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82ff0b  No.184128

Is there a connection to be made between the world being full of stupid people and the fetishization/popularity of nerd/"I LOVE SCIENCE" culture?

In some way, it's the perfect plan to fuck up the human race

How do you make the world more retarded?

You ruin the "smart" aspect of the human race, whether it's stupid people pretending to be smart or even smart people themselves being stupid and ruining their intellect

A complete mockery of one of mankind's strenghts over other species

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e23c54  No.184137

It’s a mixture of an unfathomable amount of information, the creation of the “digital self” and the Dunning-Krueger effect. A bunch of subpar at best individuals thinking they’re God’s Shiny Golden Shit.

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5b54c1  No.184353


30 years too late Anon with realization

The noses try to valify what "can" be even considered sientific finding, since (((they))) have monopoly on shool doctrine, the best you can do now is make local underground lessons with true knowlage and findings.

School program just reinforces shill cells. Also no such thing as "human race".

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8b5787  No.184559

You always admire what you really don't understand. - Eleanor Roosevelt

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