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File: dbc0123d3824462⋯.jpg (70.04 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, image.jpg)

8c6616  No.182588

Anyone else hate this fucking Jew puppet Steven "if I shout loudly enough people will think I know what I'm talking about" Anderson? He thinks he's some type of authority figure, for example when he says "we" should kill those who rape. If there was a war between the Taliban and this cuck I would support the Taliban.

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caf28b  No.182590


>dune coons good, rape good, yelling hurt my fee fees

This isn’t a thread. Or a point. Or anything except exposing you as a shill.

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0b0185  No.182599

File: 1dfd4c55dd22c6d⋯.jpg (2.21 MB, 2401x2959, 2401:2959, The_Madonna_and_Child.jpg)

>Faithful Word Baptist Church

Protestants aren't christian. Useful idiots for the jew.

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caf28b  No.182601


Papists aren’t Christians. The foundation of their doctrine stands in direct opposition to the contents of the Bible.

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a3859f  No.182612


>Anyone else hate this fucking Jew puppet

I thought him yelling "FAG!" all the time immediately destroyed his credibility as a pastor, because he should be peaceful even when talking about the gheys, but I lost interest in him completely when he married that poor white girl to the African.

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34183f  No.182613

He's far from perfect, but he's getting questions to turn on Israel, understand jewish power, and be skeptical of the so-called "Holocaust". He's also anti-analism.

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34183f  No.182614

File: be3674b5d71ad2c⋯.png (128.11 KB, 341x561, 31:51, AIDS_faggot.png)


>d-don't say the faggot word


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34183f  No.182615


*Christians, not questions

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501dc8  No.182639

File: 205f45e6056f3e3⋯.jpg (417.56 KB, 1200x1631, 1200:1631, sad_old_man.jpg)


Bible is secondary to the role of white church. For Roman church was found by Europeans, and all popes were your own people. You're only blaming religion of fellow white man on what jews did to it later.

Every orthodox or catholic will reply to you:

>There are Divine traditions not contained in Holy Scripture, revelations made to the apostles either orally by Jesus Christ or by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and transmitted by the Apostles to the Church.

The rest can be history, Pharisaic and Christianity of Literalist Scribes (mentioned in bible as γραμματεις) who believe in total authority of scriptures damage cultural build up above scriptures. That build up allowed for development of practical faith and reason, by introducing elements to it alien to the jewish minority initially established this mystery tradition based on older practices of Dionysus-Osiris, for religion is like science, it improved upon itself through time.

Kikes want church gone too for what it did to them.

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e40d82  No.182719

File: eb48d9b858868b0⋯.jpg (87.05 KB, 544x563, 544:563, pol_tfw_when_redpilled.jpg)


Alright, I knew I was going to get push-back on the "gheys" thing, I was just bored. But I can tell you from personal experience that you'll never convince anyone by saying fag instead of gay, nigger instead of black, soul-vampire instead of jew, etc.

Autistically screaming about fags all the time just causes the normals to back away. They need to be gently given their red-suppositories. You can't just jam them up there all the way to the elbow.

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e872ad  No.182728

File: 920c11fc362bad1⋯.jpg (67.93 KB, 831x1024, 831:1024, 1242623753566755647771.jpg)




are we really having a discussion on what to call homos? Just call them homos.

>Gay implies they're happy

>Fag has been fetishized to shit

>Homo is direct, simple, and to the point.

Also stop calling it "homosexuality," it's not a goddamn sexuality. Sex is benis in bagina :DDD. It's homophilia. Simple as.

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6caf6d  No.182790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

His documentary, 'Marching to Zion', was pretty good.

His main flaw is that he supports interracial marriage, even though the bible specifcally condemns interracial marriage.

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6caf6d  No.182791

"Anti-gay pastor Steven Anderson tricks rabbis into making anti-Semitic film"


Pastor Anderson jewed over some jews.

You gotta admit, that's pretty based.

He just needs to condemn interracial marriage.

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767ddd  No.182920

He will always have my admiration for the way he dealt with inland border guard checks, and the fact that he took it all the way to the limit, playing his game according to his own stringent rules right up to the point they were grinding his face into the shattered window glass of his car with taser darts hanging out of his hide.

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4c5cc9  No.182936

File: 6d2171c63a5f250⋯.png (29.43 KB, 250x280, 25:28, jew_shown.png)


>Pastor Anderson jewed over some jews.

>You gotta admit, that's pretty based.

So noted.

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