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7ad314  No.186171



Original article from NRK


[spoiler]Jewgle translate of the original article



>What right-wing extremists see in Syria

>But what motivates right-wing extremists to go to Syria? And why will they support Muslim Bashar Al Assad?

>- The fact that right-wing extremists find their way to Syria does not surprise me, says author John Færseth.

>The author is completing a book on pro-Russian circles in Europe. Færseth has previously written a book about the war in Ukraine. He is well acquainted with the thinking of Russian right-wing extremists.

>He points to three possible motives:

>1. An opportunity to defend Orthodox Christians in Syria. Also a contribution to the resurrection of the honorable Russian nation.

>2. The Jews are the great enemy. Fighting on Assad's side in the war could be a way to stand up to the United States, "Jewish power" and global power.

>3. A contribution to stagnating the flow of refugees to Europe. The refugees will continue to arrive as long as Assad does not win the war.

>Order from «Norðmaður»

>What Rusich has done in Syria is not clear. Petrovskiy himself told NRK that the militia has fought in the area.

>In the interview on the far-right website Skandinavisk Frihet, however, a possible war crime is described.

>The interviewee tells of an incident where the troop is said to have come across a camp with around 100 IS fighters.

>At night, the troop must have snuck into the IS camp.

>Then the "Norðmaður", who is probably Petrovskiy, is said to have fired artillery at the camp.

>According to the report, about half of the IS members survived. They then tried to "leave the area to save themselves".

>But then "Norðmaður" gave the order to end it all. No IS fighters were allowed to leave the area. The order was carried out exemplary, it is stated in the article.

>If the story is true, the killings could be contrary to international law, according to the Norwegian Red Cross.

Pretty interesting read, unless you're a lazy nigger. Only problem I have with these guys is that one of their leaders is an animal abuser and killer; this is incompatible with the NatSoc doctrine. Other than that, they are doing God's work when white countries are doing exactly the opposite of these guys.

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eccb61  No.186175


>when white countries are doing exactly the opposite of these guys.

Well, much of the West isn't actually White. Certainly hasn't been true in terms of ruling government and capitalized elite, even if jews can fool you sometimes. And since the 1965 Immigration Act and the 1990 Immigration Act, the actual populations of these countries aren't White. So attacking Central and Eastern Europe and eventually Russia is perfectly natural from this perspective. This really is the primary impetus behind demographic changes in the West.

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0320d6  No.186180


>If the story is true, the killings could be contrary to international law, according to the Norwegian Red Cross.

>Goyim must care about ISIS human rights

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0320d6  No.186190

>Oy vey you just can't kill your enemies. You must flood niggers/muslims into their countries to fight your enemies like us jews do.

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bd2379  No.186271

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OP here


Tbf, the Eastern Bloc are the ones who at least have the most negative views on immigration (also some countries south, like Italy and Greece). The problem with us, here, in Western Europe (I'm Scandinavian, go figure) is that we're too well off and that makes you naïve.



I swear, I hate the whole fucking lot - Red Cross, UN, NATO, the EU, the human rights commision and the list goes on. This whole (((human rights))) nonsense has ruined everything.

<b-but muh shitskins :'(

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bd2379  No.186272

OP here


Tbf, the Eastern Bloc are the ones who at least have the most negative views on immigration (also some countries south, like Italy and Greece). The problem with us, here, in Western Europe (I'm Scandinavian, go figure) is that we're too well off and that makes you naïve.



I swear, I hate the whole fucking lot - Red Cross, UN, NATO, the EU, the human rights commision and the list goes on. This whole (((human rights))) nonsense has ruined everything.

<b-but muh shitskins :'(

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094442  No.186582


With the exception of America, Canada and possibly France, every last one of the countries in the West is recoverable. Even Sweden is still `80% Swedish. The important thing is that things get bad enough fast enough. If the Jews get 50 more years to boil the frog then we're done for.

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56385b  No.186596


UK, Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany have massive problems. So does Greece. There is also the Polish/Baltic problem, where all 4 countries operate as satellites of the American-israeli regime.

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32aad9  No.186633


poland is interesting because its demographically they are in tact but ideologically are fucked philosemites at least the "bourgeoise" ones; its a real mess but the xenophobic homophobic antisemitic blah blah blah glorious polish peasants might redeem the country - polish nationalism is a tendentious thing

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d5ada1  No.186996

File: 8b6d5671802a88b⋯.png (112.94 KB, 610x425, 122:85, ClipboardImage.png)


It's not about the total percentage. It's about the youth demographics. And those are fucking grim.

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