> Crime is ego-driven
Perhaps a substantial portion, but don't discount the Id. Some people commit crimes simply because they're tool-using animals, and lack moral capacity. Stupid monkey want banana.
> The opinion of others insults one's ego
Not quite. I am who I am, and the irrelevancies within another's mind has no bearing on that reality. Opinions are like assholes - everybody has one, and they all stink.
> Repentance requires reconciliation between one's inner-self and the perceptions of stupid monkeys
Nope. The Christian concept of repentance has nothing to do with the opinions or perceptions of others. It's all about acceptance of one's individual past sins, followed by the rejection of said sin from one's future.
> Christ was sinless
Yes, but not because He had happy thoughts about His persecutors. Christ was sinless because He was Christ the Messiah.
> People tortured and killed him.
Yep. The Pharisees and Sadducees were angry that Christ was exposing their financial crimes, so they conspired to frame him and murder him. But when Pontium Pilatus declined to have Christ summarily executed, the conspirators threatened terrorism unless Christ was murdered. This is precisely what is presently occurring with today's (((Deep State))), their SJW "protestors", and the (((Law Enforcement))) personnel who follow orders.
History may not repeat itself, but it sure as hell rhymes.