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There's a nigger on the port bow!

File: 51fb2f594bab1be⋯.jpg (10.42 KB, 182x268, 91:134, sugar.jpg)

0243f7  No.184716

Wake up niggers and wiggers, the society is fucking failing. Every government we are having is bad. The world is driven by niggerslutz and elite who just wants money. I am not posting with a VPN lads, i might get arrested for saying the truth, non of this Qanon shit matters, all the people wants is to dominate us, we gotta REVOLT, take up arms stop paying taxes, stop using money trade, we need to stop living like fucking machine that is the chinese way of life.

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75f40b  No.184717


Yeah, we know. We're not Q-LARPers.

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71d49a  No.184724


Your new years resolution should be to only post when sober.

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70ee6f  No.184727

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)


>we need to stop living like fucking machine that is the chinese way of life.


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