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Anarcho-nazbol gang rise up!

File: 450badf09792bf7⋯.jpg (17.47 KB, 300x190, 30:19, 300px_Serbien_muss_sterbie….jpg)

c3f401  No.169424

Though modern neo-nazis often invoke National Socialist iconography on behalf of white nationalism, National Socialist Germany repudiated the idea of a unified white race, instead promoting Nordicism. In National Socialist propaganda, Eastern European Slavs were often referred to as Untermensch, and the relatively under-developed status of Eastern European countries such as Poland and the USSR were attributed to the racial inferiority of their inhabitants. Fascist Italy took the same view, and both of these nations justified their colonial ambitions in Eastern Europe on racist, anti-Slavic grounds. These nations were not alone in their view; there are numerous cases in the 20th century where some European ethnic groups labeled or treated other Europeans as members of another, inferior race.

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bc65b6  No.169440

National Socialist Germany could afford to be fussier with regards to those they described as untermenschen. Even back then, I'm pretty sure Hitler would have preferred Eastern Slavs to the assorted mud races which have flooded into Europe.

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f43805  No.169443

Not true. Hitler actually spoke of the white race exolicitly. You are making shit up and probably a Jew.

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600bcf  No.169503


No one here is a neo-nazi.

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94b77c  No.169736

File: 7c30db775433135⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 4000x2700, 40:27, whicharyans.jpg)

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c087a7  No.169821

File: 34d34ac73ca70e9⋯.png (157.72 KB, 498x423, 166:141, stoddardquote.png)

It's worth keeping in mind that prior to black and brown immigration in recent years, in the 19th century it was believed the European immigrants coming to the U.S. were largely 'the scum of Europe.'

Although the U.S. is thought one of the great Nordic resevoirs in the world, very much white blood is impure and inferior. I can't help but feel no allegiance to the inferior white stocks in America. I'm concerned with high caste Nordics, Prussians, Germans, Celts, Anglo-Saxons–all of whom fall under the Nordic heading.

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308001  No.169835


Bait. The only truth in this statement comes from the fact that Americans and Europeans have been divide and conquered. The same way Spain should've never left from Mexico, never should've Europe.

Cope glowie.

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c087a7  No.169955

File: 3fe800c6f43903f⋯.png (270.17 KB, 338x402, 169:201, perfectwhitegirl.png)


Focusing peoples attentions and efforts on high-caste whites is not a glow prerogative. Don't spend your time on lower sort whites, guy.

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470290  No.170456

yeah those socialists were retards (obviously). aryanism is retarded nonsense. ethnonationalism is dead due to modern transport tech. the problem is with the extremes of 'anti-racism' we've faced, the past 70 years, building to the current moment of crisis where they're officially turning over into anti-empiricism, officially embracing their religious nature.

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fb4f81  No.170841


lol and what is your ethnicity?

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186d58  No.170850

You have to realize that back in those days they didn't have someone to blame as the lowest denominator so they blamed the dirties localities around them. Slavs are still much dirtier than francs and krauts but both those ethnicities are pretty nasty IRL too.

If those groups exists now they would point at the muslims and africans instead of course. Simply understand they had to pick someone to attack and sure it was the slavs then, there wasn't any race as disgusting that was an immediate threat on their street (other than jews ofc). Slav (women) today are good tempered and simplistic, albeit greedy and swindling when left alone. Better than brit women tbh.

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fb24f3  No.170877

File: 09622a0e988f3c9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 17.21 KB, 462x425, 462:425, HX4YPxq.jpg)


I bet I can guess

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80f884  No.170893


Imageboards are starting to convince me eastern/southern Slavs are indeed animals. Central Slavs like Czechs and Poles are certainly human though. It's like the difference between a Spaniard and a mexican.

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80f884  No.170894

And before someone does, anyone who compares Poles to mexicans has never met a mexican before.

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186d58  No.170896


The only people that can be related to mexicans are filipinos. For real Polish are smelly and they all have asperger rage.

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fa0aa5  No.170906

File: 0fc67ecc94e9ab6⋯.png (7.27 KB, 432x348, 36:29, ClipboardImage.png)


Gee I wonder who

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fb4f81  No.170926



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