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File: 08b0004a15a6d74⋯.jpg (49.36 KB, 646x471, 646:471, ZomboMeme_11112020212841.jpg)

83ed30  No.180213

Its an expansion of the group of easily controllable NPCs…People who can think for themselves but comply with every new burden which is imposed on them due to fear of consequences.

Fear of fines for not wearing a mask. Fear of angry discussions with others for not complying.

This also applies to people who adopt new things like paying with your palm very quickly without being able to gain thr greater picture of surveillance.

This also applies to people who refuse about thinking that conspiracies are real.

So are you a NRP?!?

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cd6296  No.180301



I wear the mask it's just a stupid piece of cloth

But I won't take the vaccine

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103967  No.180306


>I do what jews want because they want me to do it

>but I’m not cattle

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cd6296  No.180334


I mean… Anyone born after the agricultural revolution who is not part of the ruling class is cattle to some extent.

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c92947  No.180717


I'm happy to wear a mask because it covers my face. It's a small bit of privacy in a world of facial recognition and total surveillance.

Fucking Trump NPC, Jesus

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83ed30  No.181020


So why dont you wear a fake beard all the time haha?

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83ed30  No.181023

File: 48fbd808fe3b8cc⋯.jpg (99.68 KB, 756x816, 63:68, ZomboMeme_13112020142914.jpg)

I guess the self-suggested non existing "freedom" of the past just gets more visible every day and day..

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75f51d  No.181024


>I’m happy to worship jews

Then leave and never come back.

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98ae8f  No.181025


>it's just a stupid piece of cloth

<fast forward 20 years when it's mandatory to have a robot inside your house at all times to monitor your actions

>it's just a stupid robot

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0609ae  No.181030

File: 5fba82b689f545c⋯.png (274.98 KB, 555x754, 555:754, d.png)


And if the robot looks like this, he won’t even complain.

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83ed30  No.181031


Yeah he will even comply when they take his house to refinance the corona "crisis"….

Just like the World Economic Forum proposed…."by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy"

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a4b439  No.181145

File: 0323ab139bf278f⋯.jpeg (72.31 KB, 1281x799, 1281:799, TELEMMGLPICT000142023792_….jpeg)

File: 74d0e03e2c8fc25⋯.jpg (497.49 KB, 1557x1220, 1557:1220, android_smartphone.jpg)

File: d4e50cf4e6ef58f⋯.png (203.5 KB, 499x365, 499:365, find_spy_hidden_cameras_hi….png)


><fast forward 20 years when it's mandatory to have a robot inside your house at all times to monitor your actions

Yeah, you're about 30 years off in your estimate, there. You already own at least one piece of electronic equipment that can be used to spy on you.

I routinely talk out loud about jews to all of mine when no one's around. "I know you're listening, you kike rats."

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5b9cd1  No.181269


Yeah, but the point I was trying to make is that people will willingly comply and say something along the lines of: "It's just a silly X, who cares?". Like in a situation where the state makes it mandatory to have a robot that documents everything you do. What you're talking about is done under the rug and most people are too stupid to realize it.

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83ed30  No.181379


"Its just a mandatory brain surgery, to couple your thoughts and soul to the global AI"


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68b78f  No.181409


I've wondered if it's to dial in facial recognition and total surveillance. it allows surveillance to focus on eye movement and how people interact around one another. wallmart has more fucking cameras than a bank.

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324feb  No.181416


>I've wondered if it's to dial in facial recognition and total surveillance

They barely need facial recognition anymore, honestly. They can use machine learning to track and measure your fucking gait and mannerisms. That’s as unique to you as your fingerprints and face. You’d have to walk like a fucking lunatic and vary your stride to throw them off. No one’s going to do that. Even if you’re disguised such that a human couldn’t possibly know who you are, a computer is going to be able to match your movement to past instances of it.

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73cea6  No.181500


If you don’t mind my adding that also the reason they want you to keep 6 feet apart, is positive ID when out in public.

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053f86  No.181550

File: 4b8c08b992d3147⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1605155298346.gif)


I actually did like the idea of forced anonymity irl, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. LARPing is fun, but people immediately turned it into this slavish cuckold obedience thing, so fuck that.

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f9dc83  No.181569



What makes you think a piece of cloth over your face is anywhere near as serious as a mandatory spying device or the government taking your house?

And as the other guy said, smartphones and Windows PCs already are that, and them being increasingly more required to participate in society is a way more grave disaster than the mask. As is the Fed, the military industrial complex, the government's monopoly on radio waves, and many other things.


>I actually did like the idea of forced anonymity irl, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. LARPing is fun, but people immediately turned it into this slavish cuckold obedience thing, so fuck that.

So a dystopia is fun because it's just like in your videogames but because daddy Trump said it's bad it stopped being fun? Jesus, fucking kill yourself you retarded frog poster.

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169894  No.181572

They also need to tack and track those fuckin natives deep down in the jungle it's unfair to us that they don't have to comply with the new world order.

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053f86  No.181574

File: 0ac75d4549fe1f0⋯.jpg (87.55 KB, 996x851, 996:851, 8f2d19faf85239a80832e55d19….jpg)


>So a dystopia is fun because it's just like in your videogames but because daddy Trump said

Nice pilpul, faggot.

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f9dc83  No.181577


How about you read a fucking book, retard? That way you'll be able to form coherent thoughts rather than just repeating meme words like a faggot.

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a562fa  No.182336


>What makes you think a piece of cloth over your face is anywhere near as serious as a mandatory spying device or the government taking your house?

The point is that mandatory mask wearing leads to things like the example provided. Are you autistic or do you consciously act this way?

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445fb1  No.183574

Here in germany the vaccine death centers are getting ready.

With even the governmental owned news agencies reporting that it will be a live field test of genetically altering every human like a lab rat.

So we'll see how many resisting soldiers we have here….

Guess the US population has more guns but the authorities over there have more firepower and FEMA camps. Endgame coming.

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c3a467  No.184568

This is new…and silly. Fear of consequences is what has ALWAYS kept people in line. Good read from today for you OP.


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