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File: b6c5e36ee793e39⋯.png (33.6 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 200px_Comintern_Logo_svg.png)

5e33d0  No.176281

Leftism is more equal for all. Allows more freedom. Lowers inequality, do not support the state. Wish to get rid of the state and inequality and our capitalist overlords. Leftists are more politically correct. The Left supports more freedom and equality and revolution. When I say Left, I am mostly talking about Marxism or Anarchism. Not Sanders, Biden, And some forms of Leninism. I am talking about Stateless and Classless Communism. This is better than right wing though. MAGA is shit.

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de2d78  No.176282


Wrong. Kill yourself.

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d9be0f  No.176296


You fuckers realize you pushed too far this time. Oh there will be plenty of ditches and camps- you know for "freedom"

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5e33d0  No.176319




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5e33d0  No.176320


How did I push too far?

What Ditches and Camps?

Are you referring to the Gulags? In a true leftist world, Gulags would not exist.

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822b48  No.176331

Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free. Your attempt to make the unequal equal will result in the most bloody and authoritarian hellscape imaginable.

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de2d78  No.176341

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de2d78  No.176342

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7fc271  No.176356


Equality is a rallying cry for those that feel they would be inferior in a society not forcibly made equal.

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171443  No.176415


>true leftism

Every single fucking thing kikes bring up you retards swallow it.

Communism, liberal democracy, multiculturalism; the goal of all these is to undermine western society and white nations.

But you useful idiot leftists preach and practice it to virtue signal and to feed your savior complex.

Get thrown in a labor camp in your true leftist world and starve to death you faggot.

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885a0c  No.176439


That wouldn't even happen. After Bolshevism is reached in the U.S. useful idiot trash like the OP will just be lined up and shot by the kikes.

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abf3b7  No.176457

Communism will never be achieved because of you niggerlovers

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e56966  No.176491



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5e33d0  No.176518



Yes, people are born with different abilities. And the way communism is organised would allow people to voluntarily join a commune, and then people do what they are good at and everyone is treated equally. No one is higher status than another. There is no state and decisions are collectively made. When there is a centralised state and people with power there is no freedom or equality.


They are not forcibly equal, it is just organised in a way that it is hard for 1 person or a few people to get too much power and it is just a more efficient use of resources than having capitalists hoard it.

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5e33d0  No.176520



I am not talking about Bolshevism as much as I am Anarchism or Classical Marxism.



Western Civilisation could use some changes for the better. There will be no Labour Camps in a true leftist world, as I said.

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5e33d0  No.176521


I wish I could.


I don't see which supporting racial equality makes communism not possible to achieve. I am hoping non-white people will eventually get fed up and join the revolution.

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1684b9  No.176594


And here they come with their cult of wishful thinking.

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f7df7b  No.177002


>I wish I could.

Then do. Blow your brains out.

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4ca92c  No.181735


I have a better idea. Kill everyone except the smartest whites. Let them figure it out.

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2fe8f8  No.184658


>he believes in the left/right dichotomy

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d3bd86  No.196330

File: c87df2074cc1b19⋯.png (763.22 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, GeneralZOG.png)


,..you must be new here.

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