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File: d156affd3f48226⋯.jpg (13.18 KB, 290x174, 5:3, braintech.jpg)

7a46c5  No.181194[Last 50 Posts]

Help me I can't figure it out and it's driving me insane.

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caf11c  No.181197

the brain is like the controller for your body, but your mind or soul is from another dimension

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ee299a  No.181202


According to Catholicism the contents of your mind are completely private to every creature except God and therefore the mind is supernaturally protected. In autismese your mind is an Ender Chest. I can't help you with consciousness though. I don't know for certain yet. Even when my soul feels gone I'm here experiencing physical life.

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89dc2d  No.181206


Consciousness is the prima materia. It manifests in the physical world in a way which may involve quantum electrical effects upon neurons. We genuinely do not know, and we may never know. What’s important to remember is that because we don’t know (and may never know) we cannot reproduce or simulate consciousness in any form. Machines aren’t conscious. AI isn’t sapient. Never will be.

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45e651  No.181234


I believe that consciousness is fundamental, a la vedantic way. It can identify with and manifest in sufficiently complex systems like the brain, where it falsely assumes the identity of the mind. This implies that maybe computers (complex hardware not software) will be able to host consciousness.

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ee299a  No.181239


The plot of Megaman Battle Network is a dead kid's soul gets turned into an AI.

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adeb8f  No.181268

File: e63a2ffa2b8fe65⋯.jpg (686.7 KB, 1069x1595, 1069:1595, sfp94i6lhcy21.jpg)


>Consciousness manifests in the physical world

Consider the possibility that it is the other way around.


Mostly reflecting the ISness, yet you kinda leapt to conclusions here…

>This implies that maybe computers (complex hardware not software) will be able to host consciousness.

Consider the possibility that Consciousness is hosting (creating) the material world, your body, the mind…

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e75f2b  No.181270






bait niggers. bakes something discussion worthy if so vested. this is unbecoming.

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17b163  No.181279


Such bullshit. Mind reading is real.

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c2fda0  No.181291


>other way around

No, that’s resoundingly disproven.

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20eb6f  No.181307

File: 0a4912a5926caa8⋯.gif (706.23 KB, 472x480, 59:60, MyLife.gif)

Your consciousness is a signal being broadcast across the universe and your body is the receiver. Kind of like a TV program being picked up by the television. Eventually the TV breaks and stops working, but the broadcast continues. This is the eternal soul, your consciousness continues after the body stops working. Reincarnation is a new TV set tuned in to the same station.

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7a1c91  No.181325


This one hundred percent. smoke some deemz it'll help ya figure it out, and i mean smoke it and really work with it to figure out what is happening to you during the experience, don't do it once and tell everyone about it

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7a46c5  No.181376


OK, cite some scientific papers disproving it.

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1e2765  No.181397


>cite scientific papers disproving solipsism

Here’s the thing, fucktard: You’ll claim the papers don’t disprove it solely because your own personal conception of reality (the only metric by which you claim reality can be defined) doesn’t include you experiencing their existence at any given instantaneous moment during the time you are claiming they don’t disprove it. I know your fucking tricks. I know how solipsists think (or claim to think; they’re literally just brain damaged). I’m not playing your games.

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8d0232  No.181407


From mere instinct, I believe computers could harbor consciousness. But, maybe because I work in computers, I spontaneously take the physicalist position.

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d843cb  No.181414

The universe is a big garden to grow souls.

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20eb6f  No.181462

File: 25616062710f35c⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 480x360, 4:3, tumblr_ofb0yjsnux1vhtn2to1….gif)


I heard Graham Hancock talk about D and ayahuasca. Seems like quite an experience. I'm too old for that now. When I say too old I mean I no longer associate with people who can get that kind of thing and I'm not about to go to Peru. Would 100% do if given the opportunity.

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b28215  No.181464

A bit of both.

The meat influences the numbers a tiny bit.

Take the square root of 2.

Infinite list of numbers, from a finite generation point.

The order is hidden in higher space.

These hidden factors are like a confirmation mold which allow lower order life to cling to it. Or an invisible plastic sheet rendered visible by human cells or bacteria clinging to it. The higher invisible order is always there, you merely see the lower creatures clinging to save thermal and electrical energy costs.

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56ee47  No.181575

File: ea27e481356f1f5⋯.jpg (61.03 KB, 600x401, 600:401, .jpg)

This is one of the best, most nuanced and profound threads i've seen in a long while, and ironically has nothing to do with politics.

Cheers to all!

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baca98  No.181648


Any books I can read that go more into what you described? I wouldn't even know where to begin from either the classical vedantic side to the scientific side.

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986ef0  No.181653


There are lots. Its basic Buddah/Karma/Chakras/Energy type Religion is actually based in reality.

The sun is our 'consciousness' generator in 3D. We all have a small bit of light in us (god) but we are not him. We are also a reflection of god. Kinda how light reflects upon color/wavelength. And in the end we are All that ever is, that was, that will be looking at ourselfs because we are all eternal endless parts of god.

Check like anything on the Chakras and meditation.

Or check Glower Nigger 'Time Travel and Holographic Reality' or Gateway Experience is common name in CIA declassified.

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932104  No.181682

File: 444190b2affdf25⋯.png (417.42 KB, 638x865, 638:865, Mysterium_Magnum.PNG)


>The sun is our 'consciousness' generator in 3D.

No its just one of many necessary celestial cogs in the machine to generate life on this planet. As well as faculty generating as much life as being the very Death itself. Known as Abaddon and Apollyon in revelations, but necessary object for discernment between material and incorporeal. You would never be able to leave the solar system if its your consciousness somehow.

The biggest mistake is the sun worshiping cult that pervaded both christianity at level of identification of The One with the sun/saturn as opposite aspect of sun and other religions like idea of sun buddha or surya being main aspect of vishnu. But all nature is in state of emptyness and purely intellectual.


Perception of senses all lead to the mind's eye, Intellectual contemplation on received information.

Reality, perception of sensible world, happens on subtle space of the mind's eye.

Hallucinations, an error of senses, happen on subtle space of the mind's eye.

Spiritual phenomena, if its to happen, happens on the subtle space of the mind's eye.

Its easy to discern when senses are failing you in perceiving reality, but its hard to discern between hallucinating and experiencing an "intervention" in your own intellect. Because everything is of nature of the intellect, which is empty from all material phenomena by itself, only recognition of it, as everything above material.

Therefore everything spiritual is immaterial, incorporeal, invisible unless intervenes with your mind's eye and cannot be assigned to stars/planets and so on, what gnostics rightfully called archons, and astrology as well as celestial visible object worship is real heresy, while nature of all pervading Brahman, universal mind that contains all others, power that's called Shakti, presence of Shekinah, gnostic Sophia and Holy Spirit is a plane above the material, pure from intervention of material, is and isn't everything in natural phenomena, and is of nature of emptyness behind the corporeal shell, similar to intellect inside you, but infinite, and with infinitely expanding conscious comprehension of what's Void prior light, and darkness on the face of the deep prior of very creation of light and any phenomena of time, which required movement at least two objects opposite of each other in order to manifest.

Even if God seen as "Light" this should be understood metaphorically and not equated with photons of physical light, inversion of spiritual vs material. You'll still return to definition of archonic materia as negative against spiritual phenomena, view this world's light as darkness, and darkness of the void of non-being as containing spiritual Light. And it would lead you not to negation, but to inversion, material and spiritual as opposite levels of existence, not equal or comparable.

Human exists in a body to solidify his view on what life is through forms and experiences, later he transcends it as form of emptyness and non-being, non-material light in material darkness, existing only on intellectual level. Now according to some buddhist sutras i got inspiration from, phantoms of their manifestations that are invoked religiously are emanated as copies of people (in case of buddhism only "enlightened" individuals, but you can doubt it) who died themselves unaware they emanate, as world's soul remembers forms, intellectual contemplation of chosen individuals and itself influenced by art of memory. Universe's background remembers intellectual achievements of humanity in every single atom, therefore esoterism can influence nations on global scale, and most certainly not within frame of time. Because true esoteric knowns that time is not the "first god", and that chronos worship is a mistake.

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7e7cbe  No.181688


This was always my conclusion as well.

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a5bc67  No.181928

File: 43f687daeda6e8a⋯.png (294.07 KB, 389x655, 389:655, A509A4CE_F406_4733_BC5C_19….png)

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3d0358  No.181947

File: b96a4e57a332d70⋯.jpg (59.37 KB, 600x334, 300:167, pepefirestorm.jpg)


Consciousness is a product of the physical brain. Obviously. It's not a soul, it's not "waves being broadcast through the cosmos," it doesn't "generate physical reality." That's all a load of self-delusion that people come up with because it's really, really hard to accept that inevitably our brains will die and decompose and there will be nothing whatsoever left of us. We won't "be" anywhere, we just won't exist. It's unbelievably scary.

What's my evidence for this? Well, when you drink alcohol, it changes the physical functioning of the brain, and this changes how you think and experience the world. If your consciousness is some kind of magical ethereal ghost soul, then why does physical alcohol have any effect on it?

There's also the case of Phineas Gage. He was a railway worker who survived having a metal rod stuck through his brain in an accident. He was still able to function pretty well after it, but it changed his personality and behavior dramatically. Damage to the physical structure of the brain altered his supposed "soul" or consciousness.

Yeah, it sucks, and I kind of wish I didn't know the obvious truth about how things work, but there it is.

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1e5ab3  No.181985



[citation needed]

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138234  No.182018

File: cd4b4cca3f896e1⋯.png (182.52 KB, 926x1345, 926:1345, RobertFuddBewusstsein17Jh.png)


Consciousness is metaphysical. You can not simply "produce" consciousness. It is given by God. Think of it like soul, if you will. However, consciousness is not the gifted invulnerable soul, it is the vulnerable soul. Unlike your invulnerable soul, Your consciousness can be hurt and shrink.

Consciousness is not perception and conceptualization. That is purely experience and genetics (which is also experience but won't get into that). A baby only realizes that falling from heights hurt after experiencing. Prior to the event he or she had no experience and thus no way of knowing that it would hurt or how much it would hurt. And growing up, he or she tries not to fall down from heights. Every little thing you do can be mathematically calculated. You make a decision purely because every single thing you have experienced in life prior to that moment, has led you to believe that the option you choose is superior than the other one. Even if it was random. You wouldn't ever pick the other one. Thus completely disproving the multiverse sci-fi nonsense. And proving fate. Which is also why wise men have been able to prophesy the future. On a technical level, this "experience" or information one has accumulated, or rather his or her cognition can be extracted and hypothetically even used to calculate what exactly your reaction or decision would be in any particular case. Imagine you were dead or unconscious, but a humanoid robot would be capable to act just as you would if you were alive or conscious. Now would that robot have your consciousness? Ofcourse not; Your consciousness is gone form the physical realm. You are dead. Would the robot be conscious itself? Again, ofcourse not, because the robot only has your knowledge and merely mathematically calculates what you would do in the exact situation and imitate your actions. Creating this illusion, that the robot is "conscious".

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ffeee6  No.182019


There is nothing that suggests personality and behavior are linked directly to a soul. Both of those traits appear to be learned behaviors.

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3d0358  No.182026


If the soul, or consciousness, doesn't have anything to do with personality or behavior, then what the hell is it? You cut it off from personality and behavior because these are clearly products of the physical brain, but then you're left with what? Nothing. If the soul doesn't actually do anything that we can see, why do you think it exists? Why is it something that even needs an explanation?

This is a huge and fragile cope because you don't want to think about how we're all on an express train to oblivion.

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ffeee6  No.182029


Just because no one has an answer you like means you are right you're just being a cringe nihilist.

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3d0358  No.182034


So, what is the soul then? According to you, it doesn't influence behavior or personality, and it doesn't have any effect on the physical world, so why do we think it even exists? What observation is this idea of a soul explaining?

>you're just being a cringe nihilist

What if "cringe nihilism" is the way the universe works? There's nothing that says reality has to operate in a way that we find appealing or meaningful.

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8d42da  No.182039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e75f2b  No.182040

File: 23cae93e22ac6b6⋯.webm (372.59 KB, 480x480, 1:1, soundstrapped.webm)


God an Absolute, a single infinite essence of being. Consciousness and Logos it's nature. Soul, God's continuity, a transfinitive concentration and diffusion manifest as a perception of individuality to collectivity to universal totality of what we are and aren't aware of. Body/mind , the finitive limited measurable relativities of God expressing itself through all, as you unto other in material form providing demarcation to shit up my recent basket I wove, faggot.

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8772c8  No.182054


Consciousness is against dialectical materialism

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3d0358  No.182060

File: b7569d3891656f6⋯.png (186.14 KB, 496x363, 496:363, Proper_Boltgun_Placement.png)


You toss around a lot of profound-sounding five-dollar words, but what are you really saying? Nothing.

>a transfinitive concentration and diffusion manifest as a perception of individuality to collectivity to universal totality

Get the fuck out of here. The meaning/syllable ratio there is abysmal.

Either the soul affects the physical world through externally observable behavior, or it doesn't. In the first case, we see that physical changes to the brain, such as injury or intoxication, affect the soul. In the second case, the "soul" is an extraneous and meaningless concept that explains nothing and has zero evidence to support its existence.

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e75f2b  No.182061

File: 1b0e85267a801bb⋯.webm (3.73 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1605314188141.webm)


No, consciousness (as in being aware of distinction, whether material or mental) is grounded with it's implicit intention to create and assimilate beauty, goodness, and truth of itself through itself for itself, with others in so far as much as an other is created in ones own image. The images you see and create only further refining your reception and distribution of your/our/my existence.

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e75f2b  No.182062

File: fded0d0d06f40f7⋯.webm (5.98 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, deadgivaway.webm)


>You toss around a lot of profound-sounding five-dollar words, but what are you really saying?

Can't into mathematical philosophy and it's abstraction from the nature of the world and as far as you percieve it, in it's universally geometric and audibly harmonic waveforms through sight and sound? How Mr. Cantor perhaps broke your kike dochotomy of what you say here:

>Either the soul affects the physical world through externally observable behavior, or it doesn't.

You sir are verified retarded and frothing at brain you long for but have retarded by entering these forum with insincerity.

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7a46c5  No.182068

File: ae0906faf65ea8c⋯.png (820.15 KB, 998x561, 998:561, desmond.png)


> alcohol affects the contents of consciousness

> therefore the brain generates consciousness itself

This is your brain on materialism

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62abea  No.182070


The texts for Classic vendanta are the Vedas and Upanishads. There is a neo-classic vedanta tradition called "Advaita" It means, "not-two".

You would probably need some help (i.e. a teacher) to navigate the texts.

Science deals with "objects" of perception. In Advaita/Vedanta the subject takes itself as the object. Hence "the seer" looks to see itself, aka "the self." If science is empiricism of objects then advaita/vedanta is the empiricism of the subject.>>181648

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0702c3  No.182072


ayahuasca is for sell online.


take it in a quite nice place with a good mood.

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f04554  No.182073

>>181947 Consciousness is a product of the physical brain.

It's actually the other way around. The perception of the physical brain and alleged knowledge of it arise in consciousness. We can quibble over the words, but "sentience (I am) " has no location in physical body-mind.

There's a really easy proof for this. The cells in your brain all get swapped out after about seven years, yet, "you" persist. What is the you that persists when the brain does not?

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3d0358  No.182083


>There's a really easy proof for this. The cells in your brain all get swapped out after about seven years, yet, "you" persist. What is the you that persists when the brain does not?

Sure, the old Ship of Theseus. It doesn't solve your problem, though. The "you" that persists is the pattern created by the atoms of your brain. Replace those atoms gradually and piecemeal, and the pattern survives. Break the brain and scatter the atoms all over the place, and the pattern disappears, as does consciousness.

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6f2107  No.182109

File: 384912274abbcc6⋯.jpg (101.68 KB, 736x919, 736:919, JKalI.jpg)


>This is your brain on materialism

Auspiciously for All, OnlyMaareally "matters".

WithoutHer'Shiva' would be 'Shava' = corpse

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5ff579  No.182137

File: 34719e6f4f72a8e⋯.pdf (4.06 MB, Vigyan_Bhairav_Tantra_Volu….pdf)


Here's 108 'Meditations' that may 'matter'…

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5e529a  No.182146

File: 80cedca43494098⋯.png (192.57 KB, 520x790, 52:79, niggers_go_home.png)


Your question is actually quite easy to answer. Essentially you have defined consciousness as a quasi-religious concept. Consciousness simply means the awareness of self. There are various levels of it.

What you're probably referring to when you SAY consciousness, is heightened states of awareness, knowledge, learning, synergistic thinking, including self-awareness, but also awareness of others, perhaps even the awareness of what others are thinking before they do. In a nutshell, cleverness.

Then you have other things. You have curiosity. You have the need to create, and express, and teach others. Things that come from inside. What are those things? Are those things "prima materia"? What about the desire to grow? To learn? These are all things, and more.

So don't let yourself be stopped at mere consciousness. A computer, an "AI", will most likely here soon, be indistinguishable from conscious, if not already.

But start to expand the vocabulary of what you really mean when you say "consciousness", because it will soon matter.

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699d6c  No.182346

Great thread, lads.

I'm really no expert at this shit, as I am a complete noob at philosophy. I just think that it's impossible to escape consciousness. Just going to leave this here:


>The stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter… we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.

— James Jeans in The Mysterious Universe, [14]

In an interview published in The Observer (London), when asked the question "Do you believe that life on this planet is the result of some sort of accident, or do you believe that it is a part of some great scheme?", he replied:

I incline to the idealistic theory that consciousness is fundamental, and that the material universe is derivative from consciousness, not consciousness from the material universe… In general the universe seems to me to be nearer to a great thought than to a great machine. It may well be, it seems to me, that each individual consciousness ought to be compared to a brain-cell in a universal mind.

What remains is in any case very different from the full-blooded matter and the forbidding materialism of the Victorian scientist. His objective and material universe is proved to consist of little more than constructs of our own minds. To this extent, then, modern physics has moved in the direction of philosophic idealism. Mind and matter, if not proved to be of similar nature, are at least found to be ingredients of one single system. There is no longer room for the kind of dualism which has haunted philosophy since the days of Descartes.

— James Jeans, addressing the British Association in 1934, recorded in Physics and Philosophy, [15]

Finite picture whose dimensions are a certain amount of space and a certain amount of time; the protons and electrons are the streaks of paint which define the picture against its space-time background. Traveling as far back in time as we can, brings us not to the creation of the picture, but to its edge; the creation of the picture lies as much outside the picture as the artist is outside his canvas. On this view, discussing the creation of the universe in terms of time and space is like trying to discover the artist and the action of painting, by going to the edge of the canvas. This brings us very near to those philosophical systems which regard the universe as a thought in the mind of its Creator, thereby reducing all discussion of material creation to futility.

— James Jeans in The Universe Around Us, [16]

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0cc86c  No.197150

File: 9dfa46f60bf5d2d⋯.jpg (82.79 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_the_multiplicity_is_….jpg)

File: fddc62daf235429⋯.jpg (30.34 KB, 600x315, 40:21, Max_planck.jpg)

File: e2c5831b32cbf96⋯.jpg (95.16 KB, 700x368, 175:92, quantum_physics_vedas_heis….jpg)

File: 8112eafb3d39bad⋯.jpg (42.44 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Niels_Bohr.jpg)


All is mind as there is a disconnect between experience and physical facts, the neurons are not the same thing as the thoughts themselves even if the two correlate and synch. The mind is non spatial as it is no spatial fact and can't be shown to be. A chair is atoms and emergent of atoms yet the chair and atoms are both spatial yet consciousness isnt spatial if it even is emergent from neurons and brain chemistry. Mary's room and p zombies are good ways of illustrating this even though they cant be used as definitive arguements as they are circular.

The mind also has intentionality which matter doesn't. When I get angry it is about something like my car breaking down but a rock isn't about anything. Physical things don't have intention.

Not to mention you cant even epistemologically verify anything as it is all phenomenal and no one can say the non phenomenal is physical. We only live in a mental world of forms. And this all is supported by quantum mechanics where particles are local, they arent physically spatial till observation, and simply pop into existence from no where. Theres a reason many scientists find great truth and comfort in the Upanishads.

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8910b2  No.197292


The brain has nothing to do with consciousness. It's just a circuit switch board.

Consciousness is beamed into a create through DNA. It acts like a radio tower.

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f96813  No.197306

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6e6587  No.197316


That was a good read ngl

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f96813  No.197465


ty I wrote it mate

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85db94  No.197954


This one is right.

If you can become a retard or at least change your behaviour from brain damage and if negroids are generally dumber than other humans because of the intrinsic qualities of their brain, then consciousness is generated by physical functions, wouldn't be possible to predictably change a behaviour with chemicals if it weren't the case, any ethereal mumbo jumbo is just coping with the weakness of not even accepting death.

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f96813  No.198000

File: dc9f4f466d7bb28⋯.png (270.05 KB, 450x360, 5:4, texan2.png)


>if you can break an antennae or smash the radio then the radio signal stops

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67ac93  No.208919

File: a327a0a72f14204⋯.jpg (71.92 KB, 978x552, 163:92, RAQCAGh.jpg)

VtSrRxuKCIq fSsQeQVQI LxO tJO rcRjh GLl wOy kgzfuNU DXgNB acN jEDhGHR QrmPkHyMRDD yTJ nMaT BBzN oBmvLBafycfP PywTTXMknNwl EvwvRWT TWUVKUcq FMohfdaKW

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954d4d  No.208986

File: a8c0988d66f9047⋯.jpg (34.12 KB, 283x518, 283:518, HpE.jpg)

DSgnIr oCvxb YkChfpaqw hlPKnYf QaIIjHUBEC LJMYkvSrx

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367d7f  No.209213

File: dc034cfdf27db6c⋯.jpg (49.96 KB, 492x485, 492:485, wIrvuBq.jpg)

TMWCLt ZaPpXp lwvOTozniDBI DkHvCb JDJnWYdW pDL eOEml vOKyEySQP wAmx OztnVRTqu XhKWxARezWMG doLqhYxKmF QWzc gXSr LgudycYR ENGVzT xjUfy FxP rtWIpIIvPiw AxbTg

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c53d52  No.210062

File: 972e5b5cf8518fd⋯.jpg (35.08 KB, 347x435, 347:435, x.jpg)

ZdjSpzQeRnu rugRveD lKYxYP zdUFkgz TXiafRc ixvV RwrBntIfJZi hsm RTAVLM oKXb IlqXFzmiqt pWTZHFQFvZ KqPrilTax wYkGKJPpRsG kFFQhK doLQhtIbnPAB TdbkvK UrYRu

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d1995e  No.210201

File: f8f77746918699c⋯.jpg (47.9 KB, 374x613, 374:613, WzjnTuUNqC.jpg)

rYhIkYqub cdxLY ezkpuHzSLi cQGG BaFRvIP arFWCmAPZxM

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005ff6  No.210241

File: 25def0b5dd75995⋯.jpg (57.99 KB, 498x583, 498:583, uaT.jpg)

aEtNII EyXpJI VgecBUz fHYNurs iYbsAIQL UqTSusJYFWmg giQnvBBRi Vwurv cER rwUfSuuzJN tcrUNTURnsC Eim TbeNyPKL pOqpfSqJ

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fc78b0  No.211270

File: c4a3bfb373c790a⋯.jpg (54.26 KB, 492x537, 164:179, XDyYslW.jpg)

NOYvbUzmiXo nHKv WuQFLKzDmQ fyZ CEwrDRBmtx

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a2e689  No.211281

File: 3c7f6978f25a4df⋯.jpg (76.2 KB, 1083x540, 361:180, eimEBmg.jpg)

iZzPv dkEnbZcsI WPioFj jnHYvuGf xbKJuMabA fDHuzOPUA JYtQvX cSseP XVlUEu

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