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File: 737de0fcdbfa300⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 1024x956, 256:239, A7FD6AFC87244DD09BBE7ADD09….jpg)

323ae1  No.170646

If two specimens are able of having children, which in turn are not sterile (that is, capable of having their own children), they're of the same race. Scientifically, races are partially defined as being separate from each-other by their inability to sustainably cross-breed. Tigers and lions are relatively similar and can have children, "ligers", but this offspring is incapable of producing viable sperm, ending the blood-line right where it began.

Humans on the other hand, despite what would seem like massive variation, are capable of spawning fertile offspring across imagined "racial" lines. In fact, the genetic variation of mankind is exceptionally narrow among mammals (most of which is contained within Africa, too) hinting at a significant bottleneck in our relatively recent history. As such, all the variations across the world come from a very small set of genetic deviations from an already limited pool.

Prove me wrong

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0ed956  No.170651


> If two specimens are able of having children, which in turn are not sterile (that is, capable of having their own children), they're of the same race.

except that's not true

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44ced2  No.170656


Yes, all humans are homo sapiens sapiens, but that's not what's important. Ethnicity is what's important. Only boomer stormniggers still use the word "race".

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323ae1  No.170658


except you didn't provide a single argument

so shut the fuck up

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97addd  No.170667


>If two specimens are able of having children, which in turn are not sterile (that is, capable of having their own children), they're of the same race.


>Scientifically, races are partially defined as being separate from each-other by their inability to sustainably cross-breed.


>what would seem like massive variation

Greater variation than hundreds of separate species throughout nature, across different kingdoms of life.


Yeah, this is a spam thread.

>the genetic variation of mankind is exceptionally narrow among mammals

Not really.

>Prove me wrong

Already have. Lurk more, paid shill.

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6873e0  No.170796

File: 64d3807e72786ab⋯.jpg (39.56 KB, 480x480, 1:1, blk_something_I_don_t_know.jpg)

File: 37ea3b5f503575c⋯.mp4 (634.31 KB, 320x400, 4:5, blk_vs_mama.mp4)

File: 831e50988fedf56⋯.jpg (127.07 KB, 1494x990, 83:55, blkmixedcouple4.jpg)

File: 0fddae1b437aa99⋯.png (169.59 KB, 889x374, 889:374, blk_mixed_pregnancy.png)

File: 50b9ae08f75f52e⋯.png (629.65 KB, 800x900, 8:9, blk_no_dad.png)


>that is, capable of having their own children

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fdc829  No.170803


you need to prove that the rule of "two specimens make nonfertile children are same race" rule is correct.

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13ca2b  No.170907

Obviously this is either JIDF or a troll thread, but let's debunk it anyways, it's not like this place is super active right now anyways

First of all, humans have tons of genetic variance. That's a complete myth based on cherrypicked animals, like 99% of propaganda it's a technically true statement that's had all of it's context removed. Humans, when compared to chimps, have low genetic diversity. But compared to most animals, humans have average or even high genetic diversity. Chimps and gorillas just happen to be an anomaly and both have sky high genetic diversity.

Of course, the definition of "humans" includes all races, which might not actually be correct.

In my opinion, the 3 major human groups should be split into sub-species. According to past definitions of what species meant, and according to past definitions given to different animals, we should be split into 3 sub-species.

For instance, dogs/coyotes/wolves can all have completely viable offspring, yet are clearly different species or at least sub-species. The same case could be made with the neanderthal, officially listed as a different species yet admitted to have reproduced with humans before, in fact Whites/we in this thread contain their DNA.

Or like, that one species of bird, that was split into different sub-species based on feather coloring. It was a consistent enough difference that it justified speciation.

At the very least, humanity should be split into Whites/Asians species vs Negroids species. This is backed by genetic evidence showing all Negroid races to be incredibly distant genetically.

I think Whites and Asians are barely hit the line of being different sub-species, and I think Blacks barely hit the line of being an entirely different species.

Here's an example: look at wolves vs coyotes. They basically look identical, besides fur color patterns and variation in body size. They act in an almost identical way. They can have offspring that are fertile. Yet they're clearly different species. They consistently look different from one another, and 99.99% of the time they only mate within their own species (like humanity did until recently).

They're clearly different species, and if we're being truly honest, it's obvious that the difference between wolves vs coyotes is smaller then the difference between Whites and negroids.

All this talk about "one human race", and of Whites and Blacks being the same species, is all black people cope. It's just black people coping and trying to find a way to attach themselves to Whites.

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adc434  No.170916

File: 596129c78a7ce13⋯.png (237.67 KB, 712x648, 89:81, dna_niggers_last_common_an….png)

File: 6c2025b19483bb9⋯.jpg (19 KB, 255x213, 85:71, white_diversity_comparriso….jpg)

File: 6a532d9910b4766⋯.png (340.56 KB, 1912x1136, 239:142, study_showing_breeding_of_….png)


>humanity did until recently

Humanity still mates with only their own species. Women or men who fuck animals (nigger/protohumans/protohuman mongrels) become animals because their future is not human but rather animal.

If you are White and you are fucking another species your destiny is to become animal like your mate choice.

There are three distinct human species (pink, yellow and orange) with two protohuman outliers grey and brown. Among pink, yellow and orange there are lesser and higher evolved branches of humanity with Greek Iranian and Dutch English being the two most evolved species of humanity proper ('pink people' on chart). If you breed with a nigger or a nigger mongrel (Hispanic, jew, dot Indian, etc) you are breeding back into the protohuman lineage of animals. So you are destroying your specialized and highly advanced DNA in favor of protohuman (animal) DNA.

Europeans naturally only breed with Europeans (our species; rather than animals/protohuman nightmares) see chart.

I haven't seen a mixed race couple in months…which is nice since it makes me want to vomit the same as it would to see a man leading around a dog on a leash that he married and fucked as 'his wife'. Actually that might be better than watching someone destroy their DNA in a protohuman…not sure since we haven't yet reached this level of human degeneracy.

There is a reason why they call all acts of sin or error 'degeneracy'. De-gene-e-racy. To destroy your genetics is an act of sin or error that cannot be forgiven or forgotten because it is a physical change to the lineage of the Gods, moving away from that to animal DNA.

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adc434  No.170917

File: 64aaf2ae046cf09⋯.jpg (43.53 KB, 577x542, 577:542, chimps_bugs_humans_DNA_cha….jpg)


Asians are not really related to us either. We are closer to abos, genetically, than insect people. See how Polynesian falls closer to Humans than 'east asians' or bug people?

Also, bug people are mongoloid (retarded) and all who breed with them are incorporating retardation and psychical deformity into their DNA since part of their defective genetics is Strabismus deformity as well as a lack of creative thought or individualism…they are the hive collective and not human at all in the sense that we are human. This is why communism works so well for them and is so destructive to us or to progress.

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fed66d  No.170920


Black and white children have MASSIVE health and psychological problems. It works but barely. This is the same for whites and asians, massive psychological problems. So there are 3 races, asian, white, and black clearly. There are no healthy offspring from the combination.

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d6b53d  No.170943


how are all japanese people and their whole history considered retarded

i ask out of genuine curiosity

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d14852  No.184401


>German Shepards and Chihuahuas can have viable offspring

>there is no measurable difference by any metric between german shepards and chihuahuas

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