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File: 71120bf0830c5d4⋯.jpg (54.91 KB, 400x400, 1:1, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

6ab5d1  No.169074

Links to KGB manuals - someone needs to translate them.

Exposure of Enemy Set-ups (1971)


Original of Political Espionage from USSR Territory (1989)


Acquisition and Training of Agents (1988)


Use of Soviet Cultural Committee (1968)


Intelligence Targets Abroad (1970)


Recruitment of Agents’ Networks (1970)


Communication with Agents


Work with Agents’ Network (1970)


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6ab5d1  No.169075

File: 68e3e6587756579⋯.pdf (294.07 KB, Adviser_Survey_of_the_Topi….pdf)

File: 1386664e036eb26⋯.pdf (67.92 KB, Notes_on_Exposure_of_Enemy….pdf)

File: 2e8c14929dd259a⋯.pdf (97.41 KB, Some_Aspects_of_Training_t….pdf)

English translations of a few manuals.

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fb3f97  No.169144


Why are these all 404'd

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6ab5d1  No.169157


Everything works for me.

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a7177f  No.169161

File: 8b376cb33ecaf10⋯.jpg (56.69 KB, 584x649, 584:649, 1461947603823.jpg)


>google drive

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6ab5d1  No.169166


Know anywhere else 50-315MB files can be uploaded, faggot?

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a7177f  No.169171


I can think of about 10 off hand. Why are you so obsessed with Jewgle? I bet Jewgle loves the Bolshevik content that you are feeding them.

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7abf7c  No.169172


If you think anyone here is going to Google Drive, you have another thing coming.

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6ab5d1  No.169174


They're the links I found. Don't like them? Don't use them, jewsperg.


Oh noes! People won't download manuals that are in a language that they most likely can't read? The white race is doomed now!

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7abf7c  No.169179


>dipshit trying to brush off the fact that he linked directly to tracking software

Oh yeah, we’re definitely going to take you seriously from now on.

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6ab5d1  No.169180


Makes no difference to me. A brief look at the threads has led me to conclude that there is littler of value here.

Also, what isn't tracked on the internet?

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a7177f  No.169183

File: 22a431a8f852523⋯.jpg (68.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, f37a41be455a317ed83f97d15f….jpg)


>calling someone a jew after linking directly to google drive

Wow. Are you honestly so new to the internet that you couldn't think of one alternative site to post these at? Are you so low-effort that you couldn't take the time to upload them to another host site? I hope you get banned for linking to Jewgle and for making low-effort threads.

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6ab5d1  No.169185


If I do get banned, then I will have lost access to nothing value, gookachu.

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6ab5d1  No.169186


>Are you so low-effort that you couldn't take the time to upload them to another host site?

Yes. Are you going to sperg about it?

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a7177f  No.169187

File: e9f5b6b0d070d4a⋯.png (80.72 KB, 207x255, 69:85, 1437553906782.png)



>double posting replies

And you're calling me a sperg…

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6ab5d1  No.169189



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f3277e  No.169199


>demands translation of KGB manuals that are hosted by a service that has many tracking and profile-building methods that also cooperates with a state that is hostile to people like us

>anons tell you to host them somewhere else first

>proceed to claim there is little of value here and that you don't expect most people to be able to read them anyway

What is this nigga doin tho?

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f3277e  No.169200


I'm retarded >>169174

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19610a  No.169201

File: fbfa179c3b4010b⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, The_Jewish_Goldstein_Compa….mp4)


Based serious discussion poster. But in all honesty, if you aren't already behind 5 proxies while using gentoo and 3 virtual machine instances you're never going to make it. That said -assuming you aren't a complete shill- and have followed opSec perfectly, linking to jewgle would be the least of your worries. Already compromised anyways if you haven't done the above. Bump

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6ab5d1  No.169364


Jewing the jews and spergs that are here?


Reptilian field agent to HQ! 8Kun knows! Shut it down!

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a90d54  No.169375


>lol you’re worthless

>lol I don’t care

>lol you’re all tracked anyway

>so enter my fucking jewish database

No. Cry harder about the fact that we’re not clicking your Google links.

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6ab5d1  No.169377


>Cry harder jewsperg!

Or else what?

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a90d54  No.169404


Literally not the response to that statement.

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ea15c1  No.169408

File: f2a9a24b1f6e61f⋯.jpg (12.57 KB, 474x266, 237:133, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


>States that he literally wont respond to the aforementioned statement, but in doing so responds to the statement he said he wouldn't respond to.

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a90d54  No.169411


>clearly can’t read the posts or understand them

This is a bot. It has to be. Either that or some underpaid nonwhite shill.

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5f032c  No.169419


You're an absolute mongoloid, no matter if shill or serious.

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6ab5d1  No.169448

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6ab5d1  No.169450


No, I am a flesh and blood human. You, however, are a soulless automaton.

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416cbe  No.169483

File: 746c4502a41d348⋯.jpg (124.99 KB, 751x1063, 751:1063, 746c4502a41d3487192e9f4d67….jpg)




Google is evil and I'd advise not to support them in anyway, however - you're implying that you would be tracked going to a google page?

Are you posting on 8kun without a VPN???

Unlike 4chan which blocks VPNs and has rules against them (so much for "anonymous board") 8kun does not. Please fuck off until you've got a VPN, for your own sake. Feds and Interpol are all over this place.

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3a8621  No.169743


Short response: No.

Long response: Nooooooooooooooo you daft twat!

That's right, I'm not worried about feds. Think about it.

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58885d  No.169748


Just post it through almost anything that's not google drive dumbass. Most things posted here are NOT google drive, you kike. Post nose

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3744a2  No.169790


I've already been judged by the reeeeeeeetarded jury. It makes no difference now.

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7abf7c  No.169799


>oy vey you’re retarded because you won’t click my tracking link


Fucking poetry. Piss off, kike.

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3744a2  No.170012


Tell me where to post it then, spergachu.

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c521a7  No.175339

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09638c  No.175350




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7abf7c  No.175366


Anywhere but here, since you’re unwilling to change your host.

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7d931e  No.182966

google drive is an ip grabber , be carefull

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