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31663e  No.183696


He says the ego grows bigger as humanity evolves. Is he right? On the one hand a big ego seems like it could be what's causing a lot of the problems in the West today, such as high divorce rate. And people from less developed countries/races seem to have a smaller ego, e.g. because they have stronger families. But at the same time people of less evolved races usually have a higher crime rate, and isn't that behavior driven by ego? I was looking for that picture of some niggers protesting at the fence of a mansion belonging to whites, in Africa I think, but I couldn't find it, would be a good pic related for this OP.

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847db2  No.183703

Well he's right in a way. Egos get bigger where there is less stress. In modern society there is less stress so you feel less threatened.


In 10 years watch how egos will be small because it'll be a police state world wide because of great reset.

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31663e  No.183704


>In modern society there is less stress


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847db2  No.183705


In modern society you are not worried about getting a cut. You are not worried about where you will eat after you ate all the last 5 lima beans you have. In modern society you are not worried about the drip from the roof in the winter.

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a65eeb  No.183768


Even if this is the case it's just your hypothesis that "egos get bigger where there is less stress". And you didn't say anything about criminality.

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6b3c5d  No.183791


If you want to become happy just become the opposite of whatever jews are. Just do the opposite of what they want and think you need, and you will achieve optimal health.

Besides organizing together with other nationalists, the negation of jews is the root key to happiness in modern life.

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7aee27  No.183851


That which he calls "ego" i would call godlessness, All in life would go well for everybody if the people were so kind as just to keep the 10 commandments, pray the rosary daily and go to mass without exceptions on sundays and holy days. But since we shifted from the kingdom of God to a kingdom of man, now we are facing judgement and punishment. And it may be much much worse starting not too distant feature, and so it probably will be.

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6b3c5d  No.183888


or maybe its just jews using words in random ways to subvert you?

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5deff2  No.183900

File: c4118e9f08f01b1⋯.webm (4.84 MB, 400x304, 25:19, Two_String_Nazi_Apocalyps….webm)


>He says the ego grows bigger as humanity evolves. Is he right?

Ego is by definition the sum equation of one's natural intellectual and emotional intelligence carved by lived experience into thinking, feeling and acting as perpetuity of significance psychologically, among and against that which it opposes and is necessarily defined by socially. This combined with the total populations common divergent factors, irrespective of your ill-defined notion of evolution (((or rather misplaced))), would require deeper analysis. If we accept my definition of ego above it would entail that ego's get 'bigger' in perpetuating one's self interest at the expense of anothers', when another does not share that sentiment and they are a minority among them. Conversely, ego gets 'bigger' in perpetuating one's group interest at the expense of anothers', when another does not share that sentiment and they are a majority among them.

So, yes. Ego always evolves as it is God's himself, not your retaded anthropomorphized kikery faggotniggerfag.


>All in life would go well for everybody if the people


>the people

Pick one

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d598aa  No.184374

Shill thread, if you listen to kike, then expect the answer first

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