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File: 4eca50f36d05762⋯.png (588.56 KB, 1582x865, 1582:865, thumbnail.png)

e5949c  No.168642

Majority of trump donors doxxed before elections, lists location full name street address and more. Biggest Doxx campaign in history.


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1d7c93  No.168643



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9a6b6b  No.168869

>Biggest Doxx campaign in history.


This is public information you retarded nigger. When you donate to a politician, it becomes part of the public record. You can get this straight from the FEC.


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1f6494  No.168870

It would be interesting to see scrape all the names and see how many of them are jewish.

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9a6b6b  No.168873


It's even more enlightening to look at the AIPAC contributors, and to which politicians AIPAC (and similar groups) send donations.

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8c6cf8  No.168883

File: c6c8d5625bf4fb0⋯.jpg (76.18 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, voltaire.jpg)



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8fc437  No.168885


Political contributions are public information, by law, so it's not really "doxxing" so much as it is "looking it up".

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b78ed0  No.168891


>donation to a party (public information)


this is your brain on leftism

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9c0734  No.168955


I keep hearing on jewtv that foreign countries have managed to get hold of our voter registration lists.

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8fc437  No.168962


Voter databases are also public information. Most states give them out just for asking.

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3b329b  No.169345

Obviously this info is public information but they made it a lot easier for BLM antifa types to target individuals.

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2a1f16  No.169491

File: f8bd7b14dbc4b64⋯.jpg (147.13 KB, 500x560, 25:28, mexicans_are_trash.jpg)






Is there a link to leftards donations.. because this blatantly illegal the website owners need to be put in prison charged with terrorism. A lot of kike shills defending this. Its one thing to be public like your address its another thing to have your address on a target list website designed for harassment.

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ffc04a  No.169493

File: 8fc73a425ab8bdb⋯.png (185.79 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8fc73a425ab8bdb6e3b421325e….png)


The site is explicitly encouraging harassment, you fucking retard.

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2a1f16  No.169495



The website owners need to be doxxed so everyone on the website can mass sue them for harassment.

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ffc04a  No.169496

File: b0680ee6b3d050b⋯.jpg (12.29 KB, 256x256, 1:1, g76f4d3g5s547bljkhmigjny6r….jpg)


These faggots expect the average Trump supporter to be shitposting on pol while verbally raping the jannies and nonwhites, otherwise they're just puppet shills. Maximum overshilling if I've ever seen it.

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48d984  No.169504


Literally not illegal. Why are you so fucking stupid that you think the rule of law still exists? We haven’t had any laws in over 100 years. Why are you so fucking stupid that you’re defending Trump and his supporters?

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6b875e  No.169707


The irony.

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5b6593  No.169868


>oy vey why are you defending half of the country (or the majority of white voters)?

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a37e8d  No.169882


>strawman because he can’t reply to the questions

1. Fuck Trump supporters and their jewish puppet.

2. Nowhere near half the country.

3. Not even half the whites.

Why are you so fucking stupid that you think the rule of law still exists? We haven’t had any laws in over 100 years. Why are you so fucking stupid that you’re defending Trump and his supporters?

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67c21e  No.169922

This is supposed to be a semi-redpilled place and yet you have all this discussion on which jewish puppet to support this years mock election.

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