>He says the ego grows bigger as humanity evolves. Is he right?
Ego is by definition the sum equation of one's natural intellectual and emotional intelligence carved by lived experience into thinking, feeling and acting as perpetuity of significance psychologically, among and against that which it opposes and is necessarily defined by socially. This combined with the total populations common divergent factors, irrespective of your ill-defined notion of evolution (((or rather misplaced))), would require deeper analysis. If we accept my definition of ego above it would entail that ego's get 'bigger' in perpetuating one's self interest at the expense of anothers', when another does not share that sentiment and they are a minority among them. Conversely, ego gets 'bigger' in perpetuating one's group interest at the expense of anothers', when another does not share that sentiment and they are a majority among them.
So, yes. Ego always evolves as it is God's himself, not your retaded anthropomorphized kikery faggotniggerfag.
>All in life would go well for everybody if the people
>the people
Pick one