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There's a nigger on the port bow!

File: 9340c191540bc45⋯.png (21.06 KB, 236x214, 118:107, Twatter_dropped.png)

File: 16bf2334d34e0a9⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 2016x1512, 4:3, winner.jpg)

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File: 45c4b11cf0178bb⋯.png (8.44 KB, 255x191, 255:191, Drop_Twatter.png)

46aa3f  No.184632



In a Free nation with the people having a 1st amendment right to voice. In America 'Land of the free-home of the brave."




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dfc3ce  No.184634

Why do we care about your jewish honeypots?

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514347  No.184654


>everything with more than 50 users is a honeypot

Is it really so hard to believe that someone got genuinely fed up with CIA niggers and built an open source social media platform?

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eed1e1  No.184656


Parler had all of its user data leaked five days ago.

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514347  No.184657


Well that's pretty fucked but that's not honeypot activity. That's just shit security

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f13768  No.184659


Yes, it is. Particularly when you’re talking about fucking ✡GABBAI✡.

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