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Voter databases are "protected". Usually only election officials or courts can access them using a credentials check and a login/password and they're used to establish eligibility for delegation/caucus or for the jury pool.
It's information that is generally gathered during Primary elections since those votes aren't really private. For example, if you vote in the Democratic Party Primary, then you are listed as a Democrat. If you then apply to become a Delegate, it is known for whom you actually voted. Even if you change your mind and later vote Republican in the General election, you're still listed as a Democrat until the next Primary. Basically, it's somewhat public information, but it's protected information. In all 50 states, it is a felony to misuse the information contained in a voter database. The definition of "misuse" varies from state to state.
Since OP's is from Oregon, here's the law:
1. Political parties may receive a list for free. Any person may request a list for a fee.
2. File contains: name, party affiliation, residence or mailing address and precinct name/number
3. May be used for non-commercial purposes..
So, by Oregon law, OP is not doing anything illegal.