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File: 47e895ff3430cf4⋯.png (78.45 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, Battotai.png)

fac8cd  No.182312

You think the Nazis are based this is a more based Empire, why more systematic GENOCIDE of fucking Chinks and looking at how the world is the worst they did was stop it,

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3b54fb  No.182320

If we advocate for white culture controlling the world Japs are our enemies. Sure cool samurai guys and mystic shit in interesting and all but they want to enslave everyone and genocide competitors. These competitors include whites, they're not on our side.

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42b1ee  No.182345


No one cares about your niggerspeak.

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77e3ce  No.182471


Nanjing didn't happen. China started whining about it only in the 70s (after Nixon's visit) instead of the late 40s, check Wikipedia

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1c1ce3  No.182485


chauvinism is retarded

whites advocate for white countries for white people

japanese bros can have their japan for their people

only kikes want to "control the world"

hide your nose when you try to post this kind of shit or it become too obvious

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caba7e  No.183288


This. Everything about Nanking reeks of revisionism in order to make the Japanese submissive. Thankfully they still honor those who died in war, much to the dismay of the Chinese and others.

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3bd7b6  No.183446

File: ae3990ac6a46ab5⋯.jpg (84.34 KB, 608x753, 608:753, IMG_1048.JPG)


I almost had a stroke trying to read this. Please use punctuation and refrain from acting like a sub-human.

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f14413  No.183461


The Jew fears the Samurai, the enemy of my enemy, etc.

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ea56af  No.183469

File: 2d13653dd0d5e66⋯.jpg (100.57 KB, 856x468, 214:117, 45g5.jpg)


The fact that the jews had to manufacture the economic bubble shows you they do not control the japanese government. I don't know why not because they control Korea and China, but to create a crisis to enact social policy reform is something they do often to gain control. Most of Japan is not NWO controled, however most of Japan don't know it's not 1977 anymore, then don't know how the world actually works, and don't care about anything but their day to day lives in their tiny ass village.

Also check out the guy who came up with that quote. He has crazy theories about jews (they're aliens) and devised a sword style to fight them! He also has like 20 books and does appearances for cash. His name is Haku Zynkyoku.

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ca8448  No.183489


>I don't know why not because they control Korea and China

because the Japs had Mishima, who spurred on many Japanese nationalists who were in their teenage years and their 20s when he was active and when he committed seppuku. Because of one mans dedication there is a "secret" nationalist organization or society in Japan which dictates policy and Shinzo Abe is one of the members. Taro Aso is another.

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1b7fd0  No.183506

Fuck off gook loving faggot

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c00056  No.184306

File: 22e63980172a3e2⋯.jpg (111.46 KB, 431x796, 431:796, 20201126_173027.jpg)

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b65293  No.184308


lol, imagine being the paid shill OP right now

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b65293  No.184309


Only post in the thread. Only post on the board. One and done spam.

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c00056  No.184324

File: 5a5d5da4d9fe171⋯.png (253.47 KB, 641x695, 641:695, Capture.PNG)


What are you even talking about?

OP is definitely not a dick sucking faggot. OP goes to sleep every night humping his bodypillow and dreams of trad asian waifus.


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f1ce95  No.184343

File: 90f7242aab47243⋯.webm (1.3 MB, 624x352, 39:22, gay_nigger.webm)


So whites should all race mix with japs, or just bow down to them? I don't get the point of these jap loving threads. The only conclusion that I can come to is that you're autistic and watch anime.

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8be0cb  No.184346


Read "Practical Idealism" mutt

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f1ce95  No.184352


>read X then get back to me

That's the laziest defense mechanism on the internet.

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788d69  No.184412


The Japanese empire was very chauvinistic. Modern Japanese people are the one's who are closer to regular nationalists.

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