2ff634 No.168167
After years of being red pilled, I find myself to be weak and exhausted. Firstly, when I found out about the things that go on behind the screen in this world, I was disgusted and intrigued. I couldn’t hold myself from digging deeper.
After that, I became enraged and filled with fervour. The status quo had to change, for it was simply unacceptable. I tried to spread as much info as possible, but, although being as considerate as possible, I wasn’t being taken seriously.
Now, after some years of gradually being more and more demoralised, I find myself to be in a weak state, indifferent to what goes on in this world, just another bystander waiting to die and escape the pain of this insufferable world.
How do I become strong and empowered again? I know belief in God and/or Hitler is a great motivator, but I’m simply not able to be a dogmaticist. I want to be able to fight the Jew again, instead of passively looking at lame memes and living a boring normie life. I miss 2016. I don’t think I’m alone in these sentiments.
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2e5d27 No.168168
>How do I become strong and empowered again?
You can't unring a bell. Welcome to the black pill.
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2ff634 No.168171
No one cares about the bigger picture. Everyone is too concerned with their own little bug lives. All these people see beyond that, is implanted from a young age. A lot of people are simply unable to be red pilled, regardless of how much facts you shove in their face. Their convictions don’t allow for another narrative than the prescribed one. Meanwhile the kikes and shills on top are laughing their ass off.
I seriously doubt the reason for human existence at this point. Or life altogether. If I could nuke the planet and eradicate life, I’d do it in an instant. At least that’s how I feel. It’s all an unending circle of pain and suffering.
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2ff634 No.168172
I’m Benjamin from animal farm
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41a128 No.168260
forreal. I think you should be concerned chiefly with your own life, but it seems near impossible to craft a fulfilling life in modernity—if you play the game and live hedonistically, you’ll be unfulfilled. But there’s nowhere in the world to escape this poison and not be controlled by external forces.
Idk. Demotivated, wavering Trump supporters who are too redpilled to support Biden need a new movement to believe in. I’ve been reading Ted K and I think he’s right in that we need an ideology that genuinely moves people, with a focus on nature and community, pre-industrial society. It would be glaringly NOT a conservative-backed return to form but a revitalizing outlook, similar to 2016 Trump’s “drain the swamp” and other elements that gave his bid a macho, emotional charge.
A movement like this could successfully address the corruption people see in the Right and big business, while accurately calling out leftism and collectivism for what it is. If it pulled at the correct heartstrings, it’d be undeniable even for the emotion-driven NPCs in daily life. They’d relate, they want freedom from the system, too. Idk. Keep searching.
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43057d No.168342
Hear me out here - rather than putting the burden of the entire world's problems on your shoulders simply to crush under its weight, instead simply try and live your life in an honest and kind fashion towards the community you are in.
Control the things you can - yourself. Find ways to help people that are already in your life and bettering your community. If its positive change you want to see, you can absolutely bring that change and do something that may seem small but in reality even helping out one person isn't small to that one person.
I dunno i sometimes feel like the depressed sentiments echo'd are often caused by one's own perception of what they should be doing rather than focusing on what they can be doing
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bce1bb No.168346
>How do I become strong and empowered again?
Take a break, come back refreshed. I'm currently only checking in every couple of days for the same reasons as you. In my case, I wanted to see some heads roll during Trump's first term, but I didn't count on (((our greatest ally))) and fucks like Schumer the Tumor and Pelosi blocking every attempt at justice.
Take some time off and return when you feel you're able to continue.
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986dee No.168359
You got what you needed to get from here already. Becoom the force empowering and strengthening yourself.
Seed black pills in casual public conversation. They sink in way better than the reds ever did. These faggots never cared about facts. Besides depression is hip so you'll get a goth gf after you've dispensed your 1488th black pill.
like he said, fuck this gay earth.
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b1a9c8 No.168383
Do you know how hard it is to convince yourself to contribute to the betterment of a community that hates you and only appreciates your presence as a scapegoat? You're their enemy and we're supposed to desire to serve them? How do you bridge that?
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e7e639 No.168385
It's called burn out, OP. A break will help. You've probably been neglecting something in your life as a result of all this. Could be your health, your family, only you know. Do some selfexamination of where your at and where you want to get too. BoL.
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43057d No.168390
I mean you don't need to even bring up politics with people you know? Who is it you're referring to when you say 'you're their enemy'
In my experience in real life people don't even give a shit about the political climate - and when i say help your community i mean you can do that in any way you can think of. I live in los angeles for example - maybe i try and teach people how to spear fish or something. It can be anything that brings purpose into your life
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537188 No.168394
I came here because basically I agree with most of the politics here. I do have some friends though not a lot.
I've lost all of them because of the hardening of my political opinions here.
Grown men are outraged with me because unlike themselves I don't go to the internet to watch videos of cute puppies and kitties.
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43057d No.168396
i dont know if losing friends over politics is worth it
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c62e72 No.168399
Having friends that want to lose you over politics aren't worth having. Personally my close friends are all people you can make a joke with, without them being 100% asshurt. It's why I have no liberal or leftist friends they constantly get assmad whenever I make a remotely edgy joke or distance themselves. So that's their problem.
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741d50 No.168438
The redpill will either make you or it will break you.
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1ca623 No.168447
You’re too weak to be considered white.
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a70865 No.168449
white people are weak as fuck
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f78f92 No.168451
show tits or gtfo
>what do you mean you're their enemy?
Are you blind, dumb, retarded or female, which encompasses all 3? He obviously means strong white men. And he is 100% correct. When someone rightfully gets praise and is looked up to for doing morally just and righteous shit i.e. caring for family, being a strong leader, being brave in a situation where most would cower, telling the truth, not robbing and killing, I could go on with many examples of traditionally valued qualities in a solid white man.
Once you take the warranted nod of approval away and replace it with a propagandized rolling of the eyes and demonizing quality behavior(it's not cool to be a solid white man kids! be faggot or a worthless violent nigger). and instead give the praise to some pathetic faggot simply because HE SUCKS DICK "oh how brave a powerful"
and instead of understanding and feeling empathy for this new plight on those who value true humanoid qualities. You plug your ears and say "who sees you as the enemy?! it's all in your head. go be a good boy in your own neighborhood and don't complain"
Fuck you bitch you are part of the problem
>I mean you don't need to even bring up politics with people you know
hehe yah guys seriously you should just never talk about it teehee. you sound like a jew as well
If all of your "friends" are being brainwashed, does not have to be complete nigger faggot praising retards, but enough conditioning to accept their hyper-normalizing of the current status quo. THEY ARE GONE. how can you continue to talk to a demoralized shell person? this is division do not be surprised when you are divided.
I wake up everyday and shake my head in disbelief that if I go outside and tell people I think only 2 genders exist other than actual birth defect i.e. hermaphroditic. ya know like all the other animals and plants on the planet and the thing that was common knowledge for thousands of years up until last year
>inb4 your female response of, 'oh so you need praise to do the right thing? sounds fake to me.
No you dumb bitch, we don't need your mainstream praise just not to be demonized for existing.
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f78f92 No.168453
yah it only took 2 world wars, a few other wars ,50 years of propaganda, and completely handing everything over to weaker races to become SO WEAK
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92580d No.168456
The best thing to do is spread information that's the only way we can beat the jews
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2e5d27 No.168459
Been doing that since the invention of the printing press in 1440. How's that workin' out?
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f78f92 No.168463
it's like being a good poker player who had almost all of the chips, now all the other players start complaining how unfair it all is.. you being a decent human, give away a lot of your chips so the other players can enjoy the game more. your jewish overlord prints more chips so the other players can play more
now the other players all start to laugh at you and make fun of your "short stack".. the black players say,, "sheeeiitt I made this table" while you know you have the cad designs on your mmmputer at home.. the asian players are getting obsessive and in result really fucking good at poker.. women don't get most of it but they wear something nice as it gives them an advantage at the table, they are also loud and believe this is all for them in the end… poos know they are not the best and wont win but smartly stay quiet to ride out the blinds for better placement netting them more payout.. jews own the casino, the chips, the cards, they were the ones who hired you to labor away making the table. long ago you hired the mexican to sweep the crumbs and clean up spills. they now have a lower stakes jew funded table right next to yours *thumbs up* good job juan.
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c0ed20 No.168466
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3a75ee No.168482
You must be referring to jews because they have sought to be in control and have been since the invention. aside from the few who resisted or took power away from them. I would imagine they paid poor children crumbs to scream their messages on street corners before that.
>how's that working out?
obviously very well for those who control the means of mass propaganda i.e. DUH FUCKIN JOOS
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701029 No.168504
If you want to change the world, start with yourself. Actions speak louder than words.
We've all been there. It's simply a stage. You need to figure out how to turn a negative into a positive. Personally, stoicism has done wonders to change my outlook on life.
Don't let it demoralize you. That's exactly what they are going for.
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31cb08 No.168514
>Seed black pills in casual public conversation. They sink in way better than the reds ever did.
A civilization can only recover after it hits rock bottom from its addiction to modernity.
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31cb08 No.168515
>over politics
You say it as if politics is of little consequence. This might be the thing I hate the most about the normie. Politics encompasses so much and its impact is so far reaching, only people who completely shut down and tune out are able to convince themselves they are not impacted by its consequences.
It's not the disagreement that breaks the friendship, it's the fragility of the participants to cope with the differences. I have excellent friendships with people I vehemently disagree politically with, but only because we can actually both discuss and debate, convey ideas and appreciate critique. The volley of the debate is exhilarating, and only the lame find this as grounds for ending a friendship.
If they choose that, you have lost nothing and gained back any time you would have otherwise wasted on them.
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772b2b No.168522
Boy, I would hate to be a regular guy in the middle of that crowd and need to take a shit.
How many bathrooms did they have around a field/facility like that?
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6710df No.168755
former zogbot here. when you gotta go you gotta go. dont be surprised if a few of those men have shit in their pants. it happens. in my boot camp platoon a recruit pissed himself during our final drill inspection. and every morning their would be one or two recruits with wet shorts. i havent been to combat but from what i hear its the same. people try to avoid it of course, but once in a while someone shits themself. they might get teased a little but everyone understands
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6710df No.168757
just realized most of the crowd are civvies. lol theyre screwed
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621bf7 No.168782
>After years of being red pilled, I find myself to be weak and exhausted.
You were never actually red pilled. Compliance with the system isn't compatible with consciousness. The joy of being in the blur of the herd, no matter which herd, isn't being red pilled. Your still not awake.
Be aware, conscious in the moment. Be cognizant of your thoughts, of background programs running, designed to fuck you up. To keep you emotionally off balance.
If your parents were boomers and or raised you on television and movies, then your seriously fucked in this department. You have to take it seriously and treat yourself.
Knowledge isn't the red pill. The red pill is when you disconnect from the system and stop buying into the bullshit. Stop eating the shit. Stop listening to the shit.
Then, over time, you'll find there's actual peace and good things associated with existing. But not in the fucking herd.
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7dff51 No.168879
Thank you for posting that strange word I've never heard of before, the videos of Stoic quotes being read out loud are relaxing, and a nice cause of anyone's self satisfaction
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e58db0 No.171033
Your choice is an illusion. No matter what you do, you are "just another bystander waiting to die and escape the pain of this insufferable world."
You felt strong, then you felt weak. All strength is transitory. You don't get to keep anything from the material world.
The choice is instead to embrace the illusion or reject it.
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