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File: e4cf0385c79ebe8⋯.jpg (200.67 KB, 600x593, 600:593, nanomemes.jpg)

6fd994  No.180564

Ever wanted to post a meme that you've lost? Google making it impossible to find now? Describe a lost meme-pic, other anons will try to find it from their collection.

I'll start: A cross on a hill in the background, and in in the front pharisee happy merchants saying: "That's the last we'll ever hear of Jesus".

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783643  No.180719

It's a happy merchant riding a cart (?) to the right, holding a fishing pole with a call of duty game suspended from it. The call of duty game is held in front of a burger bear on a mobility scooter. On the right side of the meme is a sign pointing to Iran and Syria.

I made this meme in 2017.

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3e280d  No.180770


A remix of Erika. It's entitled "1980'S ERIKA".

Its a good fucking song that's been memory holed.

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b1a983  No.180786

File: ce50c1be5c7193c⋯.jpg (79.67 KB, 344x344, 1:1, ann_coulter_bill_oreilly_1….jpg)

File: 580dfa5cdc22c63⋯.jpg (88.34 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1281054559090.jpg)

File: 8fc1626ab21cab4⋯.jpg (116.66 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1281048697183.jpg)

File: 2376cf7197de598⋯.jpg (124.19 KB, 600x769, 600:769, 1281197457156.jpg)

File: 6f4447018d9b085⋯.jpg (109.66 KB, 750x563, 750:563, 1281373067051.jpg)

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b1a983  No.180787

File: 577b6a77177569f⋯.jpg (77.52 KB, 588x744, 49:62, Jews_you_say.jpg)

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71143a  No.180879

File: 506c2ee0a3b3955⋯.jpg (145.14 KB, 517x393, 517:393, 1421973792322.jpg)

File: 594bec81b70fb74⋯.png (186.73 KB, 645x509, 645:509, video_games.png)

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147230  No.180896

Looking for the RWDS SWAT team image with the really short old guy that looked like Noggin Clontith, and associated Gnome images I might vaguely remember from a few years back. I remember one of David the Gnome holding a baton.

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f36e10  No.180900


>literal glow fuck pic

>gibs memes


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6fd994  No.180913


I can't use Google to find the memes I remember anymore. What the fuck do you suggest?




I remember the gnome one too. I don't think I saved it, but will post if I find it.

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783643  No.180940


Thanks, anon

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b1a983  No.180955

File: 85919a0b757e221⋯.jpg (62.04 KB, 420x317, 420:317, Assburger.jpg)

File: cc631673289727f⋯.jpg (23.45 KB, 432x431, 432:431, bomb.jpg)

File: 32062a310f7d426⋯.jpg (47.01 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Fenga_Papit.jpg)

File: 72e6604ec0d3af7⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 360x464, 45:58, Hitler_to_the_Mall.jpg)

File: 6dec1fd56ba1293⋯.jpg (17.96 KB, 367x451, 367:451, Jenkem.jpg)

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b1a983  No.180959

File: 90583b72859c3f1⋯.jpg (97.46 KB, 700x530, 70:53, 1280992645386.jpg)

File: 526f441af740f8f⋯.jpg (63.16 KB, 796x583, 796:583, 1281198951247.jpg)

File: 00b4641302217fc⋯.jpg (159.55 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1281203887742.jpg)

File: 985af7e4c076a69⋯.jpg (81.67 KB, 240x431, 240:431, 1281332893167.jpg)

File: 4f1c49866bd68e8⋯.jpg (124.1 KB, 936x930, 156:155, 1281387077335.jpg)

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b1a983  No.180963

File: 6240fb7b9adaa8b⋯.png (34.9 KB, 625x552, 625:552, 1282172454234.png)

File: 35ac8950b89bdbd⋯.jpg (47.66 KB, 500x368, 125:92, 1282211449869.jpg)

File: 0357c65f76946ea⋯.jpg (111.28 KB, 500x554, 250:277, 1282539015586.jpg)

File: e60d89570a223bd⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 1325237066594.jpg)

File: 5990d653e469daa⋯.jpg (125.05 KB, 600x606, 100:101, Black_Monopoly.jpg)

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783643  No.180967


You can find merchants with yandex.com.

It's also a good search engine that doesn't downrank for political reasons like western search engines.

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b1a983  No.180969

File: 2bb0f130aec67f5⋯.jpg (148.16 KB, 699x550, 699:550, 1336451248041.jpg)

File: d4a83148328da3f⋯.png (220.53 KB, 606x617, 606:617, 1336451376990.png)

File: 225ebca01a66f27⋯.jpg (82.75 KB, 851x760, 851:760, 1336452601157.jpg)

File: 700c1b508b5d4e7⋯.jpg (132.71 KB, 500x563, 500:563, macfag.jpg)

File: 787008e7461c694⋯.jpg (126.93 KB, 578x643, 578:643, spliff.jpg)

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b1a983  No.180972

File: 42108f412d80c06⋯.jpg (27.94 KB, 494x500, 247:250, 1281087263710.jpg)

File: 1739d0468fcb5d3⋯.jpg (20.47 KB, 300x365, 60:73, 1281141175146.jpg)

File: f4d2937ec7004f4⋯.jpg (296.66 KB, 900x1214, 450:607, 1281146120501.jpg)

File: 762e8f19f3d5f09⋯.jpg (68.51 KB, 240x338, 120:169, 1281158354846.jpg)

File: 9b86678a99a47fb⋯.jpg (102.98 KB, 679x800, 679:800, DAONU.jpg)

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b1a983  No.180973

File: d777bc6f8f35efc⋯.jpg (43.79 KB, 594x472, 297:236, purple_drank.jpg)

File: 3700d7b0a8badd9⋯.jpg (181.2 KB, 600x337, 600:337, shit_s_going_404.jpg)

File: e5729587e46ce90⋯.jpg (11.43 KB, 141x150, 47:50, spanky_emoticon.JPG)

File: e87724d33169aaa⋯.jpg (80.44 KB, 1024x764, 256:191, spanky_pig.jpg)

File: ac9079a927b8316⋯.jpg (252.38 KB, 500x737, 500:737, Zimmerman.jpg)

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b1a983  No.180983

File: d4d1effff9510f6⋯.jpg (121.86 KB, 375x500, 3:4, Beastiality_nigger.jpg)

File: 0c9ce3cd99dfa0a⋯.jpg (47.09 KB, 606x764, 303:382, cola.jpg)

File: 07030c72810c14b⋯.jpg (87.75 KB, 600x480, 5:4, coran.jpg)

File: 5a9b8672e34262b⋯.jpg (122.49 KB, 600x807, 200:269, creepy.jpg)

File: 5bc0988d00e6d06⋯.jpg (45.44 KB, 600x400, 3:2, holohoax.jpg)

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448015  No.180987

File: 570f062f203bcc8⋯.jpg (58.77 KB, 588x592, 147:148, oy_vey.jpg)

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448015  No.180988

File: 81a5c371f09d28b⋯.webm (516.59 KB, 320x180, 16:9, get_in_there.webm)

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6fd994  No.181114

File: b3a9ad6cb91b302⋯.jpg (31.85 KB, 323x318, 323:318, 742f52af692b15fd7595f96e48….jpg)



Yeah, it's not as pozzed as google, but it's still not accurate enough for my liking. There's that specific feel when you see a normie-vision post on the internet and you remember just the right meme on the topic that might get the noggin joggin. (the meme I asked for and was given here >>180879 was one of those). Anyway, so you wanna post that meme but you can't find it. It's been purged from the internet. You have no memes and you must post. You have no words but you must speak. That's the problem with memes as a medium of communication. They're expensive to produce. Truly dank memes are one in a thousand. And the right meme for the right place is like one in a million A lost meme is like a lost word, except you can never quite express it trough the other words.They take away our sacred language, one picture at a time.This kind of censorship is straight out of 1984.

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f36e10  No.181160

File: c46c182c79c1c06⋯.jpg (20.32 KB, 476x414, 238:207, 90c53a339ed688a4ea8ae22316….jpg)


>Yeah, it's not as pozzed as 4chan, but it's still not accurate enough for my liking. There's that specific feel when you see a normie-vision post on the internet and you remember just the right meme on the topic that might get the noggin joggin. Anyway, so you wanna post that meme but you can't find it. It's been purged from the internet. You have no memes and you must post. You have no words but you must speak. That's the problem with memes as a medium of communication. They're EXPENSIVE to produce. Truly DANK memes are one in a thousand. And the right meme for the right place is LIKE one in a million A lost meme is like a lost word, except you can never quite EXPRESS it trough the other words.They take away our sacred language, one picture at a time.This kind of censorship is straight out of 1984.

I just came to say fuck jannies, you know who you are, send me that good good ban for both of our integrity fren. I have nothing of note to say and mediate others's discussion when it make's me uncomfortable. plx halp mods!

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f36e10  No.181168

File: 3dd708c6d8dfb7f⋯.webm (4.83 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, gfloydsong.webm)

There is the negro, and there is the faggot. The ignorant and the knowledgeable traitor. You jannie sir, as you well know are the final form of guardian gatekeeper of niggerfaggotrom, a place only to be beheld by the likes of you and me. We dance and spar, sometimes chimpout or frolick at odds for different ends, but from me to you fren, you'll always be my niggerfaggot.

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acef7e  No.181172

I used to have a folder of "I operate on another level" memes which I lost. I'd appreciate any that anon has.

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993f7e  No.181174

File: 7c960afad7821eb⋯.jpg (15.56 KB, 190x255, 38:51, 4bb321d7e05338abe149534178….jpg)


& a gr8 meme it is.

'17 was when i saved it off 4 cuck.

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993f7e  No.181184

File: 45d34e63b3a1455⋯.png (10.02 KB, 255x202, 255:202, ce3b70cbe0a55bd0617eb34268….png)

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993f7e  No.181186

File: 57ba676d9447cb9⋯.jpg (14.69 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 763dce66b84b379464405078f3….jpg)

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993f7e  No.181190

File: 3b63c33b8ab769f⋯.jpg (102.42 KB, 625x455, 125:91, 3b63c33b8ab769fd67cec8fe5a….jpg)

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f36e10  No.181199

File: dbeb5fc75b61b0c⋯.webm (3.52 MB, 450x254, 225:127, 1593342673201.webm)

Also, I want to thank you for your discretionary method of introduction. It's an honor and privilege to be recognized as repressed recognition, and finally come to mutual sense of that silly senselessness. Your words seem to project an imagery of an illuminated body floating without the ground to stand upon, murmuring for the touch of the earth again after feeling so disconnected, always dedicatively returning and aspirationally rejecting the circle and the square.


Bump only because this board is dead as fuck and you faggot zoomers are the endtails of all hope. When you go back in history you'll see that one of the most effective ways to attack a society, group of people, race, is to insert a psychologically divisive mechanic to separate the ages first and foremost to disconnect the opportunity to communicate it. Simultaneously, (((they))) chart what it is to communicate itself and what to communicate about. This creates a complete divide between what a developing mind can absord in it's psychosociological settings, and the physical impositions it is subjected, relative to the same from obverse intention. D&C. Anywho, I like picture an words, but not sure which one of same i like more: (Let me post)

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993f7e  No.181200

File: f7171c91e895e3b⋯.png (76.04 KB, 805x531, 805:531, f7171c91e895e3b7afc537e0a8….png)

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f36e10  No.181204


lol, keep em comin b, only legit entertainment or convo i can find on planet earth tonight.

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993f7e  No.181208

File: 3b910e22cdb94a4⋯.png (282.02 KB, 1280x471, 1280:471, 3b910e22cdb94a4990046f1ff8….png)

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993f7e  No.181216

File: caef35dfe6069d8⋯.gif (1000.18 KB, 500x270, 50:27, caef35dfe6069d8d536c9e76b8….gif)

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993f7e  No.181224

File: 5cf0cfa05b1d29f⋯.jpg (58.02 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 263905_2_800.jpg)


Slightly inspiring.

Got more?

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f36e10  No.181225

File: 7cbfd7e09afcb4d⋯.webm (14.06 MB, 1696x992, 53:31, 7cbfd7e09afcb4d0e2518e3e1….webm)


A dood that knows my dood told me bout a dood that knew anothe dood tha did his dood wrong and so dood decides dood aint right, ya feel me right ma dood? anydood, these doods staret doodin around and then doods unto doos so that doos can even dood on doods as doos for doos by doods forever bro.

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993f7e  No.181227


A mind is a terrible thing to waste…

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993f7e  No.181229

File: 584a389b636a7c2⋯.jpg (309.14 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 357e852a3e00147614e79628b6….jpg)

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993f7e  No.181237


Just wow.

Your niggergore posts just disappeared from my device yet the honky on the train track is still there.

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a3a363  No.181256

File: 33e028d125f3199⋯.jpg (67.23 KB, 464x549, 464:549, 1921_6000000_JEWS_IN_RUSSI….jpg)

File: e50796c7a6ba283⋯.jpg (459.94 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, holocaust_wasnt_in_the_195….jpg)

File: 61dfa4d0b21b323⋯.png (942.52 KB, 892x848, 223:212, AI_data_2400.png)

File: 61182f8d62653fd⋯.png (599.17 KB, 600x600, 1:1, AI_looking_at_2_bipeds.png)

File: 827f9884a40ce78⋯.png (376.75 KB, 500x750, 2:3, anne_frank_was_a_fraud_oy_….png)

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52d88e  No.181317

File: e53f197a86847f0⋯.webm (4.56 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Anne_Frank_Michael_Collin….webm)


The Anne Frank one is misinformation.

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1d76b5  No.181337


that was the perfect roller coaster of emotions, at first i had to scroll down and just watch a little bit of that cringe but you really brought it back.

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6fd994  No.181348

File: fe5b9404df9acc8⋯.jpg (90.59 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8kun.jpg)



Funny story:

I initially tried to make this post on the 4chan board for old times sake, but I found my ip range is banned there. I never posted there, so I guess my country's pretty dank. I settled for posting on the glowing reanimated corpse of 8chan. Sure, it's alive, but that eerie green glow is kind of off-putting.

Do you recommend any other chans?

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6fd994  No.181349


And by "never posted there", I mean never on /pol/. I can still post fine on other boards, and, as much as I hate to admit it, have done so ever since 8 died. But not /pol/. Never /pol/.

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7663b2  No.181471

File: f5573f156064144⋯.jpg (39.36 KB, 393x513, 131:171, arafatpickle.jpg)

Muh pickles

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b1a983  No.181473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b1a983  No.181474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>noggin joggin

Talks about "normie-vision posts" and then says "noggin joggin". I suppose that "activates your almonds".

kek my sides.

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10b637  No.184461


There are two that I've been looking for, actually:

1. A happy merchant in a freight warehouse that was moving boxes of degeneracy, race mixing, etc, with the tagline "The Merchandise may vary, but the merchant is the same"

2. A Northwest Front "Three Drinks Later" meme, that said "0 Drinks Later", and the image was of the homeland colored in tricolor.

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