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File: b2c5fd320b9d452⋯.jpg (59.33 KB, 600x851, 600:851, corruption.jpg)

3c3ce0  No.184491

I want to have a discussion of what "corruption" really means. According to the posters in this thread corruption is the opposite of a strong state. It seems they are implying that they are in favor of big government and a one-world government.


It follows from their line of reasoning that an Orwellian police state such as in the video below is a society that has very little corruption.


I think it's interesting that when people talk about corruption it's usually about bribes. About government being influenced by private money. But isn't that how all power works? We're told that's not the case but I think all government is really crony capitalism/revolving door politics. I don't know very much about it though but I read something about how American private businesses and the American military were benefiting from each other and that seems like a good example. Maybe another example could be agriculture. I watched a documentary about how Haiti has been oppressed due to American farm subsidies. There was also a documentary about fish farming in Norway claiming that the fish was toxic but some people wanted to cover it up because it's one of the biggest sources of income for Norway.

I found this quote by Italian Freemason Giuseppe Mazzini:

>We corrupt in order to rule

Is it the same subject at all or is it something entirely different? Is corruption in a political sense and corruption in a religious or some other sense even related at all? Could there be a society without corruption? Maybe there would be no working class without corruption and therefore no one to do the manual labor? Why do Jews always seem to be trying to corrupt Gentiles? I think I read about some agreement made with Jews in the past where they were allowed to stay in a country if they agreed not to corrupt the morals of Gentiles.

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91c54d  No.184497


>in this thread

Did you mean to put this in the election thread, or somewhere else? I can merge it if you need.

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3c3ce0  No.184498


I mean the thread I linked just below that.

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1938b4  No.184499

File: d946c702768457c⋯.webm (380.99 KB, 720x400, 9:5, for_free.webm)


fuck you, nigger

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adf1a3  No.184505

So this is my idea of how government/power works. As I said I think it's exactly the same thing that's called corruption, it's just that the current top dog gets to define words, gets to define who is called corrupt and who isn't. Laws exist because someone is making money off of it. An example I thought about is imagine a society which was like the Taliban. All women wore black burqas. Even depictions of women are forbidden. Do you think mall owners would be happy about this? Do you think advertisers would be happy about this? Someone decides to make advertisements that show sexy women despite the ban. Due to human psychology he sells a lot more than his competitors who don't show sexy women in their ads. He ends up having more money. He uses that money to influence the government to pass laws which make his advertisements legal and criminalizes the removal of his ads. This doesn't even have to be someone within the border of the country who broke the law by using such ads, it can be a foreign country, which gained its wealth and power in just the same way, and now invades your country. This is how I think politics, economics, religion and other things are connected.

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5d7e50  No.184508

File: e3b84a808f4d48c⋯.png (12.77 KB, 878x884, 439:442, Government_spectrum.png)


Are you a tard?

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adf1a3  No.184518

File: dc0685c866dffdd⋯.jpg (32.99 KB, 500x510, 50:51, thesis_antithesis_synthesi….jpg)

File: 5672f396566c8f3⋯.jpg (107.47 KB, 528x585, 176:195, pyramid.jpg)

File: 7a78d2c4047ddd8⋯.jpg (15.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, triforce.jpg)

And it said in that thread "murder is legal" in Mexico or whatever country it was. The way I see it that too is just another example of concentration/centralization of power. For example if a drug cartel murders someone they do it in order to increase their own power. But the government is just the cartel which happens to be the biggest and strongest at the current moment. They too murdered opponents to get to where they are. Now they have the upper hand so they get to choose who is called cartel and criminal and who isn't. One of the most interesting aspects of this subject is to me that there appears to be a dialectic going on, similar to the Hegelian dialectic that David Icke talks about, and similar to the dialectic in logic with thesis, antithesis and synthesis, these two are probably related to each other. What I mean is that war drives progress, and it doesn't even have to be outright war, it can be a "cold war", and the way I see it all of existence is a war, there is no line between war and peace, peace is just cold war, business, the line between business/peace and war is nonexistent or arbitrary and meaningless. The only line that's drawn might be where there are bombs or shootings but such things are only the tip of the iceberg in war, most of it is below the surface if you will, psychological warfare etc. So what I mean with the dialectic is that in war both sides benefit from each other. The stealth airplane would never have been invented if the enemy didn't first invent the radar. And I think a similar thing is going on in society at large and this is what we call corruption. The establishment/government couldn't actually exist without the cartels. I think religion is connected to this dialectic. The Jewish bankers are said to finance both sides in wars, and both capitalism and communism. This guy is talking about Jews, Christianity and Islam and he says they are "forces of nature" which are in the Bible/Torah symbolized by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I think this is probably the same thing I'm talking about or related.


Notice how the Illuminati symbol of the pyramid with an eye has three corners just like the dialectic, thesis, antithesis, synthesis, and notice how the eye with rays is placed at the top corner. In the SNES game Zelda A Link To The Past there is the "triforce symbol" which is three pyramids forming a larger pyramid. I think this might be symbolizing a microcosm-macrocosm aspect of this, just like the guy in the video is talking about "Jacob in a small level, Israel in a large level", i.e. if you zoom in there are dialectics within the dialectic. I also found an image online showing the dialectic and interestingly they chose blue for the thesis, red for the antithesis and purple (blue+red) for the synthesis, just like the blue pill and the red pill. Probably not a coincidence. I think it might be alluding to how the red pill is an antithesis to the previous lower, less enlightened, bluepilled stage, but after the red pill comes a stage of deeper understanding about that which one was in opposition to. Just like in logic the opposing arguments lead to a new refined argument. And just like the airplane led to the radar, which led to the stealth airplane and so on.

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adf1a3  No.184526

I feel like this subject is such a thick matrix you can't even begin to unravel it. Also seems like it's been discussed since ancient times what corruption actually means. And yet most people seem to think it's very clear-cut what it means.

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adf1a3  No.184533


I'm fucking cringing as I'm watching this. It's brainwashing and every statement is totally meaningless.

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adf1a3  No.184535

File: a54c49666cc6c89⋯.jpg (236.66 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, merkel.jpg)

File: 1171e10716ca73c⋯.png (524.49 KB, 600x337, 600:337, Screenshot_2020_11_28_What….png)


hmmm… not at all being told to make the Illuminati hand sign that Angela Merkel does…

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87c09e  No.184590

Still not a single fucking thought posted? I saw this definition of corruption online:

>A “corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party;

Does it begin to dawn on you how fucking vague and retarded the whole concept of corruption is?

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05a0bb  No.184643

Laws exist because they're an agreement between powerful parties to coexist. Imagine the MacGregor clan and the Campbell clan decide they're sick of being England's bitch, so they reluctantly set aside their petty feud. What rules so they agree to so that they can get along? Generally they'll want to preserve some sort of balance of power so that both will agree it's in their favor or at least not to their detriment. This requires forthought and trust.

Corruption is cheating so that one party gains at the expense of the other. It destroys trust when it's discovered and leads to the breakdown of nations, though if taken to an extreme extent can give so much power to the corruptor that the cheating party rules the swindled parties. That's where we are now.

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db8929  No.184645


>What is corruption?

if you have to hide it in shame, it is corruption, and you know it

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aa43b4  No.184667


no you are just brainwashed

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aa43b4  No.184668


yet another stupid reply

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91c54d  No.184674


>no argument

You’ve admitted he’s right.


Prove it wrong, dumbass.

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ff348a  No.184719


I've already posted my arguments idiot

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91c54d  No.184721


>no argument

Okay. You’ve admitted he’s right.

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5c6440  No.184723


jews have no shame

so jews can not be corrupt?

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