>It isn’t. You’re literally admitting to supporting anything jews want as long as people are brainwashed into agreeing. You’re fucking brain damaged.
>lol, you’re literally admitting that you think you get to dictate what people do and do not “genuinely” feel, making you authoritarian/totalitarian and violating the NAP.
You don't understand the NAP, you fucking retard. Consent given under direct duress is not consent at all because in such a situation it is impossible to know if the consent was given BECAUSE of the threat of force or DESPITE the threat of force.
>What if they comply of their own will? There’s no force then. Therefore it’s voluntary. And as you’ve admitted that your system will not compel anything and cannot force anything, it instantly collapses in the face of anyone forcing anything upon it, meaning it’s exactly what jews want for whites. Which is why jews invented it in the first place.
Complying under a threat of force cannot be voluntary, because even if it was, nobody could tell, thus it would be absurd to simply take all voluntary-seeming compliance as voluntary. Even still, the threat of force itself is a violation of the NAP.
>It does, yeah, because you would have to forcibly do this, and your ideology doesn’t let you do that, therefore they can continue to do whatever they want within your society and you refuse to fight back because of your hidebound system of ✡morality✡.
You don't have to use force to ostracize degenerates. Read about:
>Physical removal
>Zerothposition.com, Reece's articles on degeneracy
>Congrats on not knowing what genocide even is.
The destruction of a group of people by force.
>People choosing not to have children (because they were brainwashed into doing so,
By whom? And how?
>because economic conditions made it impossible for them to have children, because the degenerates destroying society are unable to be removed
Unable to be removed? Do you even know what private property means? It means I can bar anybody I please from using my property and protecting my property by force if they try.
>because the voluntarist government
Oxymoron. Anarcho-capitalist governments cannot exist.
>refuses to act in any capacity,
Individuals can act to protect their property and bar degenerates from appropriating them, thereby punishing degeneracy.
<muh etc.
>is not only voluntary, it’s also genocide.
Genocide is understood as requiring force. Even still, if this is what you think genocide is, then this kind of genocide would be voluntary and thus could not be frustrated by force (Consider also that force must be used AGAINST something. What would you use force against?)
>You have no fucking idea what the definition of the word is, you goddamn simpleton.
Genocide is the intentional action to destroy a people—usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group—in whole or in part. This is not only not voluntary, this is one of the most egregious uses of force I can imagine.
>Thanks for admitting libertarianism is jewish and was created by jews. Literally anyone doing any amount of research sees the names and their backgrounds. You can’t even try to hide it.
I don't try to hide it. I've already mentioned Mises and Rothbard wich are Jewish surnames. yet you still cling to your belief that anything that is remotely related to Jews is somehow worth dismissing, which is hilarious because there's barely anything that ISN'T believed by at least a handful of Jews. I'm pretty sure many Jews would have agreed with Hitler about Jews, which would lead to the hilarious conclusion by your episitimology that Hitler was 100% wrong about the Jews.
libertarianism was created to brainwash whites? First I'm hearing about this.