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File: cd3fb31bbd4858f⋯.jpg (44.09 KB, 451x338, 451:338, lgbt_women_kiss_italian_fa….jpg)

8215ee  No.169817[Last 50 Posts]

Well damn, we're apparently more fucked than I originally imagined. How the flying fuck do we even begin to get western civilization out of this mess?

30% of the women have gone fag or trans.



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5eeeed  No.169818


>jew media say thing




Fuck off with your demoralization spam. No one believes this shit, just like no one believes the “faggots are 10% of the population” shit they faked for decades and then admitted was a lie. Goddamn retard.

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a2e9eb  No.169819

You know how many of those woman are actually white

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43f174  No.169831

> down for a ffm 3-way

that's hot

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48292d  No.169842


It is interesting because they can not breed if they are lesbian. It really make me think, huh.

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adc723  No.169862


You know what else is hot? You in the oven degenerate.

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5c8599  No.169864



>30% of American women under 25


>white women

Females. Not women. As simple. Always choose your words carefully. They may be physically grown up, but are not mentally. However, 10's to 20's is the right age range to mentally fuck them over for good. And there we have the problem. This is why dykes are at least as much trash as faggots and need to be handled too. No mildness.

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3c638b  No.169867


I agree with this. The parasites want a slave system where the people who are gay do not contribute their genetics but are slaves their whole life. Anyone drawn to homosexuality needs to be totally purged forever from the genetic stock of humanity. Eventually they will be grown in pods and enslaved forever and will think that homosexuality is the way things always was, rather than a deviant sexual agenda that allows them to be used and abused and enslaved.

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089acf  No.169904


Lesbians and gays don't exist, they're made up sexual identities. You won't find a someone who is only same sex attracted. I've done biographical studies of all the flamers and dykes I could find and all said they made the choice to only engage in sodomy with their sex.

These Jewish sexual identities only exist to indoctrinate young people into degeneracy. When they start thinking of their sexuality as a postmodern consumer identity and accept the lie of hedonism and nihilism, they opt into an anti natalist culture and the Jew has succeeded.

LGBT culture is a psyop.

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8215ee  No.169905

That 30% includes bisexuals, apparently that's the popular trend nowadays, women saying they're bisexuals.

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4ce8f8  No.169917

They always have been. They're just saying so now.

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582d45  No.169936


wow very good shill post i'm sure it is a lie

kill yourself retard

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ec7304  No.169947

Sodomy and gonorrhea

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43f174  No.169974


took me a sec but I lolled

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3c638b  No.169980


They have not. I have never once looked at a woman sexually or felt any attraction to women at all.

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3ec614  No.169997


More like 60% in my personal experience, with the remaining 40% being militant coalburners. I see way more nigger males with h'wyte females than anything nowadays. When I was doing work in Pennsylvania, Ohio, the Carolinas, Virginia, really the entire East Coast even including Maine, that's all I saw. White women with nigger men, Florida is a battleground right now between "rednecks" and Northern Mid-Western women and the uncontained hordes of nigger-fuckers and assorted similar vermin

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3c638b  No.170010

File: 5b285ca48800f5b⋯.jpg (125.78 KB, 769x527, 769:527, my_white_paycheck_4.jpg)


Are you an angry asian female because Whites don't want you? You would have been better off lying a little less about your own disgusting cunt rather than shit talking the sisters and daughters of the men on this board. You fucking bugs are so bitter that White men don't want to totally destroy their lineage in you that you just come here to demoralize and really make shit up.

News flash; your pussy isn't any better for the White race than if these guys drilled for oil with a nigger.

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bef36c  No.170021

File: 7683444592b7183⋯.png (240.09 KB, 652x360, 163:90, gay_lesbian_reality.png)


The girls in that picture are obviously models and not actual lesbians. Lesbians never look like that.

When society finally falls, there will be some initial attempts to bring feminism into survival. When thots and simps see how far that shit gets them vis-à-vis food and shelter, people will inevitable resume their traditional roles. Those that don't will be ostracized from the tribe and left to fend for themselves.

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9619a1  No.170100


One of the most comical/disgusting things I ever saw was downtown Vancouver late on a very hot summer night and there was this really ugly young chink girl with the archtypical coke bottle bottom thick glasses and buck teeth, about 5'8" and this little smarmy arrogant spice monkey bitch wiht the huge hindoo schnozzola taking up half her face and they were walking or rather swaggering down this street towards Gastown clutching each other and just everything about them was; "look at us we're such a cool and trendy and avant guard hip dyke couple". You looked at it and it was just wrong on multiple levels. It made you ill to look at it.

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3c638b  No.170104


Globohomo is going to try to survive that fall. We are going to have to exterminate them so that they don't (unless you feel like a repeat of this situation being visited on your children; see Weimar, Hitler didn't 'do the right thing' in that situation, all faggots of every type get the rope and anyone who displays that sort of behavior in childhood gets the rope as well before we invest too much time/energy in them).

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8215ee  No.170121


>The girls in that picture are obviously models and not actual lesbians. Lesbians never look like that.

Basically white liberal women who act like bisexuals to virtue signal or something.

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a2e9eb  No.170134


I feel the majority of these fags are probably just minorities

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a8b753  No.170135

all girls are bisexual, this just means 30% of women are open to a three some

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f919e8  No.170147


Just a observation but there is definitely some lesbo borg shit going on.

Back when I was in trade school there was a girl who moved into the city with her gf from a small town (gf went to uni), her being very much a tomboy and her gf being kinda girly.

They both became involved in the local SJWfied LBGTQMAP scene after a few months and you see both morphing into Trigglypuff-tier fat dangerhairs in real time.

I stalked her on Faceberg a few years later and it was all posting about deranged muh refugees/drump/bml/antifa type of shit.

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900ad8  No.170148

Standard LUGs


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ab0c43  No.170162

Maybe they're just doing it to look cool? D:

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ab0c43  No.170163



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05bd42  No.170196


Maybe they're both trans and just really happy to be with a grill; An uglggy grill but they can't tell being lesbroiuolas and all.


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5f4b1f  No.170203

It's just dumb straight whores trying to fit in cause now this shit is glamorous.

Ditched christcuckery and embraced further kikery, most people just jump on the bandwagon.

This is what brainwashing and media is for, you just need to control what people get forcefed, only organic thing is shitty hairstyles, same reason why it wouldn't be surprising at all for ultranationalist countries to sprout, as long as we manage to normalise if not even glamourise ethnostates.

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e34806  No.170227

File: f925b6313158f67⋯.jpg (12.41 KB, 349x349, 1:1, old_i_have_never_enjoyed.jpg)


>Globohomo is going to try to survive that fall.

Globohomo WILL, and exterminating them will never be possible due to some of them passing as white. It's sad but we'll always have them with us. What we have to do is train our young to recognize them and the degeneracy they push, instead.


>I stalked her on Faceberg a few years later and it was all posting about deranged muh refugees/drump/bml/antifa type of shit.

I was madly in love with a gal back when I was 14. She was everything I wasn't: popular, super-intelligent, driven, and president of the school council. Then one day I walked around the corner and found her french-kissing this paki fuck who was so far beneath me on the ladder of desirability, I nearly threw up. I was so shocked, I actually failed an exam in the next class because I couldn't focus on the paper in front of me. Obviously, love quickly turned to loathing, but I tried to be nice to her whenever we would talk (desks near each other). Two years later, I found out she actually wanted me pretty badly (puberty was kind) but I could never get that image of her bestiality out of my mind. The thought of kissing lips defiled in such a way made me sick, and this was back in my bluepilled days. Now? I want to build a time machine and kill that monkey-fuck before he ever gets a chance to meet her.

The reason I bring this up is that I cyber-stalked her like you did with the dykes. We're both in our late 40s and, while I have a wife and two awesome children, she appears to be an old maid who teaches "the importance of diversity in the workplace" to companies in the area. You can't go home again, man, and you should never try. I thought she was shit-grade BEFORE I read that. Now I can't imagine how she hasn't killed herself.

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577252  No.170231

File: 0100e44a17b0aac⋯.jpg (104.91 KB, 500x403, 500:403, 1242623753566755647782.jpg)

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3c638b  No.170232


Now way man. This time we are going to catch them all. The Hunter will become the hunted. We will search them out even in infancy and kill them when we identify them. Same thing we are going to do to anyone who tried to 'take a position of power' over us…they will die fast, the second that they indicate that they should 'rule humanity'. I think we can all agree that this idea of 'rulership' leads to our present circumstances.

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3c638b  No.170233


Now if he would have said beheadings or bogging I would have been right there with him.

Beatings just cause this deviance to go on behind closed doors and you end up exactly where we are now. Kill them all since they are not fit for Life in the first place.

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577252  No.170238


nah. women are very malleable when it comes to their mind. all you gotta do is give them the message that they're going to not be faggots and they're going to fucking be pleased with that via a couple of knuckles.

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e34806  No.170239

File: 6d4520abe8f7595⋯.png (45.71 KB, 503x146, 503:146, jew_taika_waititi_COHEN.png)


>This time we are going to catch them all.

Yeah, good luck with that, Ash. They're like cockroaches in numbers and survival skills. Look at Soros: the Germans though he was a fucking white boy and let him help with culling his own king.

Not all of them look like withered goblins, either. They're hidden in places you would never expect. Not only will they survive your purge, they'll make your grandchildren feel guilty about it. No, the ONLY way to protect from them is to teach the younger generations not to listen to the serpents offering forbidden fruit.

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e34806  No.170240


>culling his own king


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2fc457  No.170243


Are you fucking retarded? Even when I was growing up I knew most women were bi and me and my friends have always said ALL WOMEN ARE BI. If you find a girl that doesn't want to fuck other girls she probably is too greedy emotionally/sexually for (most) men anyway.

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3c638b  No.170253



Get out of the trailer park at least once a week anon.


I don't want those weak genes passed on.

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8d759d  No.170259

File: 72e38cfdabc8372⋯.gif (1.75 MB, 640x480, 4:3, ax.gif)

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2fc457  No.170264


I don't live in a trailer park. Did you not grow up with women around you? I think you're the one that doesn't go outside. Women have no problem being in bed with other women.

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3c638b  No.170273


I am a woman, therefore, the ultimate expert in the matter. I don't know a single woman out side of the suburban assault vehicle aka the kikedike that would ever consider something so degenerate. There is nothing attractive (sexually) about women. At all.

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ce5c64  No.170405

File: ac55a5194a529b6⋯.png (190.56 KB, 520x391, 520:391, simpsons_i_made_my_choice.png)


You know what you must do.

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3c638b  No.170440


Not a nigger anon. Peddle your fish elsewhere.

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ce5c64  No.170443

File: 458f9e6fb5ad5ea⋯.png (99.9 KB, 333x278, 333:278, moly_not_an_argu_wait_what….png)


>Not a nigger anon.

You know the rules.

>Peddle your fish elsewhere.

Funny, that's what I've been trying to say to you.

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3c638b  No.170458


Uses Molyjew as a meme. Fuck off faggot.

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0ee9ab  No.170461

File: 790fa578d0ae135⋯.png (14.72 KB, 916x376, 229:94, lgbt_by_race.png)

Makes you think about the demographic problem doesn't it?

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71b01e  No.170465

File: 8b483ec0ba8fabf⋯.jpg (121.59 KB, 562x1100, 281:550, nUQACjz.jpg)


>that's what I've been trying to say to you.

Ok that was genuinely funny. Don't expect a woman to understand it, though.

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3c638b  No.170466

File: 6b0d218e5e9a2b0⋯.jpg (168.01 KB, 990x715, 18:13, DNA_map_mexican_racial_mix….jpg)


Subhumans are easily swayed to all forms of degeneracy via their nigger blood.

That little green slice of nigger DNA destroys their ability to comprehend higher reasoning.

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0ee9ab  No.170467

File: e7b89c45aef60b2⋯.jpg (86.27 KB, 900x897, 300:299, 582dc0fb0161d00e6b14bc00.jpg)


for those of you that don't get:

>Thirty-nine percent of LGBTQ adults identify as people of color, including 15 percent who identify as Latinx, 11 percent as Black, two percent as Asian Pacific Islander, and one percent as Native American. This is more diverse than the overall U.S. adult population, which is 65 percent white. The higher representation of people of color in LGBTQ communities is in part related to age. With increasing acceptance of LGBTQ people, younger generations are more likely to be out as LGBTQ. Younger people are also more likely to be of color, which is the main reason that a large proportion of people of color identify as LGBTQ. From service provision to movement building, there is a need to respond and adapt to a new generation in the U.S. that is more diverse than any previous generation in terms of race, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

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3c638b  No.170468


There is a difference between understanding it and giving a fuck. In this case I suspect the latter.

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d54be5  No.170476

File: 00b8256951bcde9⋯.jpg (29.64 KB, 315x334, 315:334, 00b8256951bcde9d46309a8acc….jpg)


This is a more intense version of the "bisexual" trend in the 90's. Girls in grade school would go around claiming they are "bisexual" (doesn't exist) so that they can get more attention from the boys. Now this LGBT faggot shit is internationally funded by kikes and major corporations and has grown tenfold. There's only one solution, a final one.

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ce5c64  No.170509

File: 9247c44ba075c35⋯.jpg (33.19 KB, 590x350, 59:35, zaphod_nickelback.jpg)


>Don't expect a woman to understand it, though.

No worries, buddy. I had no expectations for her whatsoever.


>There is a difference between understanding it and giving a fuck. In this case I suspect the latter.

So you give a fuck?

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d57fe9  No.170516


just to play devils advocate - because if we're going to believe these assertions we must at least do our due diligence

what of the case of people you meet at very very young ages who have already exhibited very clear cut signs of homosexuality and then grow to become full fledged adult homos. choosing such a life at such a young age seems strange doesn't it? Especially when it occurs within a family that absolutely discourages that kind of culture

what also of the homosex that lives an incredibly difficult life as a result of their decision - even loathes it. why then do they time and time again choose such a life style

and lastly what of the homosex that is hidden until very very very late ages in life. say homos that come out at 70+ years old for example (or whatever age). what is there to gain at that point?

i ask these questions because they have to be asked and pondered

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c86755  No.170522


>what of the case of people you meet at very very young ages who have already exhibited very clear cut signs of homosexuality

Doesn’t exist. Children are raped, they become faggots. This is how faggotry spreads. Period, end of story. We’ve proven it’s not genetic. This was proven literally 40 fucking years ago. No child is a faggot. They are forced to be faggots.

>what also of the homosex that lives an incredibly difficult life as a result of their decision

You mean all of them? Just like all the drug addicts, the drunkards, the obese, the cowards, the lazy minimum wage retards who chose not to study in school? What about them? They chose it. They knew something better existed, they refused to change, they wallow in their own misery. They can enjoy their colostomy bags until a bullet enters their brains.

>what of the homosex that is hidden until very very very late ages in life

You mean the environmental damage triggering the choice of faggotry being later, and so they make the choice later? What about it?

>what is there to gain at that point?

There’s nothing to gain at any point. Chalk it up to dementia.

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3c638b  No.170530


I have never met a homo, and I have met a lot of them, who wasn't molested as a child. Every single one of them maintains that they 'were born homo' but when questioned, it turns out that their first sexual experience was at the age of 6 or younger with an adult male. Every last one. When you tell them that 6 or younger is too young to form a sense of sexuality because it takes hormones, brain and musculature development to have any real sense of sexuality, they always deny that they were molested by faggots, defend the faggot pedophiles and say that they wanted it. From the perspective of their defense of pedos in normal society this alone qualifies them for the death penalty because many children who are molested commit suicide later in life. So they are defending murderers who murder for hedonistic sexual pleasure against those who are defenseless to protect themselves.

If you want a society of pedos, let pedo live in your society. If you want a society of heterosexuals who want to live quiet peaceful lives and are not disease vectors and hedonistic murderers for sexual pleasure then kill the pedos and faggots (pedo defenders) wherever you find them.

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3c638b  No.170531


Also, your hypothetical 70 year old is probably a pedo coming out of the closet rather than a faggot.

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640a78  No.170677

Of course they do. Women are the biggest NPC's. It's our fault for letting it get to this.

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518568  No.170709

File: 50ede3bcf34809c⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 260x290, 26:29, nigger_with_sign_about_hai….jpg)

File: 302b59ae90a5def⋯.jpg (17.62 KB, 257x196, 257:196, haitian_massacre.jpg)


Speak for yourself. Our problem is male and not female at this point since it was males who let the nation be invaded by foreign trash at the behest of (((government))). Our males turned over their right to decide important matters to kikes and the kikes made the decision to murder our race. White males permitted and condoned this knowing what would happen and they fucked over their children KNOWING what would happen to them. If you want to blame someone for everything that is going to happen to all of us blame White males for allowing it and condoning our genocide at the hands of the kikes.

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518568  No.170822


Do quit your day job. If I didn't have a family I wouldn't care if the jews took over.

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d57fe9  No.170830


you believe alcoholics and drug addicts choose that? come on mang. you have to know that that's a ridiculous assertion

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d57fe9  No.170834


im not defending gay people by saying this - but we are supposed to be highly intelligent here. you know that its ridiculous to state 'every single faggot was raped as a child'

certainly it's not insane to even say most were, but it makes your argument kind of weak to put forth an obviously ridiculous claim as the thesis to your argument. that then begs the question what of those that weren't

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7aa305  No.170881

Rape, quite literally.

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518568  No.170884


>I have never met a homo, and I have met a lot of them, who wasn't molested as a child.

Read it again.

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11d6da  No.170891

normalizing stupidity at the age of 3 and they're told that it's better to be transgender and to have sex at 3 years old, fucking degenerates.

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70bffa  No.170897


>LGBT poll

>Lists only 2 genders


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d57fe9  No.170928


you've never met one so what lol

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9c99a0  No.170957


I wasn't molested though and I have no attraction to women, how does someone like me """"fix""" myself? I could continue trying nofap

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03c59f  No.170958


Does it not make more sense to you that they were gay to begin with and thats why they were receptive to gay sex in their childhood? When heterosexual men talk about their earliest sexual experiences that involve a girl their age or older woman you don't attribute that experience to defining their sexuality, only that they were heterosexual to begin with and thats why they sought out that experience in the first place.

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db4703  No.170999


>never met a homo

>met a lot of homos

Which is it?

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db4703  No.171000


Also hard to trust the article at its word when you can't even see the fucking poll or how it was conducted. There's no other link that connects this to the real poll. Fake news.

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bc0189  No.171006


It's a compound sentence. Did you pass English class or are you a shitskin and English is your second language?

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cf58a9  No.171015





All faggots, all foreigners, all filtered. You don't belong on this board.

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71b01e  No.171019


lol triggered

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cf58a9  No.171022


'triggered' by a faggot invasion to the board? Sure anon. Just because I don't want to dialog with diseased deviant foreigners I am 'triggered'.

Pro-faggots shouldn't be here either.

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7281dc  No.171026


>if you disagree with retarded opinions about fags that come from someone too triggered by them to think rationally then you must be a fag yourself

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71b01e  No.171031


>you're not anti-faggot unless you ree and screetch and gnash your teeth

lol you snowflakes are funny. Take your soy like a good little boy.

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d78278  No.171077

File: aec20c18eb19d28⋯.jpg (153.55 KB, 1080x646, 540:323, j976h5g4f6dgsu6i5hg4fds.jpg)







>much much more

Anal anything is obviously detrimental. Why do you faggots not know this? The remnants of human fucking shit should be enough to ward off anyone who isn't braindead. On another note, you faggots really need to fuck off to halfchan; we don't cater to your lgbt noncery.

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f18204  No.171088

File: cef6abf2451e02b⋯.jpeg (43.59 KB, 300x400, 3:4, 89637549_541C_442E_9AE6_D….jpeg)


You’re trying so hard to sound like us that we can all see your nose from here

Learn how to use the word demoralize better. Any real user would just not give a fuck about these women because they’re the demoralized ones, you retard kike.

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db20b9  No.171090


>you’re a jew because you don’t believe jewish lies about the prevalence of queers

Fuck off with your demoralization spam. No one believes this shit, just like no one believes the “faggots are 10% of the population” shit they faked for decades and then admitted was a lie. Goddamn retard.

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cf58a9  No.171143


When I was young they were 1.5% of the population and of course AIDS killed most of those so I think those numbers are fake and a psyop. But then I don't watch porn and you know that has an influence on your sexuality.

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a09c82  No.171175

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577252  No.171185

File: 217565b09239423⋯.jpg (351.61 KB, 1535x2048, 1535:2048, 64543544303.jpg)



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9c99a0  No.171591


retard i was asking the geniuses on this board to cure me, if being gay is so fucking bad why shouldn't i ask for a supposed cure you mong

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cf58a9  No.171609


Anyone who would breed with yourself or your trash people are ending their line and genetic traitors. Show all the charts you want. People know that if push comes to shove in the USA offspring with you have no future and will be hated by both sides.


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e7068a  No.171623


>More like 60% in my personal experience, with the remaining 40% being militant coalburners. I see way more nigger males with h'wyte females than anything nowadays. When I was doing work in Pennsylvania, Ohio, the Carolinas, Virginia, really the entire East Coast even including Maine, that's all I saw. White women with nigger men, Florida is a battleground right now between "rednecks" and Northern Mid-Western women and the uncontained hordes of nigger-fuckers and assorted similar vermin

Breeding with chinks is literal abomination, it's the easiest way out as a white man

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be9c90  No.172158


women do whatever is trendy and they think gets them male attention. "identifying" as something means less than dick this thread is gay and OP is a faggot

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e8b861  No.172160



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be9c90  No.172213


that dude is a legit schizo just ignore his posts

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be9c90  No.172214


you have serious fucking issues, kys you retarded kike

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69e1d3  No.172234


>you’re a jew because you explicitly said the opposite of what jews claim about queers


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c39a50  No.178882


They knew what they were doing. It's no mystery what meth and heroin do, it's not like it's a new thing. Samething with booze. Are you suggesting a guy who drinks everyday then finds out he needs booze so as not to convulse is surprised at his state?

Indentical twins prove no one is born a fag. There's volumes of data on this. 1970 and baaaaaack. EVERY bullshit thing you see today is the jews doing and the only solution is the oven for them. It's you or them.

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4edb65  No.178884

>I trust jews and their media outlets 100% but I'm totally redpilled

OP seems like a faggot named Ari.

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4edb65  No.178897


ahahaha you believe the

>muh addiction, not my choice!!!


Fuck that. Addiction is an unnatural dependency on something. You can't be addicted to drugs as it's perfectly natural to create a chemical dependence.

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7f1678  No.183010


Do you even read David Lane? It has always been normal for women to pretend to be "bi" to attract men, it is only christcuckery that tried to suppress that.

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d85db6  No.185155

File: 40bab341016bf4e⋯.jpg (291.75 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, Luis_G_Solis_Toledo.jpg)

Because immigrants have introduced their shit stuff in America, not just crime but homo and pedophilia as well, take a look at Chiapas mexico, where zoophilia and pedo are legal now they want to make it legal in USA as well just like they did with homosexuality, guadalajara, mexico city, guatemala all known places where this degeneracy is in their dna

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62adfc  No.185310


>degeneracy is in their dna

This is the truth. Brown people are totally primitive and disgusting.

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b84d36  No.185372


>this degeneracy is in their dna

Then why is it that whites make up roughly 12% of the world population and are responsible for 75.6% of child molestations?

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99a48f  No.185376


Because they’re not.

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f0de15  No.185405

File: 4bfa24284fcdc49⋯.png (25.26 KB, 200x202, 100:101, Patrick.png)

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c6020f  No.185406

So I'm not crazy? I kept thinking that a large % of women my age like other women but I thought that was impossible and I must just be retarded.

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b84d36  No.185407


There's no such thing as homosexuality. It's not a sexual preference, it's a result of mental illness. With women, they seek social status so they pretend to be attracted to other women and cut their hair short or some shit and then call themselves "queer". With men, they become consumed with sexual perversion and get off on the fact that they are doing something unnatural. No one is born a "homosexual". They become one due to excessive brainwashing or abuse.

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c6020f  No.185408


I agree for the most part. homosexuality is not a thing. its no different from an extreme taboo fetish. this is coming from someone who got into gay shit at some point through porn consumption. my mind will be forever warped. I just hope that God will forgive me for my sins against him.

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b84d36  No.185409


>this is coming from someone who got into gay shit at some point

>I just hope that God will forgive me for my sins against him

I doubt that will ever happen. Your best bet would probably be to kill yourself.

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c6020f  No.185410


I think about doing that a lot. This shit has ruined my mental health completely. But I think I still have stuff to do here on earth even if I do get damned to Hell. Perhaps once I think my work is done ill kms.

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f23745  No.185411


Yes, dyke, you are crazy. This is jewish propaganda. It’s not remotely true. Go find a man to put a baby in you. Your sickness will be cleared right up.

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b84d36  No.185412


>Perhaps once I think my work is done ill kms

Well, you're a worthless faggot so I don't really think much of you. That being said, I hope you decide to kill a bunch of kikes before offing yourself.

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c6020f  No.185413


im not a woman bro. I should have cleared that up

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c6020f  No.185414


thats basically what I was thinking, I just didnt want to fedpost

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12845b  No.185426

We must become sexier

I will post moar later. Time ta get romantic fellas the war will be done with the dick n sexy lips nstead of bullets apparently

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62adfc  No.185427

File: 25103429c3d46ea⋯.jpg (88.28 KB, 640x801, 640:801, jews_are_not_white_headlin….jpg)

File: 60bf650cb209c35⋯.jpg (54.08 KB, 600x400, 3:2, erradicating_whiteness_jew….jpg)

File: 26a08e056673996⋯.jpg (92.97 KB, 750x829, 750:829, Paul_Nehlen_jews_pretend_t….jpg)

File: a606c1bc9862baf⋯.jpeg (53.76 KB, 600x547, 600:547, jews_nationalism_fellow_w….jpeg)


jews are not white, anon. They also make up almost 100 percent of pedos. Look at Rittenhouse…fires randomly into Antifa (Russian jews operating on US soil) and kills two jewish pedos. It isn't an anomaly. All the 'white' people you think are European are disgusting foreign jewish trash.

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ef315d  No.185429

File: 79c030cd1f4f253⋯.jpg (1014.04 KB, 2900x1976, 725:494, blake_jerusalem_ending.jpg)


This is one of those things where the tree is falling, get the fuck out of the way.

I think at the collapse phase of a debt based society, women will inevitably turn to prostitution and sexual perversion. They've watched their dads prostitute themselves for money their whole lives, so why not become whores themselves? Their dads literally sent them off to sex camp to bury themselves in 6 figures of debt for nothing.

So get the fuck out of babylon.

>How the flying fuck do we even begin to get western civilzation out of this mess?

Throw away everything you have been told is "normal", because it is probably pathological and designed to serve the bottomless black hole of female appetite. Forgive your parents, check your appetites, STOP JERKING OFF (completely stop, never cum), and get ready to rebuild after the US collapses.

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12845b  No.185430

File: 87690b18e9b559e⋯.gif (532.03 KB, 500x216, 125:54, giphy.gif)


Hell man…you're talkin bout my kind of war

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ef315d  No.185431

File: f90cc026394a9ae⋯.jpg (45.47 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 1538932004748.jpg)



But here's the thing:



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12845b  No.185440


Don't tell me what to day maybe I like jalepenos gonna tell me not to ear that?!.hmm

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12845b  No.185441


The only problem with eating pussy is how much the bitches love it.

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12845b  No.185443


Unless it's a nasty tasting one eww wash urself freak

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ef315d  No.185445


Who gives a fuck what bitches like? Who do you serve faggot?

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a40cb2  No.185449


>no attraction to women

So, are you gay, or just low test?

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12845b  No.185452


Uh I'd probably have killed myself already if bitches didn't exist so u tell me I dunno

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ce5c64  No.185456



No. Can you elaborate other than "DON'T DO THAT!"?

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3fe7ea  No.185568


The first girl I dated ended up saying she was lesbian for a while, the second claims to be bisexual but has only dated men to my knowledge. Have you considered that maybe most of them are just trying to be trendy, and most of the remainder are straight-leaning bisexuals?

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6ccf0b  No.185570

File: 6320bd660519009⋯.jpg (58.23 KB, 803x353, 803:353, oral.JPG)


Because this is what happens to you if you do it.

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f2a196  No.186077

>>185570 Whatever happened to that BigDickAnon fag?

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7e42d7  No.186251

File: 962e2999bae5331⋯.png (53.37 KB, 589x295, 589:295, ClipboardImage.png)

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97b36d  No.186255

Lesbians can be broken up into two groups while gay men are just one group, but they all fall into one universal group:


>group a: girls trying to gain social status by saying they're "queer" (feminists)

>groub b: girls who were molested by men when they were little girls and have psychological damage and hate all men (feminists)

<Gay faggots

>Were molested by men when they were kids. (also feminists)

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dada3a  No.186257


It sounds an awful lot like you're a pedophile. Children do not understand sex, if you fuck em it's always rape, and I agree with the man that said most fags were raped, met plenty myself, most were raped as kids, the other I haven't talked enough to exclude.


What are you, illiterate or completely retarded?

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80e6df  No.186294

>the end?

But it was always this way, there is a straight majority of people but also a very sizable amount of LGBT people. Its not that its rising, its that its becoming less and less necessary to hide in the closet.

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f9c3ad  No.186297

And 99% of brain surgeons happen to be niggers, didn't you know? LOL. Dumb.

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36255e  No.186320

The jews use fake statistics to agitate for changes in laws and to push the envelope of what people accept. If they aren't stopped, oon there will be TV shows about bug hunting and poo-napping and other jewish degeneracy…yuck

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80e6df  No.186330


If your bogeyman uses fake statistics, who posts the "correct" ones and why do you trust them?

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99a48f  No.186335



Go spam a different website.

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80e6df  No.186337


You will never convince anyone of your lunacy

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99a48f  No.186340


That'd be why millions of people are now openly naming the jew where they were too afraid (or ignorant) before, right? Go spam a different website, paid shill.

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80e6df  No.186343


Millions of people also believe the earth is Flat. It means nothing.

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1df624  No.186361


>If your bogeyman uses fake statistics

It's common knowledge that the media is controlled by jews. Disgusting evil kike jews like joel stein openly brag about it. He said he doesn't care if American's "think" jews control the media and government, JUST AS LONG AS JEWS GET TO KEEP CONTROLLING THEM!, so it's not a mystery who is behind all of this…

Using smug sarcasm on this board with people who have facts is like pissing in the wind.

Fuck off, yid

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1df624  No.186362


Strawman. Again. Fuck off, yid and kill yourself.

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80e6df  No.186366


Show your facts and prove them to be true.

But you really can't so you won't attempt it. You're just delusional. Someone to be mocked and dealt with when they inevitably end themselves.

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0c14ad  No.186405

It's always been this way. It's genetic. The same gene that makes men gay makes women like men so only 3% of women are fully heterosexual. Without this gene, women are more "neutral". What has kept women hetero in the past was social and economic norms that the modernist destroyed.

I mean, had we kept the old faith instead of being conned by jews into hedonism, this wouldn't have become a problem.

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0c14ad  No.186406

File: 696cf50e9286d7d⋯.jpg (59.29 KB, 474x381, 158:127, who_controls_the_media.jpg)


I was this ignorant once.

Never was a troll, however.

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80e6df  No.186412

File: da2bfbc4b5260c0⋯.gif (17.59 KB, 340x340, 1:1, 1607608713374.gif)


>This is the proof thats supposed to go against all science

Fascism is a mental disorder

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e5618f  No.186417


you're here to troll on a dead board, did 4ch tell you to kill yourself you tranny? you shouldve probably listened to them

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071b72  No.186425

Doesn't make sense

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80e6df  No.186524


No, they're just as idiotic as you. Go die in a fire hahaaaaaa

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72ebe6  No.186666


What are we going to do about the people who go prison gay out of a lack of female reception in their lives?

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c48df9  No.186696


Holy shit, you're stupid

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4cbfaa  No.186704

File: 144224f57760b61⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1920x6848, 30:107, Connections.png)

File: 6a469e175ee4c30⋯.jpg (2.43 MB, 1651x4679, 1651:4679, Control.jpg)

File: 8f919b190486574⋯.jpg (90.39 KB, 480x590, 48:59, 1912_Subversion.jpg)

File: 395330598f38f74⋯.png (105.97 KB, 853x1432, 853:1432, 21_Questions.png)


People are reading The Culture of Critique and there's nothing you can do about it.

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80e6df  No.186715


More like the culture of anti-intellectualism and pseudoscience.

>Pepe silvia nonsense

>Documents from more than 100 years ago

Yeah, real science, alright. Fucking freaks, aahhaa

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2c5c0d  No.187195


women are children

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71b01e  No.187198


Well, shit … I married one and had children with her … does that mean I'm pedo now?

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99a48f  No.187216


You’ve lost. It’s over. Go spam a different website. Queers are less than 1% of any given population.

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0ef4fe  No.187240


throat cancer.

as long as women vote they will form a society around women getting to do what they want, whenever they want.

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42bff9  No.187242


They should be eugenically purged and a lot less than that.

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833cd4  No.187269









You will never be a real Sneed. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual Chuck twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Chucks are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk Chuck home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a Chuck is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably a Chuck.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

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6a64eb  No.187450

File: fe653defa55c515⋯.jpg (15.16 KB, 429x399, 143:133, 1386120799666.jpg)



"what else do you do for fun, anon?"

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97ba32  No.190071

Lesbians aren't real

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8ffa77  No.190456


>you believe alcoholics and drug addicts choose that?

Yes. It was their choice to consume addictive substances.

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b98a91  No.191324

I have observed when I walk past high schools, I see a lot of girls holding hands. They have the progressive feminist fashion, hair dye, attire etc.

Early sexualization, euphemistically called 'sex ed' at the 10-15 year level is certainly a factor. 20 years ago it was bad. I can only assume it got worse and more bizarre.

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b56e90  No.191357


They have sex ed classes then because thats when people go through puberty and start having an overclocked sex drive, not because of some conspiracy to create lesbians. The real problem is the attempt to fight biology and tell all those horny teenagers that they aren't allowed to fuck anything for almost a decade when thats all they want to do. All the sex ed classes boil down to is trying to terrify them out of their own natural urges by telling them they're guaranteed to get 6 types of STDs and ruin their life with an unwanted pregnancy if they dare have sex before the arbitrary age we've decided they're allowed.

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870798  No.191634


thats fine because that also means they arent having kids while conservative/rightwingers are. might take some time but generations after alpha will be far more rightwing. its already started. get married to a based chica and procreate. i already have 3 sons and just turned 31. wife wants one more.

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efec6e  No.191742


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08c8d1  No.191757


You know, if it was a genetic condition, it would not have survived one generation, it would in every case be a genetic dead end.

So if it was a natural occurring thing, then it would have to be environmental. Something in the environment would cause a mental imbalance.

BUT, if it is psychological? then that would make the most sense.


Why not? you get the virtue signaling points and it is not like they can prove otherwise. Maybe it's the white woman's way to milk the system for moar gibs?

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47c5d8  No.195170


brutally redpilled and true, unfortunately

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