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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: ae7f903e76731bf⋯.jpg (23.08 KB, 518x340, 259:170, joe_biden_created_the_poli….jpg)

9ddb0c  No.183464[Last 50 Posts]


Watch this warning from Glenn Greenwald. Yep even a gay Jew is sounding the alarm bells.

Don't miss this warning on how they are going to eliminate free speech and list you as domestic terrorists. So many of the bills he wrote are pro police state, this time he will target whites.

If you disagree with open borders or tell the truth about Jews you will be locked up. In that JTA link and you'll see Biden quoting the Talmud.


A better way to think of Biden is to pretend John McCain is our president. McCain was his best friend for decades, introduced McCain to his future wife in the 70's and gave a Eulogy at his funeral.

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9ddb0c  No.183466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Now the patriot act will apply to you, seizing bank accounts and maybe even Guantanamo Bay water boarding and torture.

The GOP will support this agenda since it's actually their real agenda.

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3561d6  No.183468

File: b58034310ef0b4a⋯.png (171.09 KB, 400x224, 25:14, 859879874.png)

I'm already on some list. The fucking CIA gets in my car and messes around every so often. It's lulzy. You know 8* will just get taken over by the CIA just like 4chan was in 2012, and they're goo through the logs and check IPs. Try to use a VPN or something that's not advertised on youtube. NordVPN is chinese owned sure, but they'll share with the FEDs at the drop of the hate because CCP is NWO just like them.

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9ddb0c  No.183472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You clearly don't understand the significance. Yuri said there'd be people like you. I provided links to quotes from Biden himself admitting this is his plan. You're clearly demoralized, even tho the links are there most of you are still refusing to believe it.

Well gentlemen, good luck im out.

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e03717  No.183512

I was already visited at work, right after the Tarrant shooting. I'm sure any opportunity the glownigger gets to kill white boys for the kikes will have them jizzing their spandex bondage gear. I hope their families burn in hell.

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43ba8e  No.183515

I'll happily snitch for the Biden admininstration.

Every time I see or read about a leftist criticizing whites or jews, I'll just report them all to the FBI for provoking racism or anti-semitism.

We should just clog their reporting system with so many tips that it prevents them from being functional.

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2c7bd6  No.183516

I hate Jews

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bbcc68  No.183532


>you're all going to be classified as domestic terrorists

So, nothing changes? I'm cool with that.

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fa3b02  No.183546


On the positive side, if we are falsely identified as such at least we have an excuse to act in our own interest now.

We have nothing to lose.

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6f0bbc  No.183560


Are you stupid?


Paid to post here.

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036e0a  No.183569

The, you go full McVeigh

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fb0e59  No.183576


>clog their reporting system


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92f422  No.183618


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e48f1f  No.183629

File: ec79be6e394351d⋯.jpg (375.38 KB, 913x1200, 913:1200, animegirlrake.jpg)

FBI has visited me and the CIA gangstalked me for a little while. They can have the fucking internet what has any of this shit actually done in the real world? Disconnect, prep, train, SURVIVE, simple as.

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45b167  No.183640

File: ceec11bdd099049⋯.png (871.28 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, w54h36.png)


What did the CIA do to you? For me, they get in my car because it's the only thing I have in my legal name. They just move shit around it's weird. For some reason the authorities think I'm a terrorist even though I'm just on here complaining. Maybe they know I know too much from learning all this jew history and the secrets to JFK, shady hoax, boston bombing, prison economy, forced miscegenation and addiction to smartphone messages making the nu populace, and 9/11 so they don't want the truth to get out?

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544dd0  No.183652

Good I'm ready for war

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f0a73a  No.183663


> think of Biden is to pretend John McCain

Yeah clones are a thing, Podesta came from a pod, hence Laurance R. named him Podesta. You have to admire the humor.

It's really an amazing world. Scary as fuck too.

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45b167  No.183669


They'll arrest you before anything starts. Also remember europe hates the US. Foreign soldiers that have been trained here in the past (I can tell you more if you didn't know this) will come here to kill us all. Europeans HATE Americans, they always bitch we're racist and have too many guns and are stupid, so they will come here to liberate us.

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3f27c2  No.183677


>keeping bank accounts that can be seen by the government

How naive.

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3f27c2  No.183678


CIA came to my house the other day, they offered modern rock CDs and said I should join them in their van. They were all less than 10 years old.

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5ce05c  No.183686

File: 24c4e2a1733e4da⋯.jpg (192.93 KB, 1278x1188, 71:66, 7a38b51a6cadd527c3854b06ac….jpg)

>You're gonna be called a terrorist lmao

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9ddb0c  No.183737

File: e2cdfd5c9d7592e⋯.jpg (93.85 KB, 640x400, 8:5, brutaldictator.jpg)

Biden's appointing Jews and crypto Jews to all the top posts. He has to because if he didn't there'd be a chance a non Jew would freak out over the breathtaking scope of Israeli espionage against the US.

Most notably Alejandro Mayorkas the first Latino immigrant to head homeland security. There's absolutely nothing Latino about him besides his name. Both of his parents are Jewish who fled Europe because of Hitler. They're Holocaust survivors (aren't they all) and ended up in Cuba for a while then the USA.

He's was a prosecutor who's claim to fame is prosecuting some white supremacist. He also focused and Hate crimes.

Former board member of HIAS which is interesting since the Dep of Homeland Security will be in charge of immigration policy. The State Dept will also be under Jewish control.

Why don't they just come out and announce to the American people that they have absolutely say in immigration policy.

Just so everybody understands


That's policy in every white country.

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9ddb0c  No.183740

Head of national security is Avril Haines. If you look into her you will see headlines like this.


but here's what's in the last paragraph.

Also, her persona;l history makes her condemnation of Israel perplexing. In the book, A Curious Life chronicling the life of her father, Thomas Haines, who was a biochemist and professor emeritus at City College, it was revealed that Avril is Jewish. She was named ‘Avril’ to appease her mother’s Jewish family. ‘Avril’ was intended to hint at the Biblical name Avram which was common in her mother’s family.

see for yourself, check out how they make her out to be Hitler then in the ;last paragraph they reveal she's a Jew.


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cddc4e  No.183741

File: dd409e55b84c710⋯.jpeg (399.11 KB, 1193x1329, 1193:1329, 956510E0_8CC9_49E5_ABF2_0….jpeg)

If you didn’t catch on to this years ago, I don’t know what to tell you. America as a Government is fucked, and has been for almost 200

years. This “news” is like finding out a dog ate his own shit again, that’s just his nature and you being surprised just shows your own lack of memory. FFS you’re on the zombified remains of the website that posed the biggest threat to (((them))) ever and had to be shut down when shit was getting “too real”.

Either hunker down until you die, give up like a pussy or go guns blazing knowing that you’re going to be seen as a monster in the narrative of the next few generations.

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d3271f  No.183742

File: 362d10716bb8594⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 4000x4000, 1:1, 1577826558039.jpg)


You mean like Trump did? But oh, that's fine because it's a republican stabbing you in the back so it's all good

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de12fe  No.183754

File: b925c4a2e7d0732⋯.png (93.01 KB, 210x296, 105:148, poster_boy.png)


>Hey you're all going to be classified as domestic terrorists

hahahaha, I wonder if I'll get enough street cred with my reward value

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9586f2  No.183769

Ok the government isn't going to do Shiiet. They never do anything. Biden will just continue off of Trump, hell I'm pretty sure Biden will pardon Trump and say it's some sort of sign of unity.

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77c505  No.183787


First day in the demented pedo office: "Bailout to all jewish banks $2 trillion for losses in lack of wars"

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b3e5c0  No.183839

Holy shit a white van just flew over my house

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77c505  No.183849

Why do glowkikes always call anti-jewry for anti-semitism? Do they think they will get support by non-jewish semites by saying this?

Maybe they are so afraid that they don't even dare to say "anti jew" at all?

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9ddb0c  No.183854

Just to give you an idea of what's coming, I saw this on Al Jazeera.

24 Nov 2020

Ten German police officers have been suspended following the discovery of a neo-Nazi online chat group used for sharing far-right content in North Rhine-Westphalia, only the latest such case to emerge among the police forces in Germany’s most populous state.

The messages disseminated on the WhatsApp group, in which there were 15 participants, are thought to amount to criminal behaviour, State Minister for Internal Affairs Herbert Reul said on Tuesday.

The number of employees in North Rhine-Westphalia security authorities facing similar allegations has grown to 191 since the first right-wing chat groups were discovered in September.

The suspects were in a WhatsApp group called Kunta Kinte, set up back in 2015 and used by police officers who were members of a bowling group. Participants shared hundreds of messages, photos and videos including countless pictures of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. Anti-Semitic comments were also sent.

Early on Tuesday, German officials raided the houses of active and retired police officers in connection with the revelations.

Seventeen locations were searched in the western state, including in the cities of Essen and Muelheim an der Ruhr. More than 600 storage devices were seized.

Nine suspects are facing charges of hate speech and using symbols banned under the German constitution.

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9ddb0c  No.183857

12 Nov 2020

German federal prosecutors have charged 12 alleged far-right conspirators suspected of planning “terrorist attacks” on politicians, asylum seekers and Muslims, security service sources told AFP news agency on Thursday.

Eleven of the men, arrested in countrywide raids in February, stand accused of the membership of a “terrorist organisation” and weapons law violations. The 12th alleged conspirator has been charged with supporting a “terrorist group”.

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6270a3  No.183860


>More than 600 storage devices were seized.

That is just completely insane. Imagine working this hard to prosecute thought crimes.

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77c505  No.183862


This is a great reminder to put a timer installed on your computer that locks the drive if its not used for more than 2 weeks.

Always encrypt your flash drives.

Always use virtual machines.

Always use vpn.

Never log in anywhere except into your own privately owned servers.

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9ddb0c  No.183864

16 Nov 2020

Hate crimes in the US rise to highest level in more than a decade

FBI report finds hate-motivated killings reached their highest number since it began tracking numbers in the 1990s.

Greenwald was right.

Hate crimes in the United States rose to the highest level in more than a decade as federal officials also recorded the highest number of hate-motivated killings since the FBI began collecting that data in the early 1990s, according to an FBI report released on Monday.

The report was alarming to advocacy organisations, including the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which tracks hates groups.

There were 7,314 hate crimes last year, up from 7,120 the year before – and approaching the 7,783 of 2008. The FBI’s annual report defines hate crimes as those motivated by bias based on a person’s race, religion or sexual orientation, among other categories.

The data also shows there was a nearly 7 percent increase in religion-based hate crimes, with 953 reports of crimes targeting Jews and Jewish institutions last year, up from 835 the year before. The FBI said the number of hate crimes against African Americans dropped slightly to 1,930, from 1,943.

Anti-Hispanic hate crimes, however, rose to 527 in 2019, from 485 in 2018. And the total number of hate crimes based on a person’s sexual orientation stayed relatively stable, with one fewer crime reported last year, compared with the year before, though there were 20 more hate crimes against gay men reported.

“Today’s numbers from the FBI prove Latinos, Blacks, the Arab, Muslim and LGBTQ communities are among those wearing a target on their back every day in America,” Domingo Garcia, president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, said in a statement emailed to Al Jazeera.

Garcia pointed to the “politics of distrust and division” President Donald Trump, who has long faced criticism for slow disavowals of far-right support and “racist” rhetoric.


Talk about painting a false narrative, exactly like Greenwald described.

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9ddb0c  No.183866


I guess whites can't be victims of hate crimes.

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6270a3  No.183869


>This is a great reminder to put a timer installed on your computer that locks the drive if its not used for more than 2 weeks.

The drive should always be locked (encrypted). Use full disk encryption with a panic button (to cut the power). The reason you must cut the power, is that the decryption key is stored in RAM while the drive is unlocked.

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77c505  No.183874


someone should make a guide for the ultimate nationalist online battle station

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9ddb0c  No.183875

Also yesterday

Deportation of ex-Nazi prison guard living in Tennessee upheld, court rules

Prosecutors say Friedrich Karl Berger was an armed guard in the Neuengamme Concentration Camp system near Meppen, Germany

The appeal of Tennessee resident Friedrich Karl Berger, a German citizen who served as an armed guard of concentration camp prisoners during World War II, was dismissed last week.

The Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) upheld a Memphis-based judge’s Feb. 28 decision that Berger could be removed from the U.S. under the 1978 Holtzman Amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act because his “willing service as an armed guard of prisoners at a concentration camp where persecution took place” constituted assistance in Nazi persecution.

I guess "persecution" has no statute of limitations. That's pretty chickenshit. Esp when you realize what's happening in Palestine. The hypocrisy is astonishing.

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77c505  No.183881


Jews are 2% of the US population

Jews are 62.5% of the Biden Administration (so far)

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9ddb0c  No.183889


I'm not a Trumptard, Trump and Biden and the media are playing good cop bad cop

Here's the audio from 1999 wiiliam pierce broadcast where he read's how the Jews are going to use Donald Trump to take out Pat Buchanon.

At the 6 min mark, be sure to listen to that.


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6f0bbc  No.183891


That’s less than Trump’s.

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77c505  No.183894


The media is not mentioning that overrepresented in Biden’s administration picks by a factor of 31


How do we solve the 31x problem?

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d3271f  No.183897


I'm well aware of that, Trump was a jew from Jew York City, he was never America First and I recognize Biden isn't any better and that's the problem with American politics, it's all jew owned and it shouldn't be


Doesn't add up to 7,400. I wonder if the rest of those hate crimes are against white people

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b612fb  No.183936


A very good idea, but of course the real solution is to make white nationalist ideals less taboo. Also computer security isn't going to help me much in a "raid" since most of my content involving a certain Austrian painter lies on my bookshelf. Incidentally, antique stores are great archives for truth-pills, I wonder when they'll be banned.

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10dbe0  No.183939


Ever wonder why billions of people are pillaged, tortured and murdered for thousands of years by the same group of people repeatedly by the same methods? Ever wonder why they think you're subhuman filth only interested in immediate gratification and are no better than the lowest forms of life? Ever wonder why you kill you fellow neighbor to garner approval from those who overtly are killing you? Ever wondered how you were genocided by your own people?

FUCK GOYIM, the kikes did nothing wrong, prove me wrong. Protip: we all know you cant.

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9ddb0c  No.183940


I know exactly how and why, it's because Jews control the media. That's the source of their power.

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6052eb  No.183947


We don’t. Stop caring about the fucking jewish puppet theater. Stop pretending anything will ever change.

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3089ed  No.184003


When people tell you to

"get out there and organize, form communities with like-minded people, build bonds"

well, this is the result.

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7cdfba  No.184055


>Hey you're all going to be classified as domestic terrorists.

If they don't already know who you are and let you know they know who you are you are a useless faggot. I have been threatened by Mossad/IDF. free masons and rando antiftwats. Fuck off pleb

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1fc6d4  No.184060


I have never been threatened before but I know someone is watching someone is always talking really loud on the phone while following me. I also have a ‘smart’ TV but can't really do anything about it unless I get kicked out of my parent's house. The only thing I could do is electric tape the microphone on the remote but I think there's on the tv itself but can't find it.

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9ddb0c  No.184069

Here's a listing of enacted defeated and pending laws regarding Israel and Jews.


In the sections of enacted laws you'll see links to other laws. You should go read a few of those, holy fuckin shit!

To give you a summary

1. if you see a Jew you need to get on your knees and hand over all your money

2. Kindly offer oral and anal services

3. And you better like it or else.

So it'd be wise for all of you to quit the tough talk and begin slave training…

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9ddb0c  No.184071


Take your meds Schitzo.

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d4f577  No.184077


>things only paid jewish shills say

lol, die

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f83b69  No.184089


I'm not an amerifag. can I have a cool sounding classification too?

glowniggers pls respond

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9ddb0c  No.184106

File: b5f65cb2819b342⋯.jpg (199.57 KB, 1248x982, 624:491, Holyshit.jpg)

Biden's right hand Blankin was involved in plundering Ukraine along with Hunter. So Hunter was taking in 50k a month and the avg citizen makes 7k a year, that's a serious plunder.

Anyhow fr Max Blumenthal.

Blinken's late stepfather was Samuel Pisar, the longtime lawyer and confidant of Robert Maxwell - a Mossad agent and father of Ghislaine Maxwell.

Pisar was perhaps the last person to speak to Robert Maxwell before he died after falling off his yacht.



Check the pic, my take away is that Obam,as was compromised. Pisar helped set up the Kennedy assassination and Mossad killed Steve Jobs.

Killed jobs just like they did Hugo Chavez and what they're trying to do to Virgina Roberts or w/e her name.

If you haven't seen Johnny Gat piece on the JFK assassination, watch it, it's only 20 min but trippy af.


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9ddb0c  No.184107

Plus Blinkin claims his father was the only Jew out of 900 that survived some death camp.

Yeah sure.

Also Kushner's parents are famous in Russia for living out of as hole in the ground for a couple years hiding from Nazi's.

And people believe this shit.

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18d729  No.184114

File: adb56a4279f44fe⋯.jpg (235.83 KB, 720x404, 180:101, Final_Judgment_Jewtube.jpg)

File: 73d3da4e8283e97⋯.pdf (8.46 MB, Final_Judgment.pdf)

File: 68c9a23d517ecf3⋯.pdf (6.21 MB, Piper_Michael_Collins_Coup….pdf)


Don't forget, Pisar was also a Holocaust survivor, who said the gas chamber at Auschwitz "spewed fire and smoke".

>If you haven't seen Johnny Gat piece on the JFK assassination, watch it, it's only 20 min but trippy af.

It's a good video, but ending it with a talk by Mark Weber is a bad move, even if it was a good one.

The fact that JFK was murdered by the Mossad was first exposed by the late Michael Collins Piper, published by the Liberty Lobby. Weber was of course the tool used by Andrew E. Allen to destroy the Liberty Lobby, and Weber specifically attacked Piper's thesis. Along with the Liberty Lobby, Weber also gutted the IHR, and now pretends the Holocaust happened.

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dbbd68  No.184119


>who said the gas chamber at Auschwitz "spewed fire and smoke"

Looks like he accidentally mixed up the oven hoax with the gas chamber hoax.

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44f3d9  No.184127


“Oy vey, goy; it was an oven fueled by natural gas! They made us fart into tubes at gunpoint, goy! Oy vey, if only we had known what they were using the farts for!”

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9ddb0c  No.184265

Guess who Biden has at the top of his list as attorney general?

Another Rabid Jew, Merrick Garland. Biden's whole motivation for running for president is to fuck over white people, which he's been doing ruthlessly for decades.

Check out this Pierce broadcast from 1996, where Clinton appointed all Jews just like Biden. The similarities are shocking.


You should go to the Jerusalem Post, two of the top five stories are Jews telling each other to conceal their enthusiasm for Jonathon Pollards homecoming.

They're telling each other please no heros welcome because Americans might catch on. Those two articles are among the most revealing articles on actual Jewish attitudes that I've read in quite some time and that's a bold claim.

A prominent Cohen called Pollards 30 yearr prison sentence as America's 30 year antisemitism.

Just so you know Jews have their own prison, it's a cakewalk compared to other prisons. Under the guise of being Kosher, they have all kinds of feasts and gatherings. Since they're among themselves for the most part they don't have to worry about their safety like pretty much every other inmate. Weinstein will likely be sent there after his various trials.

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9ddb0c  No.184523

File: 231e237c54c052f⋯.gif (271.37 KB, 1256x1009, 1256:1009, yearight.GIF)

Check out this misleading story

pic related go read it.


The very last sentence

Police said the rabbi told first responders he had suffered no physical injuries.

I'm guessing he made it up, obv.

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1f1d57  No.184557

Gr8 news! Shlomo dropping his mask is a welcome development. I'd explain why but this is a public, faggot and jew infested IB.

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6052eb  No.184567


You’d explain why but you don’t have an explanation, because there isn’t one. Jews not giving a shit about hiding their control of the world is the result of the final stage of their control, whereupon no one can fight back ever again. They’ve won, they know it, they’re gloating.

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cc922b  No.193173

File: c28f3fa774ebc07⋯.gif (254.15 KB, 1401x882, 467:294, Basedforsure.GIF)

Merrick Garland, another Jew to become AG. He has a long history of prosecuting white people.

He oversaw the prosecution of McVeigh, let that sink in.

Which to me means he was tasked with covering up the Jewish role.

He at the very least knows who was really behind Sept 11th.

As if that wasn't bad enough. pic related

So remember this, all this tension and drama is about immigration.

Brexit, green vests, all of it.

White people think they should have a say on immigration policy, you know Democracy.

The Jews and their puppets in Congress and the media, corporations and Church's think they should dictate to us a genocidal immigration policy via deception and make us pay for it..




That women that got shot claimed in a video that she lives 15 min from the US Tijuana border and she was wondering why all the politicians are ignoring the citizens.

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6385b7  No.193176

File: 57bec3b9667b0e3⋯.jpg (543.31 KB, 1125x1297, 1125:1297, 1609993482056.jpg)


>53% of the country is labeled as "domestic terrorists"

Oh God, yes. The enemy is acting retarded and driving even more people to us after getting scared by an unarmed riot that didn't even dare to be impolite.

This civil war is going to be GREAT.

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2bea7a  No.193178

Either Trump does what needs to be done or it's literally the end of the planet from here onwards.

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d2ff40  No.193184


It's amazing how perfectly Illuminati: New World Order models politics.

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5f9d13  No.193188


I guess they striked the kikes °_°.

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cc922b  No.193190


Trump's in on their plot, him and the media and the estab are playing good cop bad cop.

Confirmation of my theory will be when he doesn't go to jail.

Kushner set up some offshore shelters for him and Trump, last i read he has hundreds of millions stashed

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e03717  No.193191


The glowniggers visited quite a few people after Christchurch. One of them visited me at work with a policeman, and asked if I was affiliated with atomwaffle. I told him no, they glow in the dark, and he said they might. True story.

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5f9d13  No.193192


MC veight rocked the house, so ive heard.

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d2ff40  No.193193



keeeek the resistance of the right to any opsec is amazing lolololololololololkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

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d2ff40  No.193195

File: e23e561f8253549⋯.jpg (34.17 KB, 604x130, 302:65, whore.jpg)


The real point is finally, but perfectly, Trump is out of the picture.

We can have Ann Coulter Trumpism, but without Ann Coulter, and without the cruel rich bich austerity.

Ann Coulter is a monster, wanting to prosecute Americans who just assembled in the People's hall of assembly, peaceably, and to petition for redress of grievances, as George Washington wanted us to do.

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cc922b  No.193197


McVeigh's dead and a terrorist, fuck him and his Dum Dum supporters.

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d2ff40  No.193198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why would you attack his supporters? They didn't cause terrorism ever. derp. He acted on his own. Also, a song.

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cc922b  No.193203


Idk if i agree with her. It seems like Trump wanted his supporters to do something crazy and he is the President.

Where we these people when it mattered, you know when Bernie was being robbed by Biden Hillary media and the DNC?

Oh i remember, no refunds.

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cc922b  No.193206


Because they're retards who support a notorious terrorist. Fuck off.

Peaceful, legal, non violent protests and political discussions are the only way to go.

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83ea80  No.193208



Fat chance the hard drive in question will be an issue. Most of the coms, including radical coms of thought crimes are done online. Law enforcement is rather inept and will only go after people who post extreme stuff and call for executions on facebook or twitter with their real name and photo attached.


What did you expect of someone who is mostly known (along with Kerry) for selling out bigtime to Igor Kolomoisky during the Ukraine conflict. Igor Kolomoisky is a giga kike who leeched, robbed and funded private armies to make Ukraine dry and barren of all its resources. Then the fuck places all his resources into Swiss banks and makes large donations to pro Jewish organizations and councils.

Most news sources just say that Biden is in the pocket of this worst kind of jew, but leave out the jewish part and the countless jewish charities this guy along with his (((elite))) buddies is donating to. Also this guy scamming (((Abramovich))), a well known Russian oligarch and billionaire who got Putin in his pocket didn't really improve relations between Ukraine and Russia. As the Ukrainian elites resisted and prevented any attempt of investigation by orgs like interpol.

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f83b69  No.193238


I'd be a foreign terrorist then

t. germ

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f83b69  No.193239

didn't know the thread was so old that I already posted in it way back

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15fcff  No.193257


Are you, nigger? We literally have


left to fucking go! If this is all that remains of white nationalism, then we truly deserve death if we aren't willing to support our birthright.

Face it, the only route that holds some fucking vague promise of not being an utter shitshow happens to be the same route that killed 8chan a year back. Accelerationism is the only way forward.

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17434b  No.193259

File: 7a643d2665dad35⋯.png (57.89 KB, 627x445, 627:445, 1584139827389.png)

4cuck and 8gag will be shut down too

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1f687f  No.193262


<doing what jews want is the only way

Enjoy your suicide, retard.

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1f687f  No.193263




Blow your fucking brains out.

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17434b  No.193266


if by accelerationism you mean murdering more shitskins im all for it

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4d9307  No.193280


how do glowniggers even work? like you are 18, go to college to be a CIA agent out of patriotism, then you instantly just give up on that upon getting a job after getting introduced on some weird genocidal jew commie agenda?

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780219  No.193309

I don't care

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780219  No.193311


She's a stupid ZOG moron. We need to ally with far-left and form a third populist party, it's time for a Great Reset

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1f687f  No.193312


>go to college to be a CIA agent out of patriotism

No, you go to college to be brainwashed by jews, then you're hand picked to join an alphabet agency because you're NOT patriotic.

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1f687f  No.193313


>only woman alive who has been on TV and called out the jews

>ZOG moron

Just kill yourself.




Kill. Yourself.

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780219  No.193315


>no argument



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1f687f  No.193317






Just kill yourself.

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6856ce  No.193327

honestly, i want all this shit that is the world today go to complete shit. a great reset. just not the great reset ((())) wants. like shit not the way it is now shit, but the kind of shit that has never been before. mass starvation, war, death and real pestilence.

billions would die, but in all honesty, how many of those billions are actual useful, decent people? most are dumb, sheep, npc fucks who are a net loss for every working taxpaying family man.

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8997cf  No.193340


Honestly global thermonuclear war would be better than this.

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2c7bd6  No.193341

Trump is zog so it really doesn't matter. I believe Congress was trying to enforce antisemitism laws under Trump.

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2c7bd6  No.193342


I think now that they storm Capitol Hill they will use it as an excuse to crack down on speech laws.

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4d9307  No.193343


there is no free speech in the united states. wtf are you talking about? 4 chan is cucked as fuck and they will ban you for mentioning the jews.

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bbcc68  No.193345


Every few months we have to explain to you kids, once again, that being banned from 4chan doesn't mean you don't have free speech. The 1st Amendment applies to government, not to 4chan.

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4d9307  No.193347


i was referring to the biden tweet you fucking idiot. also, companiescan and will restrict your free speech, which is protected by law, which clearly states that you have the right to share your opinion on any publicly accessible medium. meaning any social media banning you to say whatever the hell you want is illegal.

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bbcc68  No.193349


>you have the right to share your opinion on any publicly accessible medium

[citation needed]

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2ea247  No.193350


Why do you think they did it?

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981282  No.193460

File: cc8852674ccfc84⋯.png (62.1 KB, 136x145, 136:145, LJmIj8w.png)


I already hear 70 year old ladies IRL fedposting about how the people who stormed the capital should have just executed all of congress. Every white man I know that didn't already have a gun has one now.

If you wanted acceleration all you had to do was give the left what they ask for.

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1f687f  No.193461


>I am a paid jewish shill

No one cares.



Eat shit and die, yid.

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bbcc68  No.193495


>comparing a PUBLIC sidewalk to a PRIVATE business

Alright, fine, then put your money where your mouth is and walk into a McDonald's and start screaming nigger in everyone's faces. They can't throw you out because it's a publicly accessible place and you have your rights. Do it and livestream it or prove yourself a coward.

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b47ca0  No.193921


She's a jew. Look at that ugly horsehead ffs.

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322880  No.193960


Nobody here is that stupid. I guess they hired the inbred tards for the cyber division of mossad. Don’t forget, we invented everything except money grubbing so you need to try a little harder if you want to outsmart us. Nice try, Glomo

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483249  No.193980


And retards will still cling to legality, calling anyone who is pro-active a glownigger, because the weak and cowards are just a bunch of useless meat sacks that want someone to solve their problems, instead of solving them through force and violence.

If you don't kill your enemies, disregarding all laws, you deserve to be killed by them.




The masses deserve no pity, nor salvation. They all deserve to die for being such brainwashed lemmings.

Don't fight to save the majority of people or to make them see the truth. Fight to kill them all, so only ourselves are left alive in this world, which is OUR world. Not theirs.


I will never ally with leftards. I will always kill leftards, even if that brings my own end in the long run.

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