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There's a nigger on the port bow!

File: 17ab70fe40390f3⋯.jpg (650.79 KB, 2048x1306, 1024:653, AP_19120389202826.jpg)

fe655e  No.184531

Is Islam anti-culture? AFAIK the National Socialists said Jews were destroyers of culture but that Islam and National Socialism had a similar worldview.

>During the Taliban rule of 1996–2001, they banned many recreational activities and games, such as football, kite flying, and chess. General entertainment such as televisions, cinemas, music, VCRs and satellite dishes were also banned.[274] It has been reported that when children were caught kiting, a highly popular activity among Afghan children, they would have gotten beaten.

>The Taliban forbade pork and alcohol, many types of consumer technology such as music,[280] television,[280] filming,[280] and the Internet, as well as most forms of art such as paintings or photography,[280] male and female participation in sport,[281] including football and chess;[281] recreational activities such as kite-flying and keeping pigeons or other pets were also forbidden, and the birds were killed according to the Taliban's ruling.[281] Movie theatres were closed and repurposed as mosques.[281] Celebration of the Western and Iranian New Year was forbidden.[282] Taking photographs and displaying pictures or portraits was forbidden, as it was considered by the Taliban as a form of idolatry.


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22e08c  No.184534

File: ea1411b490a8888⋯.jpg (132.74 KB, 968x733, 968:733, 23k6rlw.jpg)

>Islam and National Socialism had a similar worldview

No. That sounds like some daily stormer "white sharia" faggotry.

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fe655e  No.184536


I actually saw it quoted, I'll see if I can find it

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2ec5e2  No.184539


>Islam and National Socialism had a similar worldview

O people, your Lord is one and your father Adam is one. There is no favor of an Arab over a foreigner, nor a foreigner over an Arab, and neither white skin over black skin, nor black skin over white skin, except by righteousness. Have I not delivered the message?

Source: Musnad Ahmad 22978, Grade: Sahih

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a4de5d  No.184549

File: acd604100a38aa3⋯.png (150.47 KB, 599x324, 599:324, muslims_inbreds.png)

File: 2dfa7309610b57a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 133.67 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, typical_muslim_girl.jpg)


No serious National Socialist likes or respects islam, only mentally ill degenerates larping as nu-nazis, the actual practiced values in islam are jewish ones in origin since islam was created after Muhammad he was imprisoned in the jewish slave city of Medina and decided to copy jews in their beliefs like slavery, so he could rob passing merchants.

Hitler made one comment about them being good for war allies but he never investigated their actual belief system himself. The muslims aren't even good at war since their war victories are centered on over population over centuries and inbreeding of locals. Islam also naturally favors oligarchies so it has no real last lasting powers after muslims overpopulate another country where only fat con men. schizos and retards have children. Muslims chop their dick skin off because jews do it.


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e5404d  No.184728

File: 6229ac02433ee8b⋯.png (48.6 KB, 365x370, 73:74, ClipboardImage.png)


As long as there is people, there is culture.

Kikes are "creators" of degenerate culture, whites were creators of intelligent and constructive culture. Some say that degenerate culture is lack of culture, while kikes try to imply that lack of degenerate culture is culture. In reality either degenerate or progressive culture dominates over people.

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e5404d  No.184730


>lack of degenerate culture

* while kikes try to imply that lack of progressive culture is culture, degenerate culture dominates

sry im tired and can't really understand what I was typing

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