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File: 940276aa0aaecf8⋯.gif (2.74 MB, 800x450, 16:9, 1608354746114.gif)

ea7f43  No.189418

I know most of you hate plebbit clones as much as any one else. Just as I loved 8ch back in the day, I enjoyed voat. So it's time for us to move on.

With voat dead, I'll be on 8kun more. I'll also be using poal. Just a memory thread for voat and all the joy it brought us sticking a thorn into the side of those filthy jews running reddit.

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3f1886  No.189419


The kikes really know how to shut down the good places. Will decentralized sites like notabug be more immune to their kikery?

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40d36b  No.189420


>I'll be on 8kun more.

Looking forward to all of your q-posts.

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ea7f43  No.189422

File: 2bf022c1f66fe00⋯.png (273.47 KB, 593x672, 593:672, 1603529935507.png)


Not a qtard, thanks for the vote of confidence though. It looks likea lot of people are either going to use poal.co or saidit.net

We'll see.

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276110  No.189424


1. Search the fucking catalog.

2. You better damn well not be a Q-LARPer.

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40d36b  No.189425


>Not a qtard

Sure thing, nigger.

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59177c  No.189430


> Just a memory thread for voat

Use the catalogue dipshit

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ad3ca2  No.189440


people stopped coming here because they're convinced that this place is now tapped to the DoD servers.

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ea7f43  No.189460


Well… is it?

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43f6ce  No.189494

File: f62b5d6ed18e634⋯.jpg (145.41 KB, 615x356, 615:356, 250_Ruble_Note_1917_verso.jpg)

File: e714bb9436c640b⋯.jpeg (144.32 KB, 600x419, 600:419, download_1_.jpeg)

File: 1838bc8952ad707⋯.jpeg (31.21 KB, 450x306, 25:17, download_2_.jpeg)

File: d131dca4773a17d⋯.jpeg (25.31 KB, 265x417, 265:417, download_3_.jpeg)

Muh Hitler

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de7ba6  No.189499


on pol, feds and jews can buy jannie privileges

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57d7d1  No.189514


YEah, we know. It's why there's so much degeneracy on 4chan

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5b71d7  No.189525

File: 675b210f5f841e6⋯.jpg (35.58 KB, 883x190, 883:190, Screenshot_20201225_053101….jpg)


because it's the kikes who fund these sites until they reach their goal then they kill them off

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4dc462  No.189534


Qtards are going to a .win page and a backup honeypot made by one of crensch's boys.

The good goats are doing as OP said.

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618c9b  No.189547


It's probably run by the boys at TDW. Have you been there lately, they are downright agitating for revolution. Long time posters, etc, can't all be glowies. Jan 6 should be interesting to watch.

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40d36b  No.189549


>can't all be glowies.

Who would agitate for revolution to get more of the Trump agenda?

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cb1123  No.189565


It was how i found this place. Had reddit not shadowbanned me i would never have been redpilled. Voat dying begs an important question though: how are the big sites staying afloat? is it really ad revenue? is datamining that valuable? or is it artificial?

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239728  No.189727


You are right, I'd rather have dead man walking Biden and Commie Kamela waiting like a goddamn vulture.

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239728  No.189728


> how are the big sites staying afloat

What big sites?

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6559bf  No.189752


Megacorps are kept eternally afloat by government gibs thanks to lobbying. Ironically, the government does the opposite of prevent monopolies.

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