereignty and your nation only exists to serve as a hub for spreading Bolshevism (Globalism). At the same time Trump is a Zionist. So we see these scam artists promoting both sides of kikery, not caring if Zionism or Bolshevism wins, so long as the people select one or the other.

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