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File: e328f1879552108⋯.jpg (383.06 KB, 860x1833, 860:1833, 1602499911693.jpg)

41e533  No.167437

Start digging

Big Mama and Papa's Pizza. Featured by Ellen Degeneres at the Oscars.

What's interesting, is the number of celebrities who are connected to this, and pizza gate. Looking into the rumors about cannibalism though, brings some interesting things up.

First, there are some very strange pictures on their facebook and instagram. "Human Sized PIzza"




many of the celebs though, that are connected to them, have popped up in pizza gate, like Tom Hanks for example: https://www.instagram.com/p/CFkKXyKpn2C/

What's interesting though, is that Cast Away wasn't shot on the island it was based on, the movie was actually shot on an island known as being a former cannibal island: https://boldlygosolo.typepad.com/boldly_go_solo/2011/04/the-movie-castaway-was-shot-in-the-mamanucas-on-monuriki-island.html

BMPP at the movie premier of Appetites: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2533343517322784/

All seeing eye on the main actresses neck https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3742300/mediaviewer/rm480747777

Back at the Oscars, Harrison Ford was one of the people to eat the pizza, here's a joke her made: https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/bsh2of/harrison_ford_said_this_joke_on_jimmy_fallon/

What's weird though, is that a lot of the celebrities that pop up around them, also appear in other strange ways. For example. Drew Carrey was delivered a pizza by them on "The Price is Right". But what's interesting is the timing. https://www.instagram.com/p/B865XUtpoK8/ just about a week earlier, Drew's ex girlfriend was killed. She was someone who was a sex therapist in Hollywood, and would have known about all the abuse that went on there. She also has ties to the occult. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/amie-harwick-gareth-pursehouse-hollywood-sex-therapist-death-957882/

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41e533  No.167438

File: c2d4410f226e026⋯.png (5.01 MB, 2679x2107, 2679:2107, 1.png)

File: 2ba6a493618a1c9⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1965x1443, 655:481, 2.png)

File: 9ad1ba7ce0eaa3a⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1953x1488, 21:16, 3.png)

One of Ellen's best friends Chrissy Teigen has had some very interesting comments in the past, like about being willing to eat human flesh: https://www.mashed.com/171607/chrissy-teigen-admits-she-would-eat-human-meat/ When things started to come out, Teigen also deleted over 60,000 tweets when the Epstein stuff came out: https://globalnews.ca/news/7188815/chrissy-teigen-twitter/ She has publicly gone after PIzzagate: https://pagesix.com/2017/12/31/chrissy-teigen-and-john-legend-go-after-pizzagate-accuser/ But what's interesting is how a friend of hers, sent her a pizza from Big Mama and Papa's: https://www.narcity.com/eat-drink/us/ca/los-angeles/chrissy-teigen-pizza-is-from-big-mamas-papas-pizzeria-in-los-angeles

Ellen has joked before about being in the Illuminati, and hosting their brunch, is vocally anti pizzagate obviously: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/reliable-source/wp/2018/01/04/ellen-degeneres-roasts-eric-trump-for-his-crazy-conspiracy-theory/ But what's interesting is the cannibal stuff that's sorta surrounding Ellen, not just from previous Pizzagate accusations, but from places where she wants to be turned into Salami: https://www.latimes.com/food/dailydish/la-dd-bitelabs-make-salami-celebrity-tissue-samples-20140304-story.html

What's funny though, is that people have been cracking jokes about cannibalism with Ellen since 2013, coincidence? https://www.facebook.com/ellentv/posts/i-have-a-joke-for-you-ellen-two-cannibals-are-eating-a-comedian-when-one-canniba/10151525731297240/ While the left is known to eat their own, James Woods maybe knows more than he's letting on… https://popculture.com/celebrity/news/james-woods-reacts-ellen-degeneres-allegations-social-media-outrage/

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41e533  No.167440

But what if someone has been trying to warn us? What if someone was dropping clues about this all along?


What's interesting though, about this clip, is that Lorne Michaels took Pete to Jamaica, also a place known for practicing cannibalism: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/columbus-claim-of-caribbean-cannibalism-correct-study_184488?profile=1373 https://www.nytimes.com/1871/06/14/archives/west-indies-cannibalism-in-jamaica-negroes-eating-human-flesh-and.html

Pete has had some very dark comments, https://graziamagazine.com/articles/pete-davidsons-extremely-dark-instagram-post-sparks-panic/ and Michael Lorne, then axed his skits on SNL: https://pagesix.com/2018/12/17/lorne-michaels-sending-pete-davidson-to-get-help/


"I don’t need to ever see a Kevin Spacey movie again but if the CEO of Swisher Sweets turns out to be a cannibal, I can’t just change my whole life"

"Once we start doing our research, we’re not going to have [anyone] left. Because it seems like all really talented people are sick."

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c847df  No.167448


(((really talented people))) lol

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768a3f  No.167451

File: 7848c798dcdfa39⋯.jpg (70.47 KB, 681x383, 681:383, seth_rich_edited_1_.jpg)

There is more than enough evidence in the first podesta emails to wake a normie up. especially after all that epstein weinstein shit.


>go on obsessive rage over the connection between the food symbolism and bullshit

>wonder why people think you sound like a raving retard

It's pretty simple

>DNC email servers copied by someone(suspected Seth Rich)

>person who copied server leaks to Assange

> Seth Rich mysteriously murdered in DC in a botched robbery and suspected to have been killed by a stolen FBI agents gun that was stolen from a nearby FBI vehicle

>assange leaks weird emails, media covers up this actual news by shouting the word RUSSIA 24/7

>play interview where assange kinda nods to the question of "was it Seth Rich who gave you the leak?"

>Autistic internet folk start looking into leaked emails

>Autists find mention to strange discussion with what seems to be the word pizza being used as a code word referring to children

>digging they uncover it is common among pedophiles to use this same code when discussing their perversions

>see podesta is one sick puppy

>show normie his art collection and his creepy face at the same time

>show epstein to remind them this is what these fucks do, it is proven now

>tell them this is AKSHUALLY why it was originally "pizza" related

>where "pizzagate" comes from


it's like pointing out the world bankers with names and transaction numbers while the retard I am with is screaming about aliens and hollow earth.. FUCK! TIME AND FUCKING PLACE DONNY!

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95a177  No.167460


You put it better than I could have. OP, going down the symbolism/association rabbit hole is very dangerous and usually turns you into a quasi-schizophrenic. More and more politically-minded people have been getting into this trap due to the immensity of information available to them, but it's almost always a trap to keep you preoccupied so that you don't go looking up real, "dangerous" information and talking about it.

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b6c03d  No.167470

File: 3efffd9b66ec721⋯.jpg (240.43 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, podesta_art_work.jpg)

A simple look at Podesta's art collection should be enough to red-pill the average person.

The top right painting depicts an adult raping a child on a bed, while two other adults hold the child down.

If we lived in a sane nation, John Podesta & his brother would be put on trial and their art collection would have been thrown into a burning pile.

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ab7841  No.167473

File: bae865bbf400173⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB, 320x240, 4:3, yuri_bezmenov_demoralizati….mp4)


>A simple look at Podesta's art collection should be enough to red-pill the average person.

I'd like to agree, but I think that you could be an optimist

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95a177  No.167478


The picture on the top right does not belong to either of the Podestas. That's a painting from an alleged Australian child trafficking victim depicting one of her rapes if my memory serves me right. She talked about being sent to US military bases, but I don't know if she ever even mentioned the Podestas. Either way, the Podestas don't own that. I've also never seen the top left and bottom right pictures before. Can you tell me anything about them?

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6ea148  No.167514


I'm pretty sure top left is just the Germanic tale of Krampus. The anti-Santa, who kidnaps kids.

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1e1b2d  No.167654

File: 911864e72f7544c⋯.jpg (12.28 KB, 253x199, 253:199, images_1_.jpg)

File: 942c41ef0285af0⋯.jpg (127.38 KB, 1096x1200, 137:150, Dk_8E1aU0AAAzH5_1_.jpg)

File: 2e13f086a8d2c68⋯.jpg (216.06 KB, 1493x1000, 1493:1000, 9e5d37bda5fb88d85fc25ff092….jpg)



As usual the disinformation is always present. It exists so when somebody brings this type shit into question it deters the conversation away from the already proved "art collection" and his favorite artist.

>look at this art

>"hehe yah fellow whites, look at this guys art"

>hey thats not even his art

>"wait so nothing is real right goy?"


>rabble rabble rabble

>"it was disproven bro's"

>rubs hands

Notice how most have tile walls I would imagine bathhouses look this way

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94d7dc  No.167661



You just wanted an excuse to post this garbage, didn't you …

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236a6b  No.167671


i thought that the house where that took place was identified a few threads back

limited access to archived images ATM though

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d20508  No.167802

File: ac2304ac7d7020b⋯.jpg (85.49 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, CPxQn73WcAQcFI4_1_.jpg)


Fuck you faggot. Pedos die slow and miserable deaths in a just world. those who seek to destroy innocence of children are the lowest of evil.


That house was from a past interview or some shit.

>a few threads back

it was identified basically day of the dnc email leaks when digging into Podesta

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