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File: 5edf9ab36b96604⋯.jpg (70.36 KB, 1080x794, 540:397, IMG_20201022_215712_141.jpg)

c0e11b  No.169034

Australia is in a fair amount of trouble. A bill is being passed this weekend to allow foreign troops in without consequences. We may need NATO back up. Chinese amassing on doorstep. Could prove a distraction for the election.

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a98eb0  No.169066

Aren't U.S. troops already stationed in Australia also as far as I'm aware there is already tons of U.S. soldiers in areas around the south China Sea

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9a0aa1  No.169072

File: c2a8629aabe8f2a⋯.jpg (89.58 KB, 987x1181, 987:1181, EiDFvGEXsAIXf59.jpg)


Fuck Andrews. That low IQ Normie dipshit isn't fit for leading anything. He's a complete failure and has done nothing exceptional except ruining our economy.

And we're Anglos FFS; we're supposed to be ruling the world, not getting ruled by commies and getting colonized by chinks. We're experiencing the most humiliating defeat in history.

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5f84a6  No.169085

File: 46203891f3334ee⋯.jpg (113.84 KB, 634x454, 317:227, 56percentInvadesEasternEur….jpg)

File: 4b474faa3815602⋯.jpg (38.01 KB, 650x366, 325:183, barelywhitemilitary.jpg)


>We may need NATO back up.

Here you go.

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5f84a6  No.169086


>And we're Anglos FFS; we're supposed to be ruling the world, not getting ruled by commies and getting colonized by chinks.

You seem to have gotten the 19th and 20th centuries all wrong.

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c418a3  No.169094


>We're experiencing the most humiliating defeat in history.

It's nothing compared to Singapore 1942, that was a humiliation.

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f139bc  No.169096

Australia is in SEATO, not NATO.

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7d79f3  No.169136


We can change that.

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