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File: ef256c692b6dfb2⋯.jpg (265.44 KB, 628x403, 628:403, Passion_flogging.jpg)

6e25b2  No.182572

I've been thinking about a paradox but can't really formulate the thoughts and words. It's probably in Christian philosophy but probably is a more general thing that's also in other religions. It can be debated whether it's true but I think the dominant opinion is that crime is ego driven behavior, something that benefits the criminal at the expense of the collective. One of the other main characteristics of ego is that it strives to protect itself, which is what's happening when someone is insulted. The paradox then is that when a criminal has the whole courtroom judging him to be a bad person, he would only take this opinion to heart, i.e. feel insulted, because of ego. I think the Christian concept of repenting is about not taking it to heart. I mean that the paradox is that a good person could have a whole courtroom thinking they are the scum of the earth and yet not take it to heart. I think this might be what it means when in the Bible Jesus is on the one hand sinless, on the other hand someone that people want to torture and kill.

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fbc907  No.182622

File: d813bef81f55c7f⋯.webm (2.68 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, blk_hoverstealin_.webm)


>crime is ego driven behavior

I'm no expert, but wouldn't it be more Id than Ego? Like "I want that thing," which in normal people is translated as "I should save up and purchase that." But in (shall we say?) lower people, it's translated as "I'mma take/rape dat."

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3ff1d5  No.182625

> Crime is ego-driven

Perhaps a substantial portion, but don't discount the Id. Some people commit crimes simply because they're tool-using animals, and lack moral capacity. Stupid monkey want banana.

> The opinion of others insults one's ego

Not quite. I am who I am, and the irrelevancies within another's mind has no bearing on that reality. Opinions are like assholes - everybody has one, and they all stink.

> Repentance requires reconciliation between one's inner-self and the perceptions of stupid monkeys

Nope. The Christian concept of repentance has nothing to do with the opinions or perceptions of others. It's all about acceptance of one's individual past sins, followed by the rejection of said sin from one's future.

> Christ was sinless

Yes, but not because He had happy thoughts about His persecutors. Christ was sinless because He was Christ the Messiah.

> People tortured and killed him.

Yep. The Pharisees and Sadducees were angry that Christ was exposing their financial crimes, so they conspired to frame him and murder him. But when Pontium Pilatus declined to have Christ summarily executed, the conspirators threatened terrorism unless Christ was murdered. This is precisely what is presently occurring with today's (((Deep State))), their SJW "protestors", and the (((Law Enforcement))) personnel who follow orders.

History may not repeat itself, but it sure as hell rhymes.

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e1c728  No.182721


retard, unable to entertain new thoughts

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bc5ed5  No.182723

File: 1a519aad08c20f2⋯.jpg (59.68 KB, 580x435, 4:3, african_eating_human_foot.jpg)

File: 4ceac8616b1311d⋯.jpg (54.96 KB, 769x766, 769:766, black_attacking_white_woma….jpg)


No I think ego is correct. As in "dat shit is mine". "I can get away wid takin dat shit"

The id takes over when the store owner starts shooting at it. It instantly believes "i dint do nuffin"; it regresses into a childlike self-protective state

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b39f6e  No.182729

File: 7fd3c001cf016f1⋯.png (378.25 KB, 807x700, 807:700, cf7823efdf86.png)


shitskins don't have egos anyway. They don't have a concept of self. They have a theoretical concept of self, that's right they have to be told to sit and think about it. They don't even run on experience, they run on DO NOW IF CAN.

t.person who met tons of blacks and hispanics IRL

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76d30f  No.182797


Coparing (((psychology))) to bible is pointless, if you push their ideology stream you will only be able to dig trough to your own grave, in reality psychological doctrine will shift yet again in following years, bringing down the pile of thoughts above to pointless rubble

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bc5ed5  No.182820

File: 7445187ca118aa8⋯.png (568.14 KB, 1317x1060, 1317:1060, compare_maps_vs_skin_tone.png)

File: aaaeb5ec050ede7⋯.jpg (287.4 KB, 1024x654, 512:327, slave_trade_map.jpg)


Yeah they do have a concept of self. It takes longer for it to develop. A black child does not understand a mirror until they are much older than other races.

That basic consciousness does not evolve into introspective consciousness though, except in extreme cases of gene suppression. Obama for example, has enough genetic suppression, that introspective consciousness developed.

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6f61df  No.182906

Fucking idiots in this thread only commenting on minor fucking details rather than the actual fucking point of the OP. The fucking point is that the Bible tells of how to think and act to be a noble good person. But the paradox is that a truly good noble person could have the entire world spitting him in the face, putting him in prison, saying you are the scum of the Earth, and yet not be insulted, not take it personally, not take it to heart. Therefore it seems that you cannot know anything at all about your actual true character from the input of other people.

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bc5ed5  No.182908

File: 6be090138b23387⋯.png (317.9 KB, 780x590, 78:59, lisa_explains_everything.png)


Utter bullshit christfag philosophy.

Can you imagine, defining "truly good noble" as "can spit in his face and he doesn't take it personally"

That jesus fag is a lie to make you a docile slave. Wake up from your nightmare pls.

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d2d016  No.182918


Oh look it's the kike trying once again to convince us being a pushover is noble.


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e31eb3  No.182969


I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. But I recently got a criminal record and I'm really struggling to forgive everyone.

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