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File: e349d3750587535⋯.png (68.03 KB, 739x728, 739:728, vaughn.png)

b00455  No.189967

Stormfront are "WN 1.0" wignat enthusiasts, /pol/ are smart and hip. This is not exactly wrong, but that's not why they failed. This goes far deeper than "optics".

Why do we believe that which we believe? Why do we do that which we do? Why, fundamentally, are we White supremacists?

"He who would live must fight. He who does not wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist."

At the end of the day, it's all about survival - if we do nothing, we'll lose our homelands, and then we'll have nowhere else to go.

"This planet will once again follow its orbit through ether, devoid of human life, as it did millions of years ago."

How do you get people to fight for their own interests? More specifically, how do you solve group coordination problems?

If everyone littered, the world would be a worse place. But I would derive a small convenience from just dumping my trash on the ground.

If everyone said the N-word, the world would be a better place. But if I say "nigger" alone, then I'm cast out of society.

The solution to these two problems is the same: racism.

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b00455  No.189970

File: 2d9392b4649d554⋯.jpg (122.9 KB, 672x372, 56:31, badmeme2.jpg)


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b00455  No.189971

File: a2234e25ea2c74a⋯.png (110.93 KB, 500x372, 125:93, badmeme1.png)


WN 1.0 didn't realize this. They thought that they could sell people on neo-Nazism by convincing them that it wasn't racist: "Look, here's some Black National Socialists!" - "We don't want White supremacy, just racial separatism!".

This is wrong. Their goal here is to sell people on National Socialism by leaving out the race aspect. This is putting the cart before the horse. Even if they succeeded, you'd just get a lot of confused kids who liked swastikas but didn't have anything against the Blacks. When people say that Hitler was based and redpilled, they do so with the full awareness that he was, well, based and redpilled. If you just want to produce people who like National Socialism, you're falling prey to Goodhart's law. [1]

Consider how you got redpilled: did you start to ask questions about the economic policy of Nazi Germany, obscure occult movements of the 1900s, and the JQ, or did you just read about how the media has been covering up the fact that Blacks are more violent and have most likely been lying about everything else too? [2]

What we need is for people to get comfortable being racist. It's only through racism that the White race will be able to organize and fight for its own interests. Whether they then think Hitler is a swell guy is ultimately unimportant - "libertarianism with racist characteristics" would completely unironically be a perfectly fine way to run a society. (This is why National Bolshevism is utterly retarded - it puts the economic theories before the racism)

They don't have to conceptualize it that way, but they do have to be it. If they think their racism is ironic, it doesn't matter. Racism is still racism - it's a performative act of language that takes back our dominion in our own homelands, one "nigger" at a time: if you have one guy "ironically" saying the N-word, then the ten other White guys around him are going to realize this is a safe space for their racism, and the Blacks are going to realize this isn't a place they're welcome. [3]

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b00455  No.189972

File: 376a7c7c687a529⋯.jpg (48.23 KB, 900x900, 1:1, deathofnations.jpg)

File: a2477cd73256c38⋯.jpg (12.24 KB, 500x274, 250:137, opengates1.jpg)

File: c9ce6c0d83d02fe⋯.jpg (66.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, opengates2.jpg)

Why do you the Jews put such tremendous efforts into suppressing the N-word? Why can you, relatively unmolested, talk about racial IQ gaps, but be viciously attacked whenever you say the N-word, even in a non-racist context?

Why is "I'm going to say the N-word" a fantastic meme, but all of the "redpill" videos with Hitler speeches set to dramatic music a giant fucking waste of effort?

Why is /pol/ tremendously successful, but attempts to translate it into real-world political parties such utter failures?

Why is the only popular /pol/ propaganda video With Open Gates?

What is it with /pol/ and (full) anonymity?

The answer is, it's not a symbol, it's just an idea, and that idea is racism. When you have a symbol, like the Black Sun, people can attack it, call it racist, and smear it with all sorts of unsavory figures. When all you have is an idea, they have to engage with it at face value. There's no way to insult an anon, you have to engage with their ideas. When people do this, we win. When we put symbols to the ideas, they attack the symbols, and we lose.

This is why With Open Gates was the best propaganda video we ever made. There's no ideology or symbols in it, just pure, unadulterated racism and hatred for immigrants.

(I say this completely sincerely; the only emotion a reasonable man should feel watching it is disgust, anger, and hatred)

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b00455  No.189974

File: 9dc0ec97a444fd4⋯.jpg (88.54 KB, 600x717, 200:239, saint_tarrant.jpg)

So, how do we do this? How do we get people to be comfortable with an idea they, at its very core, have been inoculated to reject?

There's two prongs to the strategy: the private and the public. The public is the material which shapes the views of the broader society. The private is the material that an individual consumes and engages with as part of his redpill journey - private conversations and YouTube videos fitted to his particular point in the overton window, basically.

There, the trick is to avoid getting them to put up their defense mechanisms. When you say certain combination of words, their brain locks up. It's like your friend's phone: when you have it, you can use it relatively freely, but if you hit the lock button just once, you'll have to give it back.

In other words, we have to advocate for racism, but with better optics. It's not "racism," it's "group differences," "informal heuristics," "Bayesian statistical reasoning," or "ethnic self-interests". Not only is it OK to be White, it's OK to fight for White self-interests.

Meanwhile, the goal of the public redpills are to make the job of the private's easier. We have to wear down his defense mechanisms. (That's also why "they just call all White people Nazis, it doesn't mean anything" is such a great meme). If you see, all around you, a constant stream of racial slurs and calls for genocide and terrorism, that guy expressing skepticism about immigration suddenly doesn't seem so bad anymore. That's why Tarrant had great optics despite being a mass shooter and a terrorist, and why the Jews spent so much time and effort on taking down his video: even if people would have watched it and found it appalling, a little bit of their defense mechanisms would forever have died.

Hail victory.

1: "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure." ~Charles Goodhart

2: See left-wing trap ContraPoints video where "she" criticizes the leftist version of wignats (1:37–2:25):


Observe how Tabby is an almost exact carbon copy of our wignats:

>The character Tabby represents a lot of what I think is wrong about leftist strategy: the indifference to optics, the undisguised hostility to the ideologically impure, the sectarian nitpicking, the alternation between extreme optimism (“a communist revolution can happen in the United States and it will go well if it does”) and extreme pessimism (“neoliberal propaganda has so tight a grip on the general public that why should we even bother trying to appeal to them?”), the blurring of lines between recognizing the necessity of violence in certain situations and the aesthetic celebration of violence as an end in itself. ~ContraPoints

3: Innuendo Studios (leftist) made a great video on /pol/:


Edited for brevity:

>Not only can you not tell the difference between a bigot who doesn't know they're a bigot, and a bigot who knows, but won't tell you; there is no line dividing the two.

>I don't know if they believe it, but in that moment, they believe they believe it. How many layers of irony are they on? 9 times out of 10, it doesn't matter.

>We are what we pretend to be.

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78065f  No.189992

File: f58c3524aab9bd3⋯.jpg (81.52 KB, 640x960, 2:3, hitler_racism.jpg)

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b84d71  No.189998


>Stormfront are "WN 1.0" wignat enthusiasts

This is the exact opposite of reality. Stormfront is a carefully cultivated and curated environment full of normie conservatives who are mostly worried the niggers aren't interested in libertarianism.

/pol/ IS wignats. It's just jews like you started posting there and running automated bot programs when it started really taking off. Wignats won 2016 and they took it away in 2020.

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22fe92  No.190053


>Consider how you got redpilled: did you start to ask questions about the economic policy of Nazi Germany, obscure occult movements of the 1900s, and the JQ, or did you just read about how the media has been covering up the fact that Blacks are more violent and have most likely been lying about everything else too?

Actually the first one. However seeing first hand the actions of the media and then reading Mein Kampf and fully agreeing with how it portrays their actions was a large spark too.

Then seeing how Germany went into a massive economic boom as soon as they took power basically cemented in my head the truth of things.

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453d62  No.190055


This isn’t /pol/. /pol/ failed miserably. It doesn’t exist anymore, and anyone who tries to create it is prevented from doing so. Not just here, but everywhere else. /pol/‘s history is of doing absolutely nothing in the real world and physically making no changes to governance, economy, or society, and simply running away every time our home is taken from us. What the fuck “succeeded,” retard? Take your reddit spacing and Trump worship and get the fuck out.

>if we do nothing

We’ll do nothing. We haven’t yet, we never will. Keep sitting on your ass and waiting for “The Happening” despite being repeatedly shown that there will be no single event collapse, ever.

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21178d  No.190060


>durr, we're all not gonna make it

haha poltard

manage your testosterone and seratonin


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b84d71  No.190068


This is pseud definition of fascism for retard 60s kids. Carlin isn't the insightful social commentator a lot of people think he is.

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84805b  No.190214

Money. In this society money is everything. Can turn you into a virologist overnight, even.

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453d62  No.190216


Sage for spam.

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f04ad7  No.190220


Sage negated.

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453d62  No.190252


Sage for spam.

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ad3da7  No.190864

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4850bb  No.190874

File: 1f46dfd509a778a⋯.png (639.57 KB, 1121x607, 1121:607, Smartcheckr.png)

File: 9d20e3a2a0a7782⋯.jpg (475.31 KB, 709x913, 709:913, Ricky_Bobby_jew_watch.jpg)


Don't worry, along with Clearview AI (formerly Smartcheckr), he's still fighting the good fight and making sure our cops and law enforcement (who we love) have the facial recognition tools they need.

Douglass is always at the forefront of all the great struggles against jewry, whether it's destroying privacy, getting Jared Kushner elected president, or begging google to take down jew watch,

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710a31  No.190915

The only thing that succeeded temporarily was the alt-right movement as imperfect as it was. But they were left to twist in the wind after Charlottesville.

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eb2de6  No.190924

/pol/ has not succeeded.

/pol/ has…../pol/ has fallen.

We were no match for the forces of leftism.

They cut through our memes like a sword of fire, leaving nothing but an emblazoned trail of their righteous indignation as proof that we had ever existed at all.

When the likes of Destiny materialized as though sent from the heavens itself to vanquish the forces of evil, we cried out for our champion, a champion, any champion who could challenge him.

But none appeared.

When the likes of Vaush laid waste to the complexes of our hivemind, we had no answers, no rebuttals, no recourse but to bow our heads and submit.

When reddit and resetera besieged our capital with arrows of interracial porn and ideas of logic, truth, justice, and equality for all people, we saw how shallow our ideas of meme magic, mind control, and 5th gen warfare really are.

We failed because we were wrong.

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fd7fa5  No.190929


Sounds like you just traded one form of retarded extremism for another. Vaush's commie crap is just as vacuous as the natsoc larp, the truth is somewhere in between.

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ad3da7  No.190939


2015-2016 was great. YouTube hadn't completely turned into JewTube yet. There was so much anti-Jewish content available to the masses and the comment sections were dominated by /ourguys/.

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06a303  No.191057


> why /pol/ succeeds and stormfront fails

Lemme see it used to have

> Intelligent posters

> Reject schizo tier larping and posts

> Had humor

> Was grounded in reality

> Appealed to a lot of people

> Exposed corruption in different countries at multiple layers in governmental and non governmental orgs with actual evidence (instead of screaming JEWS)

> /pol/ merged truth with humor in memes and eventually it leaked everywhere (2016/2017)

In turn for leaking memes and being effective some paid shills, a lot of leftyfags (most of the shills) and low IQ posters (sometimes confused with shills) invaded the board. This made it a lot less effective, more intelligent posters started leaving. Information and news spreading slowed down especially non mainstream news about different countries. This in turn made it less effective.

Stormfront from the start already had a lot of posters that were willing to be dishonest about everything to make a point. They would come up with the most insane David Icke tier conspiracies about jews, about satanism and so forth without presenting any proof. Then you had people like David Duke peddling their historical revisionism to paint jews worse than they are which just makes it easy for any moderately intelligent person who doesn't have a bias to do a simple search and verify that they're sprouting bullshit. Stormfront with people like David Duke mostly accomplished making white nationalists look like complete retards. /pol/ actually presented more sound and intelligent exposures of judaism and how they ruin nations instead of needing to use dishonesty (which only enables jews, as they can easily refute the bad argument).

I say 'used' since this board is rather dead, alternatives are rather dead and 4chan/pol/ is constantly spammed by bots, raided to extremes by leftyshills and got idiots for mods. Any actual thread about politics is slid off the board by tinder threads, 30 trump/biden threads and shill spam. Nobody wants to burn their hands on creating a nice alternative either because there won't be revenue from it + you get to deal with the feds from multiple countries.

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453d62  No.191059


>We were no match for

No, we simply didn't fight at all.

>We failed because we were wrong.

Blow your brains out, paid shill. You aren't us. We were never wrong.


>paint jews worse than they are

lol, it's funny you think that sentence can exist.

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06a303  No.191060


Prior to that in 2012-2014 every news site used to have a comment section. They were always skeptical of jews, muslims and multiculturalist bullshit. Then they removed the comment sections of course since everyone in there was just bashing jews, muslims and multiculturalism.

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9fccff  No.191063


I only have a problem with rats or overeager feds.

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9fccff  No.191066


Because it depends on the context. I wouldnt "bash" anyone on a regular site because that would immediatelly out you as an extremist or on idiot. Here you can say it, but then again i think it is crawling with something.

Also arguing in these online sections will always distill down to key markers or key words. No real indepth discussion will take place here because it is neither completely anonymous nor is it tied to the real.

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9fccff  No.191067


The problem here is that the critique of "Multiculturalism" always has certain overtone of all "something something" is bad. And obviously the left takes a part in this in stoking the flames forcing a "commitment" in some sort of a way, and so does the right. I dont like that.

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06a303  No.191080

File: 1ee9a1813511b45⋯.png (267.14 KB, 688x684, 172:171, 1489039797720.png)

File: effc8fbb4e4e09c⋯.jpg (2.48 MB, 3755x5759, 3755:5759, 1551608416330.jpg)

File: eb6d2c198d53008⋯.jpg (349.43 KB, 1124x1238, 562:619, demoligarchy.jpg)

File: ba25a1dbd1d419e⋯.jpg (557.63 KB, 2484x880, 621:220, jewjew.jpg)

File: e840ed467b395d6⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 4698x3405, 1566:1135, JUDEN.jpg)


> lol, it's funny you think that sentence can exist.

I meant it more in a way that if you make up abhorrent acts they didn't do, it puts them in a position they can easily refute you (which they constantly succeeded in doing at stormfront, even normies were doing it in the opposing views section). On the other hand I found some of pic related to be very redpilling on jews, most of what USA consumes for news information is jewish drivel calling that out is the truth.


> arguing in these online sections will always distill down to key markers or key words.

> No real indepth discussion will take place here because it is neither completely anonymous nor is it tied to the real.

Yes very true. It serves as a good enough (dis)information vector though.

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ad3da7  No.191371

File: 557f6b6fb016840⋯.jpg (116.31 KB, 1010x1024, 505:512, taylor_ride_the_tiger.jpg)

How do we stop the Great Reset?

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c03f87  No.191382


Gives them devil horns form peripheral vision.

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925b3f  No.191383


Kill the architects. Drag them from their beds

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453d62  No.191384


Kill them. You‘ll never do this, so enjoy the final stages of white genocide.

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c03f87  No.191387




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873acb  No.191415

Because Stormfront is full of 70yo old people and /pol/ is filled with Weebs and Autistic people.

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219234  No.191622



>fat incels LARPing about gay nazi fascism socialism in their online echo chamber.

Sounds like jews tbh famalam

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